Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 269 New Activities of the Research Institute

Chapter 269 New Activities of the Research Institute
272. New Activities of the Research Institute
After listening to Qinglong explain everything it knew, Tang Ming also roughly figured out the whole story.

But how to deal with this green dragon and that dragon snake has become a problem, and Xiao Yao, who originally planned to fool the green dragon like subduing the fire unicorn, has lost his halberd.

Xiao Yao just proposed the idea of ​​becoming a summoned beast, and before he could explain it in detail, he was directly rejected by Qinglong without hesitation. He is an old demon who has practiced for thousands of years, how could he be as simple as the fire unicorn? Obeyed.

Huo Qilin was originally captured by the Yellow Emperor to guard the mausoleum for him. His inheritance was incomplete and his blood was not pure. He had no great ambitions at all. He only knew to guard the one-acre land in Lingyun Grotto, and occasionally went out to do some side jobs and eat a good meal. , I don't know what troubles are at all, which is why Huo Qilin signed the contract with Xiaoyao so easily.

But Qinglong is different. Although the inheritance is also incomplete, but he has practiced for thousands of years, learned some secrets from the Phoenix, and is determined to break through the void and ascend.

Judging from the green dragon's contemptuous eyes, the carefree Fire Qilin was regarded as a disgrace to the beast clan. ,

Seeing Xiao Yao's regretful face, Tang Ming also understood Qinglong's thoughts. How could a wise orc succumb to a human being, let alone the emperor of the orc clan - the divine beast Qinglong.

Although it temporarily succumbed to Pippi Shrimp's lust, it was because Pippi Shrimp was also an orc, but if it was a weak human, the situation would be quite different.

"Since you don't want to join the spirit beast base, then I won't force you. Here, this is for you." Tang Ming also waved his hand indifferently, and threw a ball of light at Qinglong and Dragon Snake.

Although Dragon Snake had a lot of ideas about the Spirit Beast Base, it was transformed into a snake after devouring Qinglong's Dragon Ball at the beginning. It had some unavoidable fear of the rightful owner of the Dragon Ball, so it naturally followed Qinglong's lead.

Seeing the ball of light thrown by Tang Ming, Qinglong seemed very vigilant, and still had some doubts about Tang Ming's statement on the exchange, so the dragon snake naturally became a guinea pig.

The Dragon Snake didn't have any ideas. Although it had transformed into a dragon, the nature of the Snake Race still remained. The idea of ​​the strong being respected was deeply rooted. It directly caught the light ball and absorbed it into the body.

After a long time, after Long Snake digested the exchange's information, he also understood that Tang Ming's words were true, and nodded towards Qinglong. Qinglong was relieved, absorbed the light ball carefully, and became the exchange's leader. a member.

"Thank you, Lord." Qinglong understood after digesting the exchange information, and said respectfully to Tang Ming.

"Okay, we were wrong this time. These two transforming pills can help you purify your blood and turn into a human body in advance. This is the exchange's compensation for you this time." Tang Ming also nodded and threw it away again. I took two pills.

This time, Qinglong didn't hesitate to catch the Transformation Pill directly, and swallowed it in one gulp, while the remaining one in his hand took a look at the dragon snake who looked at it pitifully beside him, and it was also a dragon claw. With a wave, he threw the transformation pill to the dragon snake.

Dragon Snake was also very grateful, bowing down to Qinglong again and again, it was regarded as surrendering to Qinglong.

The Transformation Pill was recently obtained by Situ Nan from the Immortal Inverse World. After the strengthening of the exchange system, it has some extraordinary effects on beasts. Just purifying the blood is enough to drive the beasts crazy.

But helplessly, the price of this Transformation Pill is high, and it can only be sighed to some ordinary beasts.

Qinglong and Dragon Snake swallowed the Transformation Pill, and they reacted after a short while. A large amount of energy continuously gathered around the two beasts, directly surrounding the two beasts densely.

After a while, the two beasts absorbed the aura and turned into two cocoons, one big and one small.

With a "bang", the cocoon shattered, and two figures walked out of the cocoon.

There are two figures, one big and one small, and the small one is Qinglong, like a porcelain doll, with flushed face, very cute.The big one was transformed into a dragon and snake. It was an old man with a long beard and a kind face.

"Thank you, master, for your kindness in recreating." The old man transformed into a dragon and snake then made a long robe with spiritual energy, bowing respectfully to the child transformed into a green dragon like a butler of a rich family.

"Your chance is profound, your destiny should be like this, so you don't need to say more. Now I am reincarnated to rebuild, and I have a servant by my side. Are you willing to serve me?" Qinglong, who is like a porcelain doll, also put on a majestic look, and his voice was extremely clear , the appearance makes people laugh, but there is a dragon power in the words, which makes people surrender involuntarily.

"Thank you, master, for your kindness. This old slave is willing to serve you." The old man also looked joyful, and knelt down in front of the porcelain doll.

For Dragon Snake, although he has also entered the exchange now, he may not be able to achieve some achievements on his own, but his dragon body was made by accidentally obtaining dragon balls, and he has some deep gratitude to Qinglong.

Furthermore, Dragon Snake is still a little worried. His dragon body was given by Qinglong, and the exchange is connected to all worlds. When the world meets a dragon strong man, how should he defend himself?

If one day he met a strong dragon clan and killed him directly without any explanation, wouldn't he be at a big loss, and it would be safer to hang out with Qinglong all the way.

"Okay, get up. From now on, you will change your name to Nijiao. Those who go against the sky will change their lives against the sky. It is a suitable fate for you, Jiao Tongjiao. Now your blood is not pure, and you have only a superficial appearance. I hope you One day I will be able to truly transform a dragon into a dragon."

The porcelain doll was also not used to the human body, so it turned into a small dragon again, and swam up to the old man. The dragon's claws were solemnly placed on the old man's head, and he said solemnly.

"Thank you for the name given by the master. Nijiao is willing to die for the master in the future." Long Snake was given the name by Qinglong, which means he has been recognized by the Dragon Clan, and his identity will be legal in the future. How can we not let him be excited.

And the traders around looked at all this in front of them, and felt sorry for the pair of masters and servants who got along harmoniously. Although it was a snake transformed into a dragon with impure blood, it was still a dragon. Why can't I get the allegiance of a dragon?But then he shook his head helplessly.

But the leaders of the major forces didn't think so. Just as they wanted to make friends with each other, they were given a step ahead by the personnel of the laboratory such as Dashemaru and Professor Mu.

"Mr. Qinglong and Mr. Nijiao, please wait a moment." Orochimaru's voice also called out to the affectionate master and servant Erlong.

"Call me Fantian, this is my name." Qinglong also wrinkled when he heard the voice, but he relaxed when he saw that it was Dashewan and others. He also knew the identities of the personnel of Dashewan and other research institutes through previous information Yes, and said it politely.

"I wonder if Mr. Fantian is lacking in value? There are activities in my institute recently." Dashewan's eyes lit up, his bright red tongue licked the corner of his mouth, and he said to Qinglong with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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