Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 264: Handsome for only 1 seconds

Chapter 264 Handsome for just a second

267. Handsome for just a second

After a lot of noise, the hearts of everyone watching the excitement gradually calmed down.

"Who are you, how dare you trespass on Shenlong Island?" Suddenly, a few strangely dressed strange men jumped out from the island, holding weapons and looking at everyone warily.

"Who are these people?" Orochimaru also curiously asked Xu Fu beside him.

"Most of these are refugees who fled to the island later and lived here. Later, the long worm used some means at will to subdue them. They believe in that beast for generations." Di Shitian also looked disdainful. Said.

"Shenlong is the holy spirit of my water clan. You insulted Shenlong and disrespected Shenlong. I..."

"Then clear the field first." Orochimaru also said coldly, the best way to deal with these stubborn savages is to shut them up directly.

Immediately, everyone also took action one after another, and rushed to the four places of the island one by one, arresting these natives.

But the traders also know that they only arrest people and don't kill people. After all, it is not fun to be involved in some karmic sins for no reason.

"Who are you guys? What do you want to do to Shenlong. You..."

"Tian Cao" saw that all the aquariums were caught and wanted to say something nonsense, Dashewan was also a little annoyed, he made a tactic with his hands, and spewed a lot of mud from his mouth, making a dungeon, and locked all these aquariums in in.

"Okay, the matter is done, Professor Mu, it's up to you next." Da Shewan wiped the dirt from the corner of his mouth, and the snake pupils shone, and said to Professor Mu who had been waiting for a long time.

"Okay, I've been waiting for a long time, little ones, set up my equipment." Professor Mu, who came from the corpse brother world, has been held by many emperors and masters since he came to the exchange, and naturally he has long forgotten The former crush fell in love with research.

Professor Mu roared and threw several scrolls from his hands.

When the scroll fell to the ground, many mechanical instruments appeared with a bang.

After that, Professor Mu patted the ground with one hand and used psychic techniques, and saw some strange runes appeared on the ground out of thin air, and a door of light appeared in the void.

From the back of the light gate, many monsters appeared one after another. After appearing one by one, they happily ran to the various instruments and began to fiddle with them.

"Professor Mu, are you sure that your instrument can get that dragon out?" At this time, Yuan Tiangang who was on the side also asked Professor Mu curiously.

Regarding the plan to capture the Shenlong, the laboratory has already started to plan. As the housekeeper of the exchange, Yuan Tiangang also knows these things, and also helped them purchase many strange machines from various worlds, and spent a lot of money. value point.

Although Tang Ming ordered everything to be based on the requirements of the laboratory, if Tang Ming knew that he had spent so much value points on the laboratory and failed to get the dragon out, Tang Ming would probably give him a shovel and bring him alive. Dig out the dragon.

"Don't worry, my instrument can be certified by many tests." Professor Mu also said calmly.

After a while, the group of monsters completed the construction of the machine, not only spread all over Shenlong Island, but also placed a lot of equipment in the sea area near Shenlong Island.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Mu threw out a scroll again, and a huge light curtain appeared above his head, covering a large area nearby.

"Okay. Everyone, next, I'm going to turn on the instrument, but this instrument is too powerful. You'd better hide in the barrier I designed."

As soon as Professor Mu finished speaking, everyone walked into the light curtain.

But then there appeared someone who was not afraid of death.

"We are masters of comprehension. How can we be afraid of these small machines? Professor Mu, you are good at scientific research, and you still don't know the strength of masters of cultivation like me." The weird Chinese said proudly.The words are full of disdain for these machines.

Professor Mu didn't say much when he saw this. Seeing that the members of the Yuan Dynasty Alliance didn't know what to do, he didn't say much. He directly closed the barrier and pressed the start button of the instrument.

Suddenly, those instruments also began to rotate, like a radar, constantly rotating, and continuously spreading some strange sound waves around.

At first, Huo Shan and others sent out some weird sound waves to these instruments, and they didn't respond much, but as time passed, the speed of these instruments turned faster and faster, and the strange sound wave energy became more and more powerful. big.

"Bang bang bang" suddenly, there were several consecutive violent noises, and a few towering trees near the instrument suddenly burst open. Before the broken wood and leaves fell to the ground, a burst of sound waves passed by. , suddenly turned into dust.

Huo Shan and the others, who were disdainful at the beginning, also became dignified, mobilized the true energy of the whole body, and formed a barrier around the body to resist these sound waves.

"Professor Mu. What kind of machine is this? Why does it have such great energy?" Zhu Houzhao asked happily as he looked at the pale-faced people outside the Yuan Dynasty Alliance who used their true energy to resist the sound waves.

"The ultrasonic weapon, after my strengthening, can even penetrate a [-]-meter-thick concrete wall when it reaches its strongest power. This is also a weapon I specially designed to find that dragon. I don't believe it can hold back. I can’t come out.” After speaking, the button in Professor Mu’s hand was rotated again, passing the intermediate intensity and directly reaching the red advanced intensity.

I saw that Professor Mu had just turned the button, and immediately those instruments emitted sound wave traces visible to the naked eye. One after another sound wave circles, like waves, ran across the island one wave after another.

But at this moment, among the people in the Yuan Dynasty Alliance, only Huo Shan, a Nascent Soul-level master, desperately resisted the sound wave with his strong strength, while the others were bleeding from all seven orifices, and had already passed out.

Finally, at the moment when Huo Shan couldn't hold on, his face was bleeding and he was about to fall down.

"Om" suddenly there was a loud sound, and a thunderous dragon cry came from a mountain range on Shenlong Island.

"Bang" followed, the sound of the dragon's cry overwhelmed the sound waves of the instrument, and even sent all the sound wave instruments flying, turning them into a pile of scrap iron.

At the last moment when Huo Shan fell into a coma, he saw the creature appearing in the sky.It has horns like a deer, head like a cow, eyes like a shrimp, mouth like a donkey, belly like a snake, scales like a fish, feet like a phoenix, whiskers like a man, and ears like an elephant.

A five-clawed green dragon kept churning in the air, making the sound of a dragon's cry, mighty and domineering.

But then, an astonishing scene appeared. As the saying goes, the dragon flying in the sky suddenly fell to the ground, and the huge dragon claws also supported the huge dragon. body.

The one that "vomited" actually vomited directly, and its big mouth seemed to open a floodgate, spitting out all kinds of disgusting things from its mouth continuously.

Well, this picture is so beautiful that it damages the image of Shenlong.

(End of this chapter)

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