Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 232 The Nokia Who Smashed Walnuts

Chapter 232 The Nokia Who Smashed Walnuts

235. Nokia smashing walnuts

"The younger generation is arrogant." The sword master was furious. He saw something in Ye Gucheng's eyes, just like the expectations of the older generation for the younger generation. This is definitely not something the pride of the sword master can bear.

Immediately, the Juggernaut ignored Huo Shan on the side and directly stabbed Ye Gucheng with a sword, and then attacked Ye Gucheng fiercely one after another without leaving any room.

"Your swordsmanship is good, but your mind is disturbed." Ye Gucheng put the Juque sword back into the scabbard directly, only relying on the scabbard to fight against the madly attacking swordsman, and even had the strength to speak independently .

"I have been practicing swords since I was four years old. Is it possible that you, a junior, can tell you how to do it. If you don't come out with a sword, I will kill you." The sword master also shouted angrily at Ye Gucheng, and his aura was also strengthened a few times. At the same time, the swordsmanship became more and more fierce.

"Sword one, sword two...sword twenty." The Sword Master used his holy spirit swordsmanship on Ye Gucheng with all his strength, but Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue also got Xiang Ji Enlightened, even retreated in the infinite space for a hundred years, dedicated to studying various swordsmanship and sword art, the realm of swordsmanship is far beyond the sword master, until the sword master used the sword twenty, and forced Ye Gucheng to reveal a small section .

"Hmph, are you finally willing to show your sword? Sword 21," the sword master also looked at Ye Gucheng with a slight mockery, but the sword in his hand was not slow at all.

And sword 21 is extremely powerful, far surpassing the previous twenty swords, directly forcing Ye Gucheng to reveal the blade.

But immediately after the sword 22 was used, its power increased several times, forcing the Juque sword to reveal its blade, barely resisting this shocking blow.

And then the Juggernaut's eyes on Ye Gucheng also slowly changed, from contempt to surprise, and then from surprise to respect. Slowly, it calmed down, and it no longer returned to the rage just now.

I saw the Juggernaut slowly put the Wushuang sword back into the scabbard, the whole person seemed to be still, his eyes were no longer sharp, and he became like an ordinary old farmer: "You have won my respect, you are qualified Take this sword from me."

The Juggernaut's tone was very flat, as if he was chatting with an old friend, without any anger at all.

"Are you calm now?" Ye Gucheng was still cold, his eyes were still sharp, he stared at the eyes of the Juggernaut and asked earnestly.

"My heart is calm, what about yours?" Hearing Ye Gucheng's question again, the Juggernaut did not show any anger, but gave Ye Gucheng a grateful look with a smile on his face.

"I have been waiting for you."

"Then let's get started."

The two also had an inexplicable conversation, and then the sky suddenly changed color, a burst of dark clouds enveloped the sky, and a gust of wind blew by, a leaf was blown off by the gust of wind, rolled up into the sky and slowly floated up, The leaves drift slowly until the middle of the two.

Suddenly, the leaves suddenly stopped, as if time was frozen at this moment.People can even clearly see every texture and spot on the leaves.

Immediately, there was a slight fluctuation from the body of the Juggernaut, and people even saw the Juggernaut slowly floating above the head of his own body as if his soul had gone out of his body.

The Juggernaut has a majestic expression on his face, and his soul slowly moved. I saw that he just grabbed something in the void, as if he had caught something, and threw it directly in front of his eyes. Things slowly manifested, as if turning into a nothingness sword, appearing in front of everyone out of thin air.

And Ye Gucheng closed his eyes and slowly floated up, the Juque sword he held in his arms shook violently, until it flew out of its sheath out of thin air, and the Juque sword flew even more directly It fell into Ye Gucheng's hands, at this moment Ye Gucheng's eyes suddenly opened.

And with the opening of his eyes, a big hole seemed to be opened in the sky that was originally shrouded in dark clouds, and the covered sunlight just fell on Ye Gucheng's body. Really like a fairy, floating in the sky.

The Juggernaut and Ye Gucheng completed all of this almost at the same time. The two were far apart, and their eyes even looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

Immediately, the two started to move. The Juggernaut stood upright with one hand behind his right index finger and middle finger until he reached the front. Following the sword, he shot towards Ye Gucheng.

And Ye Gucheng was the same, he slowly danced a sword flower with a sword in his hand, and shot at the Juggernaut, and he went to a place, and the light in the sky followed him.

"Sword 23"

"Flying Fairy"

The two roared at the same time, and they collided fiercely like two meteors. The two swords collided with each other without any mistakes. Suddenly, there was a violent explosion sound, and a strong shock wave It even forced everyone to retreat in a hurry.

After the aftermath, everyone hurried forward regardless of their disheveled faces, wanting to see the final result.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, only one person appeared in the smoke and dust, and everyone looked intently. This person was dressed in black, with long hair fluttering, and the giant sword in his hand was also tightly held in his hand. Pay attention to the back of the sword, a long stream of blood slowly left along the blood groove.

Ye Gucheng raised the Juque sword in his hand, and saw that the top of the Juque sword was covered with a bright green leaf, which swayed gently with the wind, as if he wanted to break free from the Juque sword and float freely with the wind.

Ye Gucheng also looked at the green leaf on the tip of the sword, and took a breath. The green leaf immediately broke away from the bondage of the sword tip, swayed slowly in the air with a gust of breeze, and disappeared into the distance.

And Ye Gucheng also slowly walked towards the body of the Juggernaut, and Xiongba at the side was even more shocked when he saw Ye Gucheng pacing, and hurried away, but Ye Gucheng didn't seem to see it at all. Care about Xiongba.

Ye Gucheng looked at the Juggernaut who fell to the ground, he was spitting out blood at the moment, and the Wushuang sword beside him was shattered at this moment, and the Juggernaut himself was like a piece of broken porcelain. There were cracks all over his body, and blood spread out along with the wound, his whole body was like a blood man.

"Why, why me." The Juggernaut didn't care about the injuries on his body at all, he just looked at the sky with dull eyes, and asked bitterly.

Ye Gucheng also squatted down slowly, picked up the broken Wushuang sword piece by piece, and put it on the body of the Juggernaut: "I have practiced swords for 30 years. With this result, I lost this battle."

"Is that true?" The Juggernaut came back to his senses after hearing this, and stared firmly into Ye Gucheng's eyes.A swordsman can only be honest with his sword if he is honest with himself. An excellent swordsman will never deceive others, let alone himself.

The Juggernaut wanted to ask something else, but a voice suddenly came from a distance: "Cut. Did you take a picture?" Liang Shuhang asked several photographers nervously on a hilltop in the distance.

"No, Director Liang, the sword aura of Lord Ye and the sword master is too powerful, our camera was destroyed by the sword aura." A cameraman beside him also said helplessly pointing at the broken camera.

Just when Liang Shuhang was about to regret, a short man held up his mobile phone and whispered, "Director Liang, I took a picture with my mobile phone just now, do you know if it's okay?"

Liang Shuhang was overjoyed: "The mobile phone is also fine. We will do it later, and I will give you a bonus later. By the way, what brand is your mobile phone, and it can actually block the sword energy of Baiyun City Lord?"

The little man said shyly, "The Nokia I use is usually made by smashing walnuts."

(End of this chapter)

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