Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 53 Formation of the Allied Forces

Chapter 53 Formation of the Allied Forces
53. Formation of the Allied Forces
Tang Ming didn't say any more, just brushed his sleeves, and all the people disappeared immediately, and the whole exchange was empty in an instant when it was originally bustling.And Tang Ming also disappeared in place.

Everyone felt dizzy for a while, and then discovered a completely different world.After all, everyone was also a master of martial arts, so they picked up the guy in an instant and looked around vigilantly.The surrounding scene seemed a little unexpected. Everyone appeared outside a small village. Looking at the villages that were still burning, they knew that there had just been a massacre here.

"Everyone, this is the chaotic world of China. You can start to act freely. Whether you want to go your own way or form an alliance is up to you. If you want to quit early, just say in your heart, "I want to go back to Wanqian "World Exchange" and you can return to the exchange, but you can't re-enter it. You all have to think about it yourself. Finally, I would like to remind everyone, don't underestimate the masters of the Five Hu. Well, everyone, do your own activities." After speaking, Tang Ming disappeared in place.

Everyone was talking about it, but most of them didn't take it seriously when they heard Tang Ming's words. They were just a bunch of barbarians. Even if there were masters, how strong would they be? None of them took it seriously.Others who had witnessed the battle between Xiang Ji and Lu Bu took it to heart, and secretly strengthened their vigilance.

"Ah, these beasts, I want to kill them!" A voice suddenly came from the village.

It turned out to be an experienced old Jiang Hu. After Tang Ming finished speaking, he began to investigate the surrounding situation first. When he entered the village, he saw a tragic scene.

Everyone was also attracted by this voice, and rushed to the village one after another. The fire was still burning in the village, but they couldn't stop these masters. In the center of the village, corpses still bleeding were scattered around, and everyone in the village There were still more than a dozen corpses hanging on the tree, including the corpses of the elderly and children, and the women's clothes were torn, and the corpses were brutally dismembered, bloody and bloody.

Seeing that many people vomited here, and then one by one contagious each other, they couldn't help but vomited one by one, but the same look appeared in everyone's eyes, that was anger, and there were many of them There are some members of the Demon Sect, as well as some beings called demon heads, who are also filled with anger in their hearts. Although they themselves have committed murder and arson, such behavior is rare in life, and it is not as good as calling it a beast. .

Then, under the spontaneous behavior of everyone, they buried the people in the village who had suffered disasters, and the hatred for Wuhu deepened in their hearts. Everyone also changed from the value point at the beginning to the people who died. revenge.

Tang Ming also saw this scene, and felt extremely heartbroken at the tragedy of Wuhu Luanhua, and even silently praised the people in the Wulin for their spontaneous burial of common people.At the same time, my heart was filled with anger, and I immediately summoned the prepared emperors and their troops in another open place.

"Shua, shu, shu," the voices sounded one after another, and countless people and horses appeared on the originally empty field.Looking at the words written on the big flags that are waving one by one, "Great Qin Dynasty, Great Tang Dynasty, Great Song Dynasty, Great Ming Dynasty, Great Qing Dynasty" can tell which country's army it is, and the military flag with braids is the least Neat, no wonder it attracts so much hatred.

An army of tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared elsewhere, even after the emperor's guarantee and explanation, there were some disturbances.However, the army of the Song Dynasty was the first to stabilize. As expected of Yue Fei's Beiwei army, it was the first to adjust under Yue Fei's rectification, and immediately erected a defensive posture and looked vigilantly at the army on the side.

Then came Li Shimin's Xuanjia cavalry, and they also quickly adjusted after Li Shimin was imprisoned for hundreds of battles, followed by Daqin's soldiers, and then Daming's Guanning cavalry.Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of some small countries also slowly adjusted after being appeased by their respective emperors and generals.

In the end, only the Eight Banners army of the Braided Kingdom was still in great chaos, and even caused riots. Many people were trampled to death. Looking at Huang Taiji, he was extremely angry. He wanted to dispatch all the troops but was blocked by other members. If there are so few ancestral troops, don't dispatch them. It's better to save the big Ming, and only let Huang Taiji dispatch 2000 people, and the rest will be summoned by other emperors of the braid country.

The other dynasties of Braid Kingdom did not have any wars at all, and all the money in the treasury was used for pleasure. The army did not pay much attention to it. Only the green battalion of the Han people had some fighting power, but how can we rest assured that those Han people all brought their own Eight Banners troops. What fighting power is there? Didn't this just cause riots because they didn't know each other when they arrived here.

Under Huang Taiji's two thousand elites and his command, they finally calmed down. Everyone also despised the braid country, so they rushed out to fight Wuhu with this little ability.When the other three alliances saw this scene, they all exchanged glances. With this fighting power, it seemed that the plan could be advanced.

Tang Ming also explained to the leading emperors, explained the general situation, and then left to observe the world by himself.

After Tang Ming left, the thoughts of the various emperors began to come alive. The leaders of the Tang, Song, and Ming alliances also gathered together to destroy the enemy. People can't play much role, and Li Shimin invited Ying Zhen to join at the same time.Although Yingzhen is confident in his own army, he also understands this truth. He has been favored by Li Shimin and he agrees without thinking.The number of coalition forces reached 1, making it the most powerful coalition force in this dungeon.

The alliance of the Han Dynasty accepted the alliance of Emperor Sui Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the Alliance of the Southern Dynasties of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (because the Southern Dynasties were all Han emperors), and the Alliance of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

The Yuan Dynasty Alliance did not wait to see the Han emperors, so they won over the Northern Dynasty Alliance of the Southern and Northern Dynasties (all of them were Xianbei emperors) and the Three Kingdoms Alliance formed by the opposing Liao, Xixia, and Dali in the Song Dynasty. The number also reached 3. The second strongest echelon.

However, Genghis Khan, who wanted to join the Yuan Dynasty Alliance, was driven out of the camp by Genghis Khan. He thought that their fighting power was too poor and would only add to their chaos. The angry Huang Taiji wanted to kill those unworthy descendants, the abandoned Braid Kingdom Alliance It can only be formed alone, becoming a third-rate echelon, with only 1 people of its own.

At this point, all the alliances have formed a coalition force, and military advisers and think tanks from various countries have begun to discuss action plans.The coalition formed by Genghis Khan was the first to act. He believed that as long as his Mongolian cavalry swarmed up, he could directly destroy the opponent.

The Han Dynasty Alliance held a meeting first, with Han Xin as the commander, Chen Qingzhi, the white-robed army, as the deputy, and Chen Ping and Zhang Liang as the military adviser.After simply rectifying and integrating the army, they set off from camp.

The same is true for the four alliances of Qin, Tang, Song, and Ming, with Yue Fei as commander, Meng Yi as deputy, and Xu Maogong and Liu Bowen as military advisers.It was suggested by Liu Bowen and Xu Maogong to let Yue Fei and Mengyi first rectify the troops and speed up the coordination, and then start marching after three days of rest, but was questioned and opposed by the emperors of several countries, thinking it was a waste of time, but under the unanimous advice of all the think tanks and generals. Agreed, after all, all the emperors are also people who have led the army, and they all understand the truth, and it makes sense.

So far, it is the first time that all members of the Thousand World Exchange have been mobilized, and the war against the barbarians in the five chaotic Chinese world has begun.

 There are too few stories about Emperor Ran Min on the Internet, and the maps and battles in the same period are also a bit messy, and the relationship between the Eastern Jin Dynasty and Ran Wei during the Ran Min period is not very clear, so a large part of the author will be Some tampering, I hope some people who are proficient in history will give some opinions, if the writing is wrong, please correct me!

(End of this chapter)

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