Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 519 The Heirloom Baby

Chapter 519 The Heirloom Baby
526. Ancestral baby
At the end of the ruins, an ancient temple appeared, silent.

The ancient temple is very small, not even comparable to a private house. It is just an ancient temple with a stone Buddha inside, covered with thick dust.

In front of the stone Buddha is an ancient bronze lamp flickering with brilliance.

And in front of the ancient temple, there is a vigorous bodhi tree, which cannot be hugged by six or seven people, and the ancient trunk is all dead. Thought it was already dead.

But Ye Fan and the two were surprised to find that they were not the first to arrive.

Before them, there was a long-haired man in black who had already arrived here, standing in the small temple and staring up at the stone Buddha.

I saw that the man in black was surrounded by black energy, like a peerless monster, and the stone Buddha also emitted a faint golden light, as if he was fighting against it.

"Amitabha, very good." Suddenly, the man in black said softly.

Then the man in black walked out of the small temple, stretched out his hand and hit the Bodhi tree with a ray of light.

Immediately, the ancient Bodhi tree radiated a burst of brilliance, emitting a dazzling light.

What surprised Ye Fan even more was that an old monk appeared under the ancient bodhi tree, with a benevolent face, smiling at the man in black, as if welcoming him.

The man in black was also rude, walked directly opposite the old monk, and also sat down cross-legged.

"My name is Wutian Buddha." The man in black also spoke directly.

Then the old monk opened his mouth slowly, but he only spoke, but there was no sound.

"Yezi, did you hear that he said he was a Buddha!" ​​Pang Bo was stunned by Wutian Buddha's words.

I have only heard that there are Tathagata Buddhas, past Buddhas, and future Buddhas in Buddhism, but I have never heard of a Buddha named Wutian, who claims to be Wutian, how bold it must be.

But Ye Fan didn't respond, but looked at Wutian Buddha and the old monk with firm eyes.

I saw that Wutian Buddha and the old monk were constantly talking about something, as if they were discussing Taoism.

But except that Wutian just opened his mouth to declare his family name, the latter is also like an old monk, only opening his mouth, but not hearing a sound, the scene is even strange.

After a long time, Wutian Buddha also stood up suddenly.

"You lost." Wutian Buddha also looked at the old monk coldly, condescending.

The old monk's face was stiff, and then he gave a faint wry smile, folded his hands together, and saluted Wutian Buddha.

Immediately, a raging flame rose from his body, and the fire continued to burn.

Under the flames, the old monk was also quickly swallowed, turning into a faint golden light and blending into the bodhi tree.

Wutian Buddha also snorted coldly when he saw this.

With a wave of his hand, he saw a bodhi seed the size of a walnut under the bodhi tree.

Wutian also played with it in his hand, and then glanced at Ye Fan, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Then he threw the bodhi seeds directly to Ye Fan, as if they were still garbage, without any distress.

Immediately, Wutian Buddha turned around and was about to leave.

And Ye Fan saw the bodhi seed thrown by Wutian Buddha, and saw that the bodhi seed had no brilliance, nor any magic, and the color was gray. If you didn't pay attention, you might think it was an ordinary stone.

But the difference is that the countless lines on this bodhi seed meet together, forming a Buddha's appearance, faintly exuding a special charm.

"This thing is absolutely extraordinary." Ye Fan also came up with an idea for a moment.

Then he turned around and looked at Wutian Buddha who was slowly leaving, and bowed deeply, clasping his hands together: "Thank you Wutian Buddha for your gift."

And Wutian also turned his head to look at Ye Fan, seeing Ye Fan put his hands together and made a Buddhist move, he also chuckled with a "huh" and continued walking without saying a word.

"Damn, Ye Zi, you've made a lot of money this time, so you're a treasure." Pang Bo also snatched the Bodhi from Ye Fan's hand and began to look at it carefully.

Although I don't see any special miraculous places, this bodhi seed was given by the Wutian Buddha just now.

Although Wutian Buddha looked down upon him, he still had to look at his status. A gift from a Buddha could be bad.

Then Pangbo looked at the bodhi seed, and handed the bodhi seed to Ye Fan again: "Brother, I will depend on you from now on."

Pangbo also said with a smile, although he was very envious of this treasure, but his brothers didn't want to grab things.

Ye Fan was also holding the bodhi seed, and suddenly his body felt a special feeling.

Then he said with a smile: "It depends on your performance, maybe my buddy will do well in the future, and I will get you two fairies to be concubines."

The two also looked at each other and laughed.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Bo and Ye Fan rushed into the ancient temple with big strides.

I started to search for things in the temple. Although I knew that it was definitely not as good as this Bodhizi, otherwise the Wutian Buddha would have taken them all away, but people look down on them because they have the ability.

And this temple is so miraculous, the things it has must be good.

Ye Fan also picked up the ancient bronze lamp in front of the stone Buddha. It looked like it had lasted for more than a thousand years, but it hadn't been extinguished yet. It must be a good treasure.

And Pangbo also found a vajra pestle, which he put directly on his waist, and then he also found a broken copper bell, which he held in his hand and played with carefully.

"There is an ancient temple here." Suddenly, a voice also came from outside the temple.

Immediately, a group of people rushed into the ancient temple.

"Ye Fan, Pang Bo, you guys are here first." The person who came was Ye Fan's classmate, and the leader was Liu Yunzhi, who had always been displeased with Ye Fan. They were wasting time because they kept discussing whether they could get out. Ye Fan arrived ahead of time.

Looking at the ancient bronze lamp in Ye Fan's hand and the ancient clock in Pang Bo's hand, Liu Yunzhi's eyes immediately became warm.

This might be the opportunity that those masters mentioned just now, but now Ye Fan and the others are one step ahead and got it first, so how can we not make Liu Yunzhi jealous.

"Ye Fan, what are you holding in your hand, can you show me?" Liu Yunzhi also asked maliciously.

"Fuck off, why show it to you." Before Ye Fan could say anything, Pang Bo cursed, and he knew that Liu Yunzhi had bad intentions. These are all treasures. Can you still come back?

And Liu Yunzhi was not annoyed, and immediately asked with a smile: "Ye Fan, is it some kind of treasure in your hands? Where can you get it?"

Ye Fan also glanced at Liu Yunzhi indifferently: "It's not a good thing, it's just an oil lamp."

But Liu Zhiyun's eyes were full of disdain, the oil lamp exuded a strange light, and with the words of those experts before, how could it not be seen that this is a good thing, an oil lamp is deceiving ghosts.

"Ye Fan, we are all classmates, so what if you show us?" Liu Zhiyun also said bewitchingly.

"Yeah, Ye Fan, don't be so stingy." The people behind Liu Yunzhi also agreed.

Ye Fan watched a few people approaching him with malicious intentions, obviously thinking about his ancient bronze lamp.

Immediately, Ye Fan also made a serious look: "No, this is my ancestral treasure, a family heirloom, and it cannot be passed on outside."

(End of this chapter)

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