Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 251 is under Wang Lin, please advise.

Chapter 251 is under Wang Lin, please advise.

254. Next to Wang Lin, please advise.

"Well, the shape of the Storm Spirits I designed is not bad." Xiao Yao also said proudly pointing to the panda on the stage.

"Where did you find such a giant panda?" Tang Ming also glanced at his mouth to express his agreement. At first, he was amazed by the image of the storm, but then he asked curiously.

"Hey, last time I took Erha to the wild to find spirit beasts, and found a litter of pandas and his parents, and then I brought them back to the training base. This is their cub, don't look at it It's still young, but its strength is quite good." Xiao Yao also pointed to the panda and told Tang Ming the story.

In order to speed up the growth cycle of spirit beasts, Xiao Yao deliberately spent huge sums of money to let the exchange build an infinite space in the spirit beast base, and every spirit beast Xiao Yao also opened up their spiritual wisdom for them, and explained their In the future and the exchange, most spirit beasts also hope to find a good partner to fight with.

The panda on the stage was sold by the elite of the training base, and with the consent of his parents, it was used as an auction item to find a good owner and a fighting partner.

"This spirit beast is one of the achievements of the exchange's spirit beast training base. It has excellent qualifications, natural strength, and is good at fire spells and melee combat. It has a lot of room for growth. The starting price is [-] value points. The asking price must not be lower than [-] value points." Yuan Tiangang also talked eloquently, introducing the value of this panda to everyone.

Everyone looked at the alcoholic panda on the stage, which was less than half a meter tall, holding a wine bottle and drinking non-stop, and hesitated. This guy is cute, but can he really fight?People couldn't help but doubt it. (In the aura world, spirit beasts grow slowly.)
Yuan Tiangang also saw the disbelief of the crowd, and there was a smirk on the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "This panda is only one year old, and the training base has also conducted simple training for him, and his current strength is no less than that of the middle stage of Foundation Establishment." Master, I wonder if you are interested in comparing them?"

"I'll do it" At this moment, a muscular man jumped onto the auction stage.

"Okay, this brother has to be careful." Yuan Tiangang also reminded, but then he pressed a button, and an extra protective cover appeared on the auction stage, covering the panda and this person. in it.

The panda also opened its eyes drunkenly, and was quite interested in seeing the person in its eyes. It also put away the jug and hung it on its waist again, kicked the vertical bamboo stick horizontally, and stood it on the ground. Chest, ready to fight.

"Be careful." This man was originally a blood knife patriarch in Liancheng Jue. He sold his own cheat book and re-cultivated his strength to reach the middle stage of foundation establishment, which should not be underestimated.

I saw that the ancestor of the blood knife also rushed straight at the panda, and he used a scimitar in his hand. The sword technique is sharp, and the spiritual power of cultivation is even more powerful (only some simple formulas and magic tools can be used in the foundation building period. , but the assets of the ancestor of the blood knife are not enough, even in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he can only rely on hard power to fight with others.)
The ancestor of the Blood Knife is indeed the number one master of the evil faction in the world of Liancheng Jue, and the Dafa of the Blood Knife is even more powerful. The knives are cut from incredible angles, and each knife has a strong bloody aura. .

On the other hand, the panda has a relaxed expression on his face, and he is waving the stick with both hands casually. Every move is very natural, as if his own hands are as flexible.

"I lost." Seeing that the panda still had a relaxed and casual attitude, while he was panting, he knew that the panda had kept his hand, and that the ancestor of the blood knife was also a decisive person, so he immediately stepped back and put his fists together to admit defeat.At this moment, everyone also knew the strength of the spirit beast, and they became interested in the spirit beast one after another.

"These gentlemen, my majesty sees your extraordinary strength, so you are interested in joining our alliance of great men." The ancestor of the blood knife had just stepped down, and a person greeted him directly, and invited himself to the box to talk.

When the people around heard this, they were immediately heartbroken. This is the Dahan Alliance, one of the first-level alliances in the Exchange Alliance. If you just went up by yourself, wouldn't this opportunity be yours?

At this moment, Yuan Tiangang also pointed to an ordinary-looking man with dark skin in the front row and said.I see that these brothers and Taiwan are similar in strength. Would you be interested in experiencing it? "

"Me? Let's forget it. I'm low in strength and can't compare with the spirit beasts cultivated by the exchange. Shopkeeper Yuan is being polite." But this man politely refused, and there was no trace of hesitation in his eyes.Such a big opportunity to show his face can be decisively given up, but the big shots in the box can't help but take a second look.

"Your Excellency, you are being polite. I think that although your aptitude is mediocre, the aura in your body is not so strong. It can be seen that you are a master of the Foundation Establishment Realm. Why don't you show it?" Seeing this person, Yuan Tiangang resolutely rejected the offer. I had a strong interest in him, and I couldn't help but encourage him a lot.

"This little brother, why don't you go up and try it? If you can hold on for a stick of incense under the hands of the spirit beast, little brother, my Ming Alliance will donate [-] value points to the little brother and treat him as a guest of honor? I wonder if it is possible? "At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang showed his face from the box and said.

The ancestor of the blood knife just now may not be capable, but he is definitely a talent. If he is well trained, it will definitely be a great help. Just now, he was too slow to start and was snatched away by the Dahan Alliance. At this moment, a person selected by Yuan Tiangang himself. You can make friends with Yuan Tiangang, if this person does it, why not harvest a talent.

"This...Okay." The dark-skinned man hesitated for a while, but when he thought of Zhu Yuanzhang's [-] value points, he agreed decisively.

The dark man also jumped onto the auction stage, entered the protective barrier and faced the panda face to face, but the panda suddenly became interested in the man in front of him.

"Brother, please be careful." After Yuan Tiangang announced the start, the man also said politely towards the panda.

"Ho Ho." The panda imitated the appearance of a man and saluted with hands clasped. Although the panda has intelligence, it was also cultivated through special techniques, and it cannot speak. After all, wisdom medicine is also money. If everyone used the spirit beasts, they would have gone bankrupt long ago.

I saw the man making a tactic with both hands, and he stood upright with one hand and shouted: "Out", only heard a sword chant, and then a flying sword flew out of the man's body, standing horizontally on top of the man's head .

"Controlling swordsmanship? No, it doesn't have the power of controlling swordsmanship. This method seems simple, but it can practice flying sword sacrifices into the body. It is so exquisite. Why have I never seen this technique in the mall of the exchange? "Suddenly, several Nascent Soul masters in the box raised questions one after another, and looked curiously at the man in the field.

"Wang Lin, please advise." At this moment, the man also said his name.

"Ho Ho" the panda also continued to snort, as if it was also saying its own name.

(End of this chapter)

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