Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 266 You Are Our Partner

Chapter 266 You Are Our Partner

269. You Are Our Partner

"Do you know you're indebted?"

Hearing Pippi Xia's words, Xiaolong was furious: "Bold, dare to be rude to this Dragon God, you can see..."

Suddenly, before Xiaolong finished speaking, he saw Pippi Shrimp's gloomy eyes, and immediately, Xiaolong felt that he was flying, not by himself, but by others.

"Oh, what the fuck, a loach dared to drag you up. Who gave you the courage, Liang Jingru?" As he said that, Pippi Xia grabbed the little dragon the size of a toothpick and danced casually up.

"You inferior creature, the Dragon God is going to kill you." Xiaolong was swung by Pippi Shrimp and hit the ground continuously. It made him very angry.

"Inferior creature, inferior creature, I will make you inferior, I will make you inferior." Pippi Shrimp saw that the little dragon in his hand was still stubborn, so he let go of him and threw him to the ground, chopping continuously with his huge watermelon knife little dragon.

"When I return to the peak of respect, I will take revenge, hateful grass shrimp." Xiaolong kept avoiding Pippi Shrimp's fast knife on the cutting board, while cursing viciously.

The people around watched this scene of subverting the three views, and they had to open their mouths wide, unable to close their jaws for a long time.

At this moment, the dragon that spit out the dragon egg beside it (since it is a snake that transforms into a dragon, so it is called the dragon snake for short.) It had already awakened when the little dragon that claimed to be the dragon god broke its shell, but the scene that followed It was completely stunned him.

The egg I ate was actually hatched, and it was not a baby dragon, but a reincarnated dragon, and now such a dragon was chopped down by a strange shrimp monster without even fighting back. force.

Reminiscent of the weird sonic attack that made him defenseless and even unconscious, Dragon Snake couldn't help feeling afraid of these traders.

While the traders were all focused on watching Pippi Shrimp angrily slash at Dragon God, Dragon Snake quietly raised its paws and slowly retreated.

But who would have thought that before he took a few steps back, he heard a tragic cry.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

Everyone was immediately attracted by the fierce screams, and saw that the dragon snake lying on the ground had awakened at this moment, and even ran away to a distance at some point.

But under the claws of the dragon snake, Huo Shan was screaming fiercely, but the claws of the dragon snake accidentally stepped on Huo Shan's arm. Huo Shan was seriously injured by the sound wave before, and at this moment he was unable to use his true energy. , was stepped on firmly by the huge dragon claw.

And the dragon snake looked shocked. It wanted to run away quietly, but who knows where a person lay here halfway, and the dragon snake was found staring at the traders with big eyes.For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

Dragon Snake also raised its paw, with an embarrassed look on its face, as if it had misunderstood this matter.

Seeing the dragon's claws raised, the members of the Yuan Dynasty Alliance, who were awakened by Huo Shan, hurriedly dragged Huo Shan away and ran away.

"Stop him, don't let him run away." Suddenly, a loud shout came in.

I saw that at some point, the little dragon that Pippi Shrimp was chopping escaped from Pippi Shrimp's clutches, and ran straight towards the dragon snake.

Xiaolong threw his knife at Longshe's side. He didn't know what he said to Longshe. The two seemed to have reached an agreement. I saw Longshe flew towards the members of the Yuan Dynasty Alliance who had fled just now, and the huge dragon's claws grabbed it hard. , caught a man.

I saw that the little dragon landed directly on the dragon snake's head, pointed to a person caught in the dragon snake's claws, and said viciously to the crowd: "You are not allowed to come here, or we will kill him."

The person who was caught on the dragon claw was Genghis Khan of the Yuan Dynasty Alliance. He dragged Huo Shan to run before, but he was not as fast as other people running by himself. Huo Shan was lying down and standing by himself. Naturally, he became a dragon snake innocently. hostage.

"Help me, save me quickly." Immediately, Genghis Khan shouted hoarsely with a terrified face, but the few members of the Yuan Dynasty Alliance dared not turn their heads, and ran even faster when they heard the voice. Huo Shan has also become a useless person at this moment.

Genghis Khan could only turn his attention to other traders for help: "Please help me, my Yuan Dynasty alliance will definitely reward you. Zhang Zhenren, General Lu, Mr. Ye, help me."

"Don't come here. If you dare to come here, we will kill him." Seeing the people coming forward, Xiaolong also shouted a little harshly. He also saw the ferocity of Pippi Shrimp. They are also full of worries.

"Tell him to shut up." Seeing that his harsh words had no effect, Xiaolong couldn't help giving an order to Longshe.

And the dragon snake was out of control at the moment, and obeyed the little dragon. The dragon's claws that grabbed Genghis Khan couldn't help tightening, and Genghis Khan let out a painful howl.

"Hmph, you humans are the ultimate friendship. This is your companion. Have you seen it? If you dare to come here again, we will kill him." Xiaolong nodded in satisfaction listening to Genghis Khan's wailing. There has also been a certain amount of research, and I am confident that I have a deep understanding of these human actions, and I am even more confident.

"Don't come here, don't get close, ah." Genghis Khan felt the pain in his body, and his head was covered with cold sweat, and shouted loudly to the traders who still wanted to get close.

"Hey, Mr. Temujin, how can you say that? Didn't you hear what this little dragon said, you are our partner, how can you put your safety at risk?" At this time, Zhu Houzhao also had a wretched face. With a smile, he stepped forward and said.

"Yes, yes, just now Mr. Temujin was still begging us for help, we must not disappoint his expectations."

"What brother said is true, Temujin Khan must have lost his mind because of the severe pain, and now he is talking nonsense, brothers shoulder to shoulder, let's save Khan together."

Hearing the traders' approaching footsteps and their righteous words, Erlong couldn't help panicking, and the strength in Longshe's hands became stronger and stronger.

Listening to the hypocritical words below, Genghis Khan wished to line up and strangle them one by one, but the pain in his body at the moment even made him speechless.

"Lord, I want to trade, save me." At the critical juncture, Genghis Khan finally thought of a way and shouted with the last of his strength.

"Okay, [-] points, as you wish." Hearing Genghis Khan's shout, Tang Ming couldn't help but praise him for his wit, and shot helplessly.

Tang Ming appeared in front of the dragon snake's claws in an instant, and lightly touched the huge claw of the dragon snake with his finger. The dragon snake let go of the claw in pain, and then Tang Ming shot again, grabbed the little dragon who was trying to escape, and threw Pippi shrimp was given.

Then he kicked the Dragon Snake again, smashed it to the ground, and fell into a coma again.

(These chapters are a bit boring. Bubblegum will try to cancel some unnecessary plots and enter the next world as soon as possible. I apologize to everyone.)
(End of this chapter)

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