Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 242 4 Corner Building

Chapter 242 The Square Building
245. Square Building
At this moment, everyone on the aircraft had to fight, and saw that the weapons on the aircraft kept shooting at King Kong, and the arrows of Hawkeye kept piercing King Kong's body, causing a huge explosion.

But at this moment, with a loud roar, a person on the aircraft suddenly jumped down and went straight to King Kong. When he fell in the air, his body became even bigger rapidly, and all his clothes were directly shattered. open.

It was the Hulk who jumped off, and his huge green body directly punched King Kong, knocking King Kong off the Empire State Building with one punch, and fell hard to the ground.

"Bang" when King Kong fell to the ground, there was a huge vibration, and the ground shattered directly. Before King Kong got up, the Hulk also jumped down, and directly punched King Kong again. , A huge gully was formed on the ground, and countless people were frightened by the battle one after another, and scattered in a hurry.

But King Kong was landed on the ground, but he suddenly stopped moving, he didn't care about the injuries on his body at all, he saw that his hands were carefully holding something, and when he was about to move, he was slammed again by the Hulk After catching up with the violent beating, King Kong was lying on the ground, carefully protecting his hands under his body, no matter how much the Hulk beat him, he would not fight back.

"Roar..." King Kong, who had been beaten by the Hulk for a long time, was also furious. He kicked the Hulk away and threw it directly to the humans watching from afar.

The onlookers were even more frightened, thinking that King Kong wanted to vent their anger on them, so they ran back desperately one by one, fearing that King Kong would overtake them and die unexpectedly.

But King Kong walked in front of everyone, but he was not running. King Kong slowly squatted down, put his palms together on the ground, and slowly opened his palms under the horrified eyes of everyone, and saw a white But the baby carriage appeared in front of everyone.

And there was a sleeping baby in the stroller. King Kong looked at the sleeping baby with a peaceful expression on his face, and his huge fingers slowly pushed the stroller towards humans.

At this moment, everyone understood why King Kong didn't resist when he landed on the ground just now, and even kept his hands on his chest tightly. It turned out that it was to protect the baby, and people's favorability for King Kong immediately exploded. He hates these so-called American heroes to the extreme.

And King Kong looked back at the baby in the stroller for the last time, turned around and left, and threw himself at the Hulk and fought fiercely. At the moment when King Kong and the Hulk were fighting, suddenly the Hulk threw King Kong fiercely. After going out, before King Kong got up, a huge thing like a big clock fell from the sky, directly trapping King Kong in it.

I saw that after King Kong was trapped by the thing like the big clock, a huge aircraft also directly tied the big clock and flew the big clock up, leaving only a huge deep pit on the ground, directly together with the big clock. The ground caught King Kong together.

And from time to time, there was a huge beating sound from the big clock, shaking the aircraft that wanted to take the big clock away with it, but no matter how King Kong beat it, it still couldn't destroy the big clock, Brought to a distant place by the aircraft.

The people who stayed in the same place looked at King Kong who was taken away by Washington with regret and sympathy. At the same time, they cursed Washington one after another, and many people immediately decided to seek King Kong justice.

And Caesar, who witnessed all this with his own eyes in another building, shook the wine glass in his hand slightly, and said into the intercom: "The mission is completed, ready to collect the net."

Immediately, a huge conspiracy against the Washington DC of the United States also quietly began to act.

On the same day, not long after the King Kong incident, a complete video of the King Kong incident was posted on the Internet, which caused an uproar on the Internet, including the origin of King Kong and how the gorilla was captured by humans back then. The city, and how it was killed by humans, is explained in detail.

At the same time, in the video, they can also see in detail that King Kong simply wanted to ask for an explanation for his father, but in the end he was shamelessly rejected and attacked by Washington.

Facing the gang fights of the heroes of the United States, they are devoted to protecting a human baby. On the other hand, the heroes of the United States do not care about the death of human beings at all. This contrast makes the image of King Kong even more stalwart.

The people in the United States became more spontaneous, took to the streets one after another, pulled up banners to defend King Kong, and countless people gathered at the gate of the White House in Washington to criticize Washington's actions. If it weren't for the large number of troops Guardian, I am afraid that the rioting people will directly attack the White House.

"Is the investigation clear? Why does this orangutan have wisdom and can speak? What is his purpose?" The President of the United States in the White House also asked Director Fury viciously, and he had already resisted. Too much pressure, if the reason cannot be investigated, I am afraid that impeachment is not far away from him.

Director Fury was also in a cold sweat. He was about to go crazy after being questioned by the high-level officials. Since he captured the orangutan and brought him to the laboratory, King Kong suddenly calmed down, as if he had come to his own home. , Let the scientists serve him directly, just like ordering the servants.

When have those researchers ever been humiliated to be served like waiters?What a joke, I gave it to a beast, but of course it was directly rejected, and even used laser weapons to teach King Kong a lesson.

But who would have thought that King Kong, who arrived at the research institute, seemed to have transformed, and he no longer looked as weak as before. He smashed the high-strength glass with his palm. This is glass that can withstand the power of missile explosions. It was broken with a slap.

After that, he directly tore the chains on his body, grabbed those scientists directly, and completely smashed their high self-esteem.

And the heroes who came to suppress King Kong immediately were directly overturned by King Kong's slap, and they were completely reduced to King Kong's subordinates. The so-called Yiba didn't leave and stayed directly.

And because King Kong captured too many hostages, Washington also rescued them easily. For a while, Washington and King Kong were in such a stalemate. Facing the parade crowd, Washington also chose to remain silent, not daring to tell the truth However, if we tell the public that the King Kong captured by us has become a tyrant, occupied the research institute and kidnapped the researchers, I am afraid that the words will be drowned by the spittle of the angry public.

And after three days of stalemate, finally came the result.On this day, a huge eagle flew from the sky suddenly, its wings spread out to cover the sky and the sun.

And a few figures jumped down from the eagle, and the second leader had a domineering look on his face, and his voice shook the sky: "You dare to catch the beasts in my spirit beast base, could it be that you are looking for death? Three points!" Return to vitality."

"Boom" I saw the leader, with a palm shot, a huge energy ball hit the Pentagon directly, directly turning the Pentagon into a square building.

(End of this chapter)

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