Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 522 Crocodile Ancestor

Chapter 522 Crocodile Ancestor
529. Crocodile ancestor
"Benefactor Ye, this thing is of great use to the poor monk, and the poor monk's exchange method with you is definitely worth the money. This bronze lamp makes the poor monk wonder how good it is." He looked at Ye Fan coldly.

Seeing the semi-threatening words of the sweeping monk, Ye Fan slowly opened his mouth: "Master, it's not that I don't want to exchange this thing, it's actually a gift from an expert, and I dare not make decisions without authorization."

"Well, who belonged to you." Hearing Ye Fan's words, the sweeping monk also became curious.

But then he continued: "You can just exchange, if that person has any opinions, just go to the poor monk, my Buddhism is also a little thin in the exchange."

The sweeping monk also figured out the reason in an instant. The expert he said was probably the person in the exchange. He didn't need this thing, so he made a favor and gave it to him.

As for Ye Fan daring to lie to him, the sweeping monk didn't even think about it. How could an ordinary person have the guts to lie to these immortals and Buddhas.

Even if the other party is a master, but his Buddhist status in the stock exchange is not false, and he still has some face, but it is just a bronze lamp, so it is impossible to dare to oppose the Buddhist sect.

Seeing the confident look of the sweeping monk, Ye Fan also felt a little flustered: "This thing was bestowed by the Wutian Buddha to the boy. I really dare not make decisions about the treasures given by the Buddha. Please forgive me, Master."

"Wutian Buddha?" Hearing this name, the sweeping monk couldn't help being taken aback. As one of the major powers in the exchange, the news is naturally far better than ordinary people.

He also knows the origin of Wutian Buddha, but it is limited to knowing.

It is heard that Tang Sanzang is a master brought out from a high-level plane. Although he has never fought against him, he dares to use the name of Buddha, and his strength must be good.

For a while, the sweeping monk also fell into hesitation. The strength of this Wutian Buddha was unknown. As a big force in the exchange, the sweeping monk naturally didn't want to make enemies with such a master, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing the hesitant appearance of the sweeping monk, Ye Fan also secretly smiled in his heart. Although he didn't understand what kind of treasure this bronze lamp was, it must be absolutely extraordinary to be favored by so many masters.

Before, thinking of Wutian Buddha, who dared to use the name of Buddha as a name, he must be a peerless master, so he raised the banner of Wutian to bluff, but he didn't expect the effect to be good.

"Hey, bald donkey, don't you be afraid? You, a dignified Buddhist head teacher, are afraid of a Buddha who appeared out of nowhere." At this time, the four-eyed priest was also on fire. pour oil.

He also knew the details of Wutian Buddha, but he didn't know much specific information. To stimulate the sweeping monk so much, he wanted the sweeping monk to be an early bird and test the strength of Wutian Buddha, so that he would have something to worry about.

The sweeping monk also gave the four-eyed Taoist priest a hard look, and he naturally saw the other party's thoughts, but it is better not to do such things as the early birds, for the sake of a magic weapon to offend a Buddhist who doesn't know A master of strength is really irrational behavior.

Seeing that the sweeping monk didn't plan to take it anymore, Liu Yunzhi was in a hurry. If the sweeping monk softened at this time, wouldn't he be at a great loss.

"Master, when we came here just now, there were only Ye Fan and Pang Bo, there was no one else at all, and this kid was very scheming, he often lied to people when he was in school, he must be lying to you." Liu Yunzhi also said hastily, It smashed Ye Fan's foundation.

When Ye Fan and Pang Bo heard that Liu Yunzhi was betraying their classmates, they wanted to beat Liu Yunzhi hard.

And Liu Yunzhi also went all out. Anyway, he suffered a loss, so Ye Fan should not think about it.

"Oh, Benefactor Ye, I don't know if you said that Wutian gave you this bronze lamp, do you have proof?" Hearing Liu Yunzhi's recounting of Ye Fan's many "black histories", the sweeping monk also asked Ye Fan with a sneer.

If an ordinary person is really cheated, wouldn't it be a big loss of face.

"Wutian Buddha really gave it to Ye Zi, I can prove it." Pangbo also saw the unkind look in the sweeping monk's eyes, and said hastily.

But the sweeping monk was indifferent and still looked at Ye Fan coldly, obviously he didn't believe his words.

Seeing the increasingly cold eyes of the sweeping monk, Pangbo became anxious: "It's true, Wutian Buddha also gave Ye Zi a Bodhi seed, which was also found in this temple. If you don't believe me, give Ye Ye look."

Hearing Pang Bo's words, Ye Fan couldn't help but cover his eyes in pain. There are such pig teammates.

Ye Fan had no choice but to take out the bodhi seed under the coercion of the sweeping monk.

I saw that Ye Fan just took out the Bodhi, not only the sweeping monk, but also the eyes of other traders.

"Little friend, you give this thing to me, and I will definitely keep you safe all the way." Simu also shouted hastily.

"Hmph, this is my Buddhist secret treasure, Lord Ye, you give this thing to the poor monk, and the poor monk will ennoble you as the guardian of Buddhism's Vajra Dharma, and teach you the inexhaustible knowledge of Buddhism, so that you can benefit from it forever." The sweeping monk was also anxious, and directly A big price was offered.

And they also saw that this bodhi seed is a natural alien species, which contains a certain principle of heaven and earth, and it can be more suitable for the Dao if it is worn on the body. It is definitely an unworldly treasure.

And more importantly, this bodhi child has been integrated into a life-long Buddhist study of an eminent monk, and it is a rare treasure for those who practice Buddhism.

"Give it to me, little brother, and I'll exchange it with you for a fifth-order advanced exercise."

"I take the sixth-level exercises."

Immediately, countless traders also saw the goodness of Bodhizi, and started asking prices one after another.

Seeing this, the floor-sweeping monk was also in a hurry. He didn't even care if it was given to him by Wutian Buddha, so he immediately wanted to grab it.

Just as the sweeping monk started his move, Taoist Xiaoshan also made a move. A few small flags appeared in his hands and waved lightly. Suddenly, the rock formation under the sweeping monk's feet turned into a mud flow, and from the mud flow A few muddy hands grabbed the sweeping monk's calf to keep him from moving.

"Huh." The floor sweeping monk also snorted coldly, and broke free from the mud flow with all his strength, and then punched Taoist Xiaoshan.

And Daoist Xiaoshan naturally didn't panic, and waved the small flag a few more times, but the fierce punching wind instantly turned in one direction and hit another direction.

In an instant, the floor-sweeping monk also fought with Xiaoshan Daochang.

But what everyone didn't pay attention to was that the fist wind that was bounced off by Taoist Xiaoshan before was diverted and hit in the direction of Xiaomiao.

With a "bang", the violent fist wind hit the plaque of the small temple.

In an instant, the plaque was also shattered into fragments, torn apart, and no one knew where they belonged.

At this moment, a voice came from the bottom of the small temple, and a black shadow also jumped out instantly.

"Hahaha, my crocodile ancestor has finally seen the light of day again."

But before the black shadow could finish laughing, another blow of fist was transferred by Daoist Xiaoshan, and the black shadow was sent flying with one punch.

"Well, did you hear anything just now?" At this time, a trader who was watching the battle also asked curiously towards the people around him.

"Is there? There is no sound." The other person also replied doubtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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