Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 244 Ah, I'm Dying

Chapter 244 Ah, I'm Dying
247. Ah, I'm Dying
"What is this?" Many American heroes looked puzzled at the flame flares released by Huo Qilin, and they were also shocked when they saw Huo Qilin suddenly ignited with flames.

Just when the superheroes in the United States were confused, the imprint of the flame watermelon knife in the sky also slowly dissipated. Suddenly, the sky suddenly dimmed, and a huge black cloud slowly covered the entire sky .

"What is that? What kind of monster is that?" Suddenly, the heroes screamed.

From the huge black cloud in the sky, a huge creature appeared, a huge Pipi shrimp appeared in everyone's field of vision, slowly floating in the sky, and this huge Pipi shrimp was a big There is a huge watermelon knife in the tongs, which is the one that appeared in the imprint just now.

"Hey, look quickly, there are people on your monster." Suddenly, Spiderman who was hanging on a tall building pointed at Pippi Shrimp and shouted loudly.

And when everyone looked carefully, they saw that the huge Pippi Shrimp was like a battleship, and there were many humans and beasts on his body, each with sharp eyes and fierce stature. From their staring eyes, The heroes even felt like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

At this time, Pippi Shrimp also landed on the ground, and the people above jumped down one after another like making dumplings, and one by one fell in all directions, turning the heroes of the United States into dumplings.

"Who are you guys and what do you want to do?" Director Ferry of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a little panicked, but still forcibly held up his majesty and asked.

"Oh, is it so easy to forget what the two gods said? If that's the case, then I won't wait for you to talk nonsense. Where did you die, King Kong? Come out to me." At this time, Erha also brought Sunglasses, sitting on the fire unicorn, swaggered up to Director Fury, stood on the head of the fire unicorn, looked down at him and said.

"Here we come, Boss, you are finally here to save me, woo woo woo." As soon as Erha's voice fell, a huge monster flew from a distance and landed around the crowd. As soon as he appeared, he put on a grievance.

"Boss Caesar, you have to decide for me. They are not human. Look at how they abused me. I lost weight." King Kong also jumped in front of a small but polite orangutan in a suit. , holding his thigh and crying.

Everyone looked at the unscathed King Kong who was more than ten meters high, and felt a chill in their hearts. Looking at the oil stain on the corner of King Kong's mouth that hadn't been wiped clean, they couldn't help but despise King Kong in their hearts.

Caesar, the leader of the orc clan, also patted King Kong's huge head, and said righteously: "Which bastard murdered my little brother, my little brother just asked his father who died many years ago for an explanation, and in the end, such a filial son He was treated inhumanely by you, even beaten and abused, is there still kingly law? Is there still heavenly justice?"

Director Fury looked at the Caesar who questioned him angrily, and the group of monsters around him, a python constrictor tens of meters long, a huge saber-toothed tiger covered in pitch black, and a great white shark nearly a hundred meters in size that stood like a human being. Breaking out in a cold sweat: "Mr. Orangutan, we didn't abuse him, we just wanted him to..."

"Shut up, did I tell you to talk? Ah? All of you are sanctimonious, doing all kinds of evil in the name of justice, even such a child who wants to get justice for his father, you are going to cruelly bully, don't you think so? Blame yourself for your mistakes, and feel guilty?" Caesar directly interrupted Director Fury, and roared angrily.

"Mr. Orangutan, what are you going to do? This is what we did wrong. We will try our best to compensate you for the unworkable treatment that King Kong has received. Please don't be angry." Director Fury's attitude softened. After coming down, many strange creatures that he had never seen before made him dare not act rashly.

"Okay, compensation, since you want compensation, then hand over all the people who hurt my little brother that day, otherwise we will never compromise." Emperor Caesar also announced directly without hesitation.

Director Fury couldn't help but look cold when he saw Caesar's rude request. There were several superheroes who captured the gorilla that day. If he handed over a word from the gorilla in front of him, what would be the face of SHIELD? , Will there be anyone in SHIELD who will listen to his command in the future?
"Mr. Orangutan, don't you think your request is a little too much? Don't you think we are made of mud, and we can be at your mercy." Chief Fury also became angry and replied fiercely.

After Director Dai Fury finished speaking, there was a sudden gunshot, and with a "pop", King Kong suddenly fell down holding his chest, and shouted from time to time: "Ah, I was shot, these grandchildren Surprise attack, ah, I'm going to die."

At this time, everyone turned their heads and saw a little policeman who appeared at some unknown time was holding a pistol with white smoke coming out of the muzzle. He looked panicked and was waving his hands again and again: "No, it's not me!" , I didn't mean to shoot, it wasn't me."

"Fuck, you guys still dare to kill people on the spot, brother, come on, kill this group of shameless humans." Seeing this, Caesar roared angrily, waved his big hand, and the battle kicked off.

Among the crowd, Danzo also slowly backed away, and the bloody eyes in his eyes slowly turned into normal eyes. The policeman who shot just now was his handwriting, and this was also part of the plan. When a bitch sets up a torii, it is a matter for a superior person to learn without a teacher, and Danzo is naturally a thief in this kind of thing.

As for King Kong, who was innocently lying on the gun just now, he was still shaking his chest with his hands on his chest, and he looked like he was dying, and he kept saying lines in his mouth, performing selflessly.

"Damn it, it's on, what are you doing?" Caesar couldn't stand King Kong's clumsy acting skills, so he started to fight. Everyone saw you and jumped on King Kong's head, ruthlessly He slapped him hard.

Suddenly, King Kong came to his senses, let go of his uninjured chest, roared, and rushed towards the Hulk. He was beaten up by the Hulk for acting. Although it didn't hurt, the hatred was still there: "Hey, green skin monster, take your life."

The Hulk heard King Kong's shouts, and immediately became furious. We are heroes anyway, so it's fine to call me Hulk. What the hell is a green skin monster? If you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your body. Suddenly, the Hulk and King Kong In order to be a little green in life, they had in-depth exchanges and wrestled together.

The Hulk roared, jumped up and punched King Kong hard.

But King Kong yelled: "Good time." King Kong met the Hulk directly, and in his shock, he lightly grabbed the Hulk's fist with a light palm and pulled it with his shoulder, bumping his shoulder hard. It hit the Hulk directly and knocked him out.

"Xiao Mian, I really thought you could beat me, and I'll see my clothes fall." King Kong also put on a posture of a white crane spreading its wings, sneered disdainfully, and rushed towards the Hulk.

(End of this chapter)

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