Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 532 Young Ye Fanyou

Chapter 532 Young Ye Fanyou
539. Young Ye Fanyou
And Ye Fan picked it up full of anticipation.

But when I picked it up, I was surprised to find that it turned out to be a piece of ordinary-looking scrap copper.

Before Ye Fan had an idea, several monks rushed over.

Ye Fan was also straightforward, throwing the piece of scrap copper on the ground for everyone to watch.

When the few monks saw the scrap copper, they were all very disappointed. After picking them up and inspecting them, they shook their heads and threw the scrap copper to Ye Fan again.

Then a group of people flew over, and Ye Fan was still the same, generously handing over the scrap copper to them.

Similarly, after the group of people checked it carefully, they found nothing. It was just an ordinary piece of scrap copper.

Then it was thrown to Ye Fan again.

After several consecutive waves, the fat Taoist also appeared again.

However, after another "treasure" was cheated by Ye Fan, he was also dissatisfied and threw the scrap copper to Ye Fan again.

Immediately, Ye Fan also put away the scrap copper and left the place quickly, thinking of collecting it as a souvenir.

But Ye Fan was surprised to find that the scrap copper had merged into his sea of ​​bitterness, exuding strange dao patterns.

At this time, Ye Fan also reacted. Although he didn't know what this piece of scrap copper was, it was definitely a treasure.

But before Ye Fan could think about it, the fat Taoist rushed over again.

With a look of urgency, Ye Fan asked Ye Fan to hand over the piece of scrap copper.

But now that Ye Fan knew it was a treasure, how could he hand it over directly, so he lied to the fat Taoist priest and said nonsense that he would throw it away.

However, the fat Taoist priest also seemed to know that this scrap copper was by no means unusual, and was even more anxious to find it.

And Ye Fan made it up casually, and took the fat Taoist priest to find a cold pool.

But the fat Taoist jumped down without hesitation.

Just when Ye Fan wanted to take the opportunity to leave, he was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw an incomparably dazzling white light blooming in the cold pool, sparkling on the cold pool, as if a peerless treasure was about to be born.

And this ray of light also attracted a lot of monks, and each of them rushed here like crazy.

And Ye Fan was completely stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

On top of the cold pool, a person covered in white light and floating out of thin air unexpectedly appeared.

But this person looked at Ye Fan with a smile on his face, squinted his eyes and asked with a smile: "Young Ye Fan, did you lose this golden fat man, or this silver dead fat man, or this dead fat man?" Where's Fatty Duan De?"

Ye Fan was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. He saw a person who got out of the cold pool. While asking himself, he took out three different unscrupulous Taoist Duan De.

"River God!" Ye Fan also recognized at this moment, this is the person named River God in the Ten Thousand Realms tour group.

At first, Ye Fan was curious about such a strange name, but he didn't expect that it was really a river god, and he told himself a story about the river god, but didn't he say it was about an axe?Why is it a dead fat man?
"Young Ye Fanyou, which fat man did you throw away?" He Shen continued to ask with a smile on his face.

Ye Fan: "..." Looking at this weird scene, Ye Fan was also a little at a loss.

At this moment, a large group of monks rushed here, and also saw the three frozen dead fat men held by the river god.

"Could it be that the peerless master of the past was sealed by the demon emperor with a divine source, waiting to be born today?"

"No, it doesn't mean that being sealed by Shenyuan will only fall into a deep sleep. Why did I just see the eyelids of that fat man move?"

"No, this is not the source of the gods, there is no aura at all, could it be that he was just frozen?"

Many monks also looked at the three floating fat men and discussed solemnly.

"Bang" with a loud noise.

The three ice cubes also exploded at the same time, and the three dead fat men also escaped.

And the fat Taoist priest Duan De looked at the two "gold and silver" who were exactly like him, and was completely confused.

"An unscrupulous Tianzun, what the hell is going on?" The three Duan De actually said at the same time.

"Boundless gods, who are you? I warn you, if you learn from me again, believe it or not, I will kill you." The three Duan De also looked at each other, threatening each other.

"Damn it, Fatty has hunted geese all year round, and he was finally pecked by geese. This damn haunting has happened to me." Duan De also said with a look of fear.

Seeing the appearance of the River God, Ye Fan also guessed that the other traders must be somewhere nearby, and he immediately felt relieved.

Looking at the three dead fat men in front of him, although he didn't know what was going on, it must have been the means of the River God.

Immediately, Ye Fan also became happy to see it, and even teased Duan De: "Master Dao, you are too powerful, what kind of method is this, could it be the legendary one-gas transformation of the three cleans, it is really a peerless magic skill ah."

When Duan De heard Ye Fan's words, his teeth were itchy with anger. The magic of bullshit, inexplicably added two "gold and silver" himself. This has already proved Duan De's boldness.

If it were any other tomb robbers, they would have been scared out of their wits.

"Little bastard, don't make sarcastic remarks. Is it really your fault? Let me untie it quickly." Duan De was almost scared to pee. Could it be that he really saw a ghost.

And Duan De also found the river god not far away, and even grabbed the river god's neck and shook it: "Did you do it, let me untie it quickly."

And the God of the River was also wanted by Duan De, with a dazed look on his face: "Hey."

The God of the River looked dazed, as if he was wondering why the things he fished out of the river moved.

Seeing Duan De who was about to piss in fear, Ye Fan was secretly delighted, calling the fat man to grab his baby.

Ye Fan's eyes moved, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he put his hands on his mouth and shouted loudly: "Master Dao, you are so amazing, you really deserve to be a genius, and you just got the peerless secret from the tomb of the demon emperor. , so quickly learned."

"By the way, Daoist Master, you must be able to use those few peerless magic weapons you got from the tomb just now." Ye Fan shouted loudly with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, afraid that others would not hear it.

Immediately, Ye Fan's voice reached the ears of a group of monks above, and each monk suddenly woke up, surrounded Duan De in an instant, surrounded him, and looked at Duan De with unkind eyes.

And Duan De looked at the scene in front of him, and he wanted to cry, so he could only give Ye Fan a hard look.

"Wuliang the god of the gods, didn't he just rob him of some psychic treasures, this little bastard, is too wicked." Duan De also cursed secretly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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