Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 298 Homecoming

Chapter 298 Homecoming
301. Homecoming
Although magicians win less and lose more in the arena of the exchange, and they are directly beaten by various fancy tricks when they meet powerful warriors, most of the traders in the transaction are leaders and elites from one world.

How could they fail to see the advantages and benefits of magicians? Although magic is belittled on the one hand, the practicality of some magic in battle is also obvious.

Some first-level and second-level small spells such as wind travel and light therapy are very popular among traders.On the contrary, some high-level forbidden magic spells are not cared about, not because they are not powerful enough, but for most traders, the casting time is too slow and consumes too much energy. If it is not for some specific environments, it will not work at all.

After joining the emerging profession of magic, although there are not many traders who are pure mages, on the contrary, many new combat modes have been derived from it, and magic has also shined.

Looking at the fiery atmosphere of cultivation in the exchange, Tang Ming was also happy in his heart. The stronger the traders on the exchange, the greater their grasp of challenging the more advanced world.

However, it will take some time to open the fourth-level plane rewarded by the previous task system. During this time, Tang Ming also simply learned some magic, and Tang Ming finally learned the teleportation technique that he had been looking forward to.

But after learning it, I was a little disappointed. This teleportation technique is Medivh's signature skill in World of Warcraft, and it can be teleported to various places at will.

But it has a huge flaw. This teleportation skill does not go wherever you think, but a teleportation array must be set up in advance at the teleportation place, and the teleportation does not arrive immediately, but travels through a Another one is the space node to reach the destination.

But with Tang Ming's current strength, if he wanted to go anywhere in an ordinary plane, he would be able to get there in a snap of his fingers, and he didn't need this teleportation skill at all.

Although Tang Ming's current strength is still only at the realm of the Ninth Dao of Fate Dao, the energy in his body is no less than that of some high-level immortal masters. With various exercises and magical secret techniques, it may be average. None of the immortal masters are opponents, it's not that Tang Ming doesn't want to improve.

Rather, the realm of immortality is to transform mortals into immortals, and to transform into immortals without the human body. What is needed is not only the improvement of cultivation but the improvement of realm, and this realm cannot be given by the exchange.

What's more, Tang Ming didn't want to enter the immortal way at the level of comprehension. The way of comprehension is the way of following heaven in the great way. After entering the level of immortal way, he can be baptized by the way of heaven and promoted to the body of an immortal, but it also means Cutting off the mortal world, from now on all the mortal world will no longer be contaminated.

Although it is only in name, Tang Ming is unwilling to give up his physical body and cut off the fetters with his parents. Besides, there is more than one road to the great road, so why limit it to the road of cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that Tang Ming stopped improving his own strength, and began to slowly re-lay his foundation, and slowly refine the energy in his body, although his own strength was instilled by traders with force against the sky. When it comes to my body, I feel no discomfort when I eat it.

I didn't feel anything before, but as my strength got higher and higher, I felt that it was not so handy anymore. After all, there was a difference between what I got from my own cultivation and what was given by others.

In order to re-smelt the energy in his body, Tang Ming also entered many small planes during this period. While traveling and sightseeing, he improved his state of mind as another kind of experience.

But when Tang Ming planned to travel to an undeveloped martial arts world before the opening of the fourth-level plane, Professor Mu of the Exchange Laboratory found Tang Ming.

However, Professor Mu found Tang Ming not because of work, but because of his own personal affairs.

This actually made Tang Ming interested. Professor Mu was one of the earliest scientists in the exchange laboratory. Naturally, science and technology needless to say, and he has a kind of enthusiasm for scientific research, as if everything except research is important. It is a foreign object.

It was not once or twice to find Tang Ming because of lack of research materials and materials, but it was the first time to find Tang Ming because of his own private affairs.

Under Tang Ming's questioning, Professor Mu also expressed his thoughts. Simply put, Professor Mu was homesick.I want to go back to my own world.

When he heard what Professor Mu said, Tang Ming laughed. He thought that Professor Mu was really a scientific lunatic, but Professor Mu's original world was the world of corpse brothers. It has been a long time since Professor Mu entered the exchange, and I don't know what the world of Brother Corpse has become now.

As for Professor Mu's request, Tang Ming naturally agreed, and gave Professor Mu a long vacation so that he could go back and have a look.

Of course, Tang Ming also went with him. He has been to the ghost world a lot, but he has not been to the scientifically mutated world. A visit to the corpse brother world is considered a tourist.

After Tang Ming agreed to Professor Mu's request for leave, Professor Mu also went back to make some preparations. When Professor Mu was ready to leave with his things, Tang Ming was a little dumbfounded.

"Why are you going?" Tang Ming asked in surprise, pointing to the tall, short, fat and thin people behind Professor Mu.Didn't it just mean that Professor Mu went back? Why did several employees of the exchange come here.

"Lord, Professor Mu is an elite talent in my laboratory. If Professor Mu is not here, we will not be able to carry out the experiment. In order for Professor Mu to come back as soon as possible, we have no choice but to go together." And Orochimaru But he was spitting out the bright red snake letter, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

What a joke, what do you do in the laboratory? If one person is gone, you can’t do research. Which one is not the chief scientist who stands alone? How could you not be able to do it without one person.Trying to be lazy and not looking for a good excuse.

"Then what about you, and why?" Tang Ming also asked Yuan Tiangang and Xiang Ji, these guys are for their colleagues to come back quickly, so why are you two.

Yuan Tiangang was also quite embarrassed when he saw Tang Ming asking about himself, and patted his head: "Lord, Professor Mu is a famous scientific talent in our exchange, and now he is returning to his hometown in fine clothes, how can he be so simple? It is also to return with Professor Mu to strengthen the momentum of our exchange."

Since Yuan Tiangang completely recovered his human body, his thinking has become younger and younger. After getting along for a period of time, he also knows Tang Ming's temper and is no longer restrained.

Tang Ming looked at Yuan Tiangang who was smiling like a flower and wanted to press his face under his feet and kick him hard.

As for Xiang Ji on the side, he was not the only one, and he even dragged his family and brought Yu Ji along.

"Lord, Xiang heard that Professor Mu's world is a modern plane, so Xiang wanted to take his wife there to buy some goods. Please forgive me." Xiang Ji stated his purpose directly and honestly. However, there was a slight blush on that heroic face. For this kind of private and public affairs, Xiang Ji's generation of overlords still can't do it.

On the other hand, Yu Ji behind Xiang Ji showed her little head shyly. Facing this legendary world lord, she was still a little nervous, but she was still naughty from time to time lying on Xiang Ji's thick shoulders, showing a pair of playful faces. He secretly looked at Tang Ming with his eyes, even more afraid that Tang Ming would disagree.

Tang Ming looked at Yu Ji behind Xiang Ji. It was different from Xiang Ji's unchanged armor for thousands of years, but a refreshing and beautiful modern urban women's attire, simply tied with a beautiful ponytail. If he hadn't met Yu Ji once, he would be afraid I really thought that Xiang Ji had found a modern daughter-in-law.

Seeing this, Tang Ming also understood that Xiang Ji went to the low-level world like Brother Corpse not for himself, but for Yu Ji to buy some modern and beautiful clothes, so he couldn't help but cast a sympathetic look at Xiang Yu.

Seeing that everyone wanted to go to Professor Mu's world, Tang Ming thought about it and agreed. After all, the affairs of the exchange are currently in the regulations. Even if people are not around for a while, nothing will happen. A group trip for employees, oh yes, there is also one with family members.

(End of this chapter)

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