Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 512 Same Fate

Chapter 512 Same Fate

519. The same fate

After Tang Ming explained some matters, everyone left in twos and threes.

And the amount of cash and credit cards that no one gets is not much, about 5 yuan per person. Although the consumption level in modern society is very high, a normal person can live for a while with 5 yuan.

And Tang Ming looked at the man on the phone not far away, and the voice on the phone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, he met the majestic generation of Emperor Ye Hei.

And Ye Fan also felt a gaze behind him, looking back at Tang Ming's strange gaze, and the faint smile at the corner of his mouth, he also trembled in his heart.

After hanging up the phone, he walked a little faster and walked into the building. After all, he was going to be late for work.

One month, whether it is long or not, is also short, and it didn't take long for one month to pass.

And Ye Fan also goes to and from get off work normally every day, repeating work every day.

But in just one month, the city has undergone many different changes.

During this period of time, a new occupation suddenly appeared in his city, although there are many messy new occupations appearing in this world every day.

But this profession is a little different.

And this profession is called a bounty hunter. Similar to some movies and novels, this bounty hunter also fights for money.

It first appeared a month ago, when an old man in ancient clothes walked into a police station with a big man with a fierce face.

Immediately after investigation by the police station, the big man brought by the old man turned out to be a wanted criminal who had killed more than ten people and fled to several provinces and cities, his hands were covered with blood.

The police at the police station were completely stunned. The seemingly helpless old man actually caught a gangster who had fled for a long time. This was big news.

But this old man, after receiving the wanted bonus, left a name of Li Dan and left.

Just when many netizens were discussing and many media were looking for this old man named Li Dan, another old man named Zhang Sanfeng came the next day, carrying two notorious wanted criminals in his hands.

After receiving the bonus again, he disappeared again without leaving a trace.

This stunned the entire Huaxia netizens, who posted messages one after another, asking why the old man is so stubborn now, could it be that Zhang Sanfeng is really reincarnated.

And then, on the third day, the fourth day, and the fifth day, every day was full of such news. The same place, the same police station, and different people brought wanted criminals here every day to receive the bonus.

It has completely set off a wave of martial arts in this plane of China, and countless netizens have spontaneously started looking for these peerless masters.

Until a month later, seven cute children came to the police station with a small cart filled with dozens of people.

The director was so scared that he greeted him in person.

As a result, after inspection, it was found that these people were all crooked nuts, to be precise, they were crooked overseas Chinese.

And all of these people were once notorious tycoons in China. After defrauding a large amount of money, they fled abroad, changed their names and surnames and became foreign slaves.

Huaxia executives have negotiated with Waiguo many times, but failed to extradite the sinner who was brought back for trial, but was arrested by the seven dolls by some unknown means.

At this time, even Huaxia's senior executives were alarmed and rushed to this small police station one after another.

But unfortunately, it was seven dolls who came this time, all of them pouted, and they couldn't find out why they came after asking for a long time.

And these little dolls asked angrily if they didn't plan to give money.

The high-level officials in Huaxia couldn't stop laughing, so they had to give them bonuses, and then secretly sent people to follow them, intending to find out who was behind them.

But oddly enough, the people who followed were seasoned professionals.

After the seven little dolls turned around and entered an alley, they disappeared miraculously, which surprised countless people.

It even made a group of following professionals scolded and even doubted their professionalism.

And it is precisely because of this that all the criminals in the whole of China are frightened, and they dare not even commit crimes, and many wanted criminals are so frightened that they surrender themselves.

This also added a bit of mystery to the group of "bounty hunters".

But who can know that the reason why this group of people do these things is because they have no money, who made them all be superhuman beings.

Although the exchange gave 5 yuan in funds at the beginning, each of them couldn't control their wallets, and they ran out of money in a short time.

After Li Dan's wallet was accidentally stolen by a thief, he came up with this method in a rage.

And Li Dan's approach also gave other traders a good start, so traders also joined the team of bounty hunters one after another.

Get food money by catching criminals wanted on the Internet.

If the arrested criminals knew that they were arrested just because they had no money to eat, they might just cry and faint in the prison toilet.

After Tang Ming heard the news, he couldn't help but laugh. If these peerless masters were allowed to stay here for a while, the ideal harmonious society would really succeed.

After all, how many criminals can escape the pursuit of a group of peerless masters?I'm afraid that each of them will turn into a meal ticket for this group of peerless masters.

At the same time, Ye Fan's class reunion also started.

After a show-off opening, everyone gradually let go after drinking glasses of wine.

Several acquainted classmates also began to chat, chatting about their own experiences and the past.

Of course, most of them talked about the news about the group of "bounty hunters" recently.

Under the influence of the rules of the plane, Ye Fan, who developed like a protagonist and was inexplicably targeted, also participated.

During this period of time, Ye Fan also saw a lot of such news, but he always had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that he had seen them somewhere.

There is always a feeling of familiarity with them, a feeling that cannot be described, and I always feel that I have an inexplicable sense of the same with them, but I can't say anything specifically.

And if Tang Ming were here, he would definitely give him the answer.

After all, the experience of the pig's feet in every novel is the same. Since they are pig's feet, they must have the same fate.

(End of this chapter)

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