Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 273 Qin Emperor's Conspiracy

Chapter 273 Qin Emperor's Conspiracy

276. Emperor Qin's Conspiracy

Qin Shihuang could forgive Xu Fu for his mistakes, but Fenghuang couldn't. After being reborn from Nirvana, he was even more annoyed when he saw Ying Zhen, and he fought directly.

Ying Zheng also realized his mistake. Facing Phoenix's monstrous anger, he did not fight back at all, but just passively defended.

It wasn't until the two were tired from fighting that they had a chance to talk.

At this time, Ying Zheng had the opportunity to explain, and told Fenghuang of his wrong order, causing his subordinates to misunderstand the consequences, but Fenghuang did not believe it.

Reluctantly, Ying Zheng learned from Qiao Feng who poked himself a dozen times, blood was left all over the place, and almost died. This moved Fenghuang, trusted Qin Huang again, and cleared up the misunderstanding.

Afterwards, the two also exchanged their experience in cultivating immortals, and Qin Huang even put forward a bold idea based on the experience in cultivating immortals during this period.

With the help of the dynasty's luck, break the barrier between heaven and earth, and then shatter the void and ascend to immortality.

But this bold decision has no basis to refer to. It is completely out of Qin Huang's brain, but who is Qin Huang, the world can't satisfy him anymore, only the powerful and mysterious profession of immortal can suit him , so Qin Huang began to prepare for his professional trip.

First of all, he sent his most trusted general Meng Tian and his most proud eldest son Fusu to the frontier, and commanded the most elite army of 80 in the empire.

Later, in order to cause his empire to collapse, he even deliberately announced that he would go on a tour of the world eastward, attracting all rebels from all over the world to assassinate him.

But it was still not enough to look at. Seeing the disfigured rebels being crushed by his Daqin iron cavalry, Qin Huang had no choice but to choose the most speechless method of feigning death.

It even made Zhao Gao falsely proclaim the imperial decree, let Fusu and Meng Yi commit suicide, and made their second son Hu Hai emperor.

Of course, they didn't really ask them to commit suicide, but Fusu and Meng Yi also faked their deaths, leading a group of elite soldiers to hide secretly, and followed Emperor Qin to cultivate immortality.

What happened afterward was that Emperor Qin and his elite subordinates hid themselves in the imperial mausoleum of Mount Li, and began their journey of cultivating immortals, waiting for their own empire to come to an end. Sure enough, Zhao Gao lived up to Emperor Qin's high expectations, and succeeded by joining hands with Li Si Daqin who brought down the glorious I.

After finishing their mission, Zhao Gao and Li Si also hid in Lishan Mountain.

And from the moment Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, was breached by the remnants of the six kingdoms, Emperor Qin also felt the dissipation of his imperial luck, and the shackles that prevented him from cultivating immortals were also broken.

Afterwards, Emperor Qin also used the formation that had been prepared long ago to collect all the broken fortunes of the empire for future use.The profound heritage of the Great Qin Empire has already been transferred to Lishan Mountain, which is why Xiang Yu burned down the Afang Palace after capturing Xianyang.

No way, after fighting the big boss, it turned out that the rewards he got were not as good as an ordinary monster. If you say you are angry, you naturally have to find a place to vent.

Then he was even more angry and wanted to dig Qin Huangling, but when he ran to Lishan and was about to do it, he was beaten back by a pair of elite soldiers known as guarding the tomb. This also made Xiang Yu stop digging the grave, and Lishan was able to safe and sound.

Afterwards, Emperor Qin, who was successful in cultivating immortals, also passed on the formulas of cultivation to many of his subordinates, intending to cultivate immortals together and ascend together, and then began the long journey of cultivating immortals.

And every time a dynasty developed almost, Qin Huang secretly acted as the man behind the scenes, destroyed the dynasty, and then took away the luck of the dynasty, which is why each dynasty was only more than 300 years old.You must know that before the Qin Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, and the Shang Dynasty were all 800 or 600 years old.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, which is the previous dynasty of Fengyun World, there was a genius-Liu Bowen, who also accidentally discovered this move, and wanted to stop Qin Huang from doing it. Directly cutting off the dragon's veins cut off the possibility of the dynasty's luck being plundered, but it also restricted the development of the dynasty.

This is also why, the ruling power of the dynasty in this era is not as good as a big gang in the rivers and lakes.

It was precisely because of this that Emperor Qin had to be born, awakened the elite who had survived by making terracotta warriors, began to accumulate strength, prepared to fight defensively, and finally gave it a try.

After thousands of years of painstaking practice, Phoenix has also been nirvana several times. He successfully purified his blood and turned into the body of Suzaku.

Naturally, the more luck of the dynasty, the better. Although it is impossible to collect it now, it is enough, so Qin Huang began to prepare for the big formation. hour.

After listening to Qin Huang's narration, many traders and kings were stunned by Qin Huang's courage, you are going against the sky.

As for being the mastermind against the Emperor Qin, no emperor felt that it was wrong to destroy the collection of luck after seeing that the luck of a dynasty was almost gone.

The road of the emperor is originally a road of selfishness and selfishness. It is nonsense to sacrifice oneself to benefit others and be selfless. It is the nature of an emperor to benefit oneself at the expense of others.

As long as it is something that is beneficial to oneself, then no matter what you do, you should be called a qualified emperor. As people in the same path, Li Shimin, Zhu Yuanzhang and others only feel that I am not alone.

After listening to Emperor Qin's narration, the kings of other worlds looked at Yingzhen in Qinshi Mingyue World and Mythical World with strange eyes, and they became curious. Because there is such a Qin Shihuang still alive.

Seeing everyone's questions, Tang Ming also explained to everyone dumbfounded that this is just an example, just like a parallel world, this world has similar things, but there are also differences.

Countries in the Fengyun world can’t live for 400 years, and the countries in your world can’t live for 400 years either. The world of Fengyun is because Qin Huang was behind the scenes, but your world may not be. The reason may lie in yourself.

Everyone also agreed with this point of view with half-belief, but looking at their expressions, they knew that the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinhuang in Mount Li of their world would definitely be searched thoroughly.

"Qin Huang, since you have joined the exchange, you can temporarily stop your actions." At this time, Tang Ming also looked at Qin Huang and said seriously.

"Thank you, Lord, Gu also has this intention." Qin Huang also smiled and nodded at Tang Ming. Now that he has a more secure opportunity, why should he take risks.

"On the contrary, it's Emperor Qin, you have to pay attention to yourself." Tang Ming also pointed to Yingzhen's body, left this sentence, and left here.

On the other hand, Qin Huang took out the membership card in his arms, looked at the blood-red number in the column of his own information karma, and couldn't help but smile wryly. Appointing others to act, I did not intervene, but the way of heaven is fair, not to mention the karma of several dynasties superimposed together.

 I just want to ask, who else has my brain hole, I admire my own brain hole, and I am rolling around asking for a recommendation ticket / squinting and smiling!

(End of this chapter)

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