Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 260 Turning a Snake into a Dragon

Chapter 260 Turning a Snake into a Dragon
263. Turning a Snake into a Dragon
"Who are you? Who are you?" Di Shitian was intimidated by Orochimaru's earth escape technique. He had never seen such a method before, and he felt afraid of these mysterious traders.

"We have no other intentions, just want to ask you to lead the way?" Orochimaru looked at Di Shitian who was a little panicked and ready to run away at any time, and explained patiently.

"Lead the way? Lead what way?" Di Shitian also calmed down at this moment, and finally heard Dashewan's words.

"Let's go to Shenlong Island and find Qinglong." Dashewan said in a flat voice, but his words were full of cruelty.

"Qinglong! You are looking for Qinglong. Do you want to live forever?" Di Shitian heard the words of Orochimaru, immediately thought of the role of Shenlong, and said it freely.

After talking about Di Shitian, he felt bad. This Shenlong was something he had planned for many years, and now a group of mysterious figures appeared, who also wanted to snatch Qinglong. After analyzing the strength of the enemy and us, Di Shitian was even more Turn around and run away immediately.

Watching Di Shitian turn and run away, everyone didn't react for a while. Di Shitian's strength is divided according to the level of the exchange, and he has already reached the out-of-body stage. He can use his soul to go out of his body and travel to the void, which is also his common practice. Scary means, but he lacks cultivation skills and cannot refine the Nascent Soul.

But that's all, relying on the strength he has cultivated for 2000 years, he is better than most of them.For such a master to face a group of people and flee without fighting, this is far beyond everyone's expectations.

And watching Di Shitian escape, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. They really couldn't believe that this was something a master who was out of the body could do.

"Nagato, Danzo, I leave it to you." At this time, Orochimaru also reacted, and was immediately annoyed. It was the first time to host an exchange event, and he was actually played by someone. This made Orochi with strong self-esteem Maru was furious.

"Okay." At this time, two people walked out of the crowd. Nagato has completely recovered his body after passing the exchange transaction, and his proficiency in the reincarnation eye also made him one of the few in the exchange. One of the masters.

And Danzo is ambitious to occupy the position of Konoha's fifth-generation Hokage. He even traded all of Konoha's ninjutsu cheats for value points, and even searched for the cheats of the nearby Xiaonin Village.He who exchanged Mudun physique and Kaleidoscope Sharingan is also a master of intersecting Yuanying, who is only strong but not weak.

With the two working together, Di Shitian, who has the strength of the out-of-body stage but can only rely on mortal martial arts, is naturally no match for the two.

After a while, Di Shitian, who was in a trance and was in tatters, was also brought over by the two of them.

"It's done." Throwing Di Shitian in front of Orochimaru, Danzo's kaleidoscope Sharingan slowly returned to its original shape, and nodded towards Orochimaru.

Di Shitian was already in extreme panic, and being chased by the two made him even more terrified. Although he was powerful, he was also taken advantage of by Danzo's Tsukiyomi, thus losing his ability to resist.

"What's your name?" Orochimaru also walked up to Di Shitian, who had empty eyes, and asked seriously.

"Xu Fu." Di Shitian replied honestly.

Orochimaru also nodded, and then asked a few more questions, confirming that Di Shitian was under control.

"Where is Shenlong Island? Is there really a Shenlong?" Orochimaru also asked the question, but he also felt doubts about the existence of Shenlong, so he couldn't help adding a sentence.

"Shenlong Island is located on a small island near Dongying, located on..." Di Shitian also introduced the location of Shenlong Island in detail.

But then Di Shitian said something surprising about the second question: "There are no real dragons, and the dragons on Shenlong Island are fake."

Everyone was shocked, especially Tang Ming. Although Fengyun didn't read many cartoons, he was very familiar with Di Shitian's collection of seven weapons to kill the dragon, and they finally got the Dragon Ball , Why did Di Shitian say that the dragon would be fake.

And then Di Shitian also slowly told about Shenlong.

It turned out that Xu Fu got the blood of the Phoenix and fled the Central Plains to Dongying, but accidentally got the news of the dragon from the fishermen of Dongying. Out of curiosity, he also went to sea to explore.

And when Xu Fu arrived at the island mentioned by the Dongying fishermen, he also happened to see an amazing scene.

A thousand-foot-long green dragon danced in the air, while the sky was covered with dark clouds, and countless thick lightning bolts fell down densely. The Shenlong opened its teeth, danced its claws, and spit out dragon balls, constantly hitting the thunder and lightning, dancing in the thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Xu Fu was also stunned by the scene in front of him. The blue dragon in front of him was actually going through a catastrophe. Xu Fu couldn't help but hid in panic and watched.

And Qinglong faced the endless thunder calamity in the sky, and it was also exhausting, but in the end it was concentrated fiercely by a black thunderbolt, fell to the mortal world, and fell to the ground, and the dragon ball in Shenlong's mouth also happened to be a coincidence Coincidentally, it rolled down not far from Xu Fu.

At this time, Xu Fu was also stunned by the scene in front of him. When he saw a dragon ball in front of him, his eyes were filled with greed. Just when he wanted to get it, a black shadow that was as fast as lightning turned out to be He was one step ahead and got the Dragon Ball.

Xu Fu turned his head and saw that the black shadow was actually a giant python with a length of hundreds of feet. He saw that it had been waiting for a long time, and when the dragon ball fell, it quickly snatched the dragon ball into its hands, and even swallowed it in one gulp, showing human satisfaction in its eyes. color.

Seeing this, Xu Fu was also shocked, and hurriedly hid, not daring to show his face for fear of being discovered by the giant python and becoming a meal on the plate. He didn't dare to leave quietly until it was dark.

It wasn't until a few days later that Xu Fu dared to muster up his courage and came to Shenlong Island again. At this moment, the original green dragon that resisted the catastrophe had long disappeared, and what was in place was the giant python that swallowed the dragon ball.

At this moment, the giant python is in great pain and keeps moaning. It turns out that the giant python has devoured the dragon ball, and the powerful power of the dragon ball can transform creatures into dragons. At this moment, the giant python is shedding its skin and preparing to turn the snake into a dragon. dragon.

When Xu Fu saw this scene, he also secretly hated it. He also wrongly blamed that he missed a chance at the beginning, but was obtained by this long worm. At this moment, when this long worm was weakest, Xu Fu also secretly became ruthless.

Xu Fu devoured the elixir made from the blood of the phoenix, and his strength improved greatly. If he could take the opportunity to win the Dragon Ball, then he would no longer have to worry about Qin Shihuang's pursuit, and he could return to the Central Plains in a fair manner.

Finally, Xu Fu made his move. At this moment, the giant python only took off the snake skin on its head, revealing the dragon's horns, and the dragon's beard also had a bit of dragon majesty. Just when he was concentrating on trying to complete the shedding, A figure quietly arrived at its side.

"Go to hell." Xu Fu yelled, exhausted all his energy, and stabbed fiercely at the seven-inch point of the giant python.

(End of this chapter)

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