Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 536 The Dignity of the Exorcist Master

Chapter 536 The Dignity of the Exorcist Master

543. The Dignity of the Exorcist Master

With a sound of "dong", a figure landed in front of the four-eyed priest's desk.

"Pangbo." Ye Fan also shouted excitedly.

"Yezi, why are you here?" Pangbo also came to his senses, and asked with some doubts.

Seeing Pangbo, Supreme Treasure instantly realized Pangbo's state with his golden eyes, and there was another divine consciousness in his body, trying to take Pangbo's body.

Then Zhizunbao said with a smile: "Four-eyed boy, it seems that you are not good at your old job, this is what you said about ghost upper body, and you are professional, tsk tsk tsk." Zhizunbao laughed and mocked.

And the four-eyed priest also showed embarrassment, damn it, he made a mistake in his judgment.

But immediately, Pangbo's face changed, revealing a fierce look: "Who are you, dare to spoil my good deeds?"

And the person occupying Pangbo's body is a powerful figure of the demon clan. In order to maintain his life, he hid in the heart of the demon emperor, relying on the powerful vitality of the heart of the demon emperor to survive until now.

Entering the tomb of the Demon Emperor this time, he wanted to find the remains of the Demon Emperor, gain a chance, and prolong his life from now on.

After entering the tomb of the demon emperor, he found Pangbo, and in Pangbo's body, the old demon discovered that Pangbo had a trace of the blood of the demon god. It's an excellent pick-up candidate.

As a result, the spiritual consciousness occupied Pangbo's body, intending to seize it from him and regain a new life.

Originally, An Xin was constantly competing with Pang Bo for the control of the body, but there was a hint of induction in the dark, and she came here unknowingly.

The four-eyed Taoist held a mahogany sword and shouted: "You little devil, how dare you block yin and yang, you know that yin and yang are different, human beings and ghosts have different paths, today the poor Taoist will do justice for the sky, and kill you little devil."

The four-eyed Taoist priest is also determined, no matter what, he can't ruin his reputation as a generation of ghost exorcist masters.

And Pangbo, to be precise, the person who occupied Pangbo's body was taken aback, what the hell is going on, what kind of brat, I am a powerful generation of monsters, how could it be a brat.

"Smelly Taoist priest, you dare to bully me, do you know who I am." Pang Bo also said angrily.

"Hmph, no matter which ghost you are, the poor Taoist will take you in today." The four-eyed priest also made up his mind, no matter who this guy is, he will be taken as a ghost.

After all, Taoist Priest Four Eyes also rushed towards Pangbo with a mahogany sword in his hand.

And Pangbo also felt that Taomujian was a huge threat to his spiritual consciousness, and his spiritual consciousness was too worn out due to the competition with Pangbo for the body, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Just when Pangbo was about to block, the Taoist priest with four eyes had a smirk on his lips, and the thunder light that was secretly accumulated in his hand hit Pangbo hard.

Pangbo also screamed. The lightning seemed to hit Pangbo, but it didn't cause much damage to the body. Instead, it caused tons of damage to the old demon in Pangbo's body.

"I'm going to kill you." Pangbo was also furious, and directly rushed towards Simu.

The four-eyed Taoist also smiled slightly, and he also saw that what occupied Pangbo's body was just a divine sense, not a ghost.

Although this divine consciousness is definitely powerful in its own right, it was consumed too much due to the seizure of Pangbo, and the sneak attack by myself hurt its spiritual consciousness even more, and its combat power dropped significantly.

The four-eyed Taoist also avoided fighting, and kept wandering, attacking Pangbo with lightning, striking the consciousness of the old demon inside.

Under the sneak attack of the four-eyed Taoist priest again, he directly took out the consciousness of the old demon in Pang Bo's body, and grabbed it in his hand.

The divine consciousness was shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "No, you can't kill me, I belong to the Yaozu."

But the four-eyed Taoist priest also interrupted quickly: "Oh, I didn't expect it to be the ghost of the Yaozu, so I won't let you stay."

"No, I'm not a ghost, I'm the great power of the demon clan, you can't kill me." Divine consciousness also yelled in horror.

And the four-eyed priest also had a gloomy expression on his face, extremely annoyed. He wanted to classify this consciousness as a ghost so as to save his reputation as a master of exorcising ghosts, but he didn't want this bastard to talk too fast and even reported his name .

The four-eyed Taoist priest was also very annoyed, and he was beaten up directly at the divine consciousness.

Immediately, looking at the people around him, he smiled embarrassingly: "This ghost is so cunning that he still wants to deceive me, and his strength is not weak. It's not easy for me to make a move here, for fear of accidentally hurting you. I'll go over there and subdue him."

Said that the four-eyed priest also grabbed the ghost and ran to a small wood on the side.

I saw the continuous explosion of thunder in the grove, and one after another of miserable cries came from it, which was even more symphonic with the thunder, which made people shudder after hearing it.

After a long time, the four-eyed Taoist priest ran out with his consciousness that was about to disappear, and said with a sigh: "This ghost is really powerful. If you don't show your true skills, you really can't bring him down."

The other traders looked at the four-eyed Taoist priest and couldn't help being stunned. Didn't you fucking surrender him a long time ago?Besides, he is obviously a divine consciousness that wants to seize the house, so he is a ghost.

But the four-eyed Taoist also shook the divine sense in his hand, and took a vicious look.

Immediately, that divine sense was also terrified, and quickly shouted loudly: "I am a ghost, I am a ghost, I am a ghost of the Yaozu, Taoist priest, please, please kill me."

Hearing "Li Gui" admitting his identity, Daoist Simu nodded in satisfaction, and then he mentioned that "Li Gui" and said to everyone: "Look, I'll just say it's a Li Gui, just hiding it. It’s just too deep, after all, I’m a professional ghost exorcist.”

Immediately, without waiting for the crowd to say more, Dao Priest Four Eyes pointed his hand at the "Fierce Ghost", and a flash of lightning suddenly appeared, annihilating the "Fierce Ghost".

But the eyes of everyone watching this "serious ghost" dissipate are full of relief, and they can't help but make people feel pity.

The four-eyed Taoist also laughed happily: "Today, another fierce ghost has been wiped out, and there is one less disaster in the world. It is really a great merit."

The Taoist priest with four eyes suddenly thought of something, turned his head and said to the sweeping monk: "By the way, so who, come and enlighten this ghost, oh no, let's save it, and hope he will have a good birth in the next life. "

Everyone looked at the four-eyed priest who laughed heartily, and was completely speechless.

This nima, I have heard of turning a deer into a horse, I have heard of forcing a good man into a prostitute, but this is the first time I have seen it to force people to admit that they are ghosts, and you also rescued ghosts, you beat them to death, and you still save them Shit.

(End of this chapter)

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