Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 539 Difference Between Planes

Chapter 539 Difference Between Planes
546. Plane difference
The big plane that covers the sky.

Within the Tianxuan Stone Square, the holy city of Zhongzhou in the Big Dipper Star Region.

Tianxuan Stone Square is the site of Tianxuan Holy Land, a major religion in Zhongzhou 6000 years ago. However, 6000 years ago, Tianxuan Holy Land aggressively attacked the barren ancient forbidden area in an attempt to become an immortal, but the result ended in failure.

As for the Tianxuan Holy Land, the top teaching in the Big Dipper Starfield, the entire teaching was destroyed because of this, and it became a legend.

As for Tianxuan Stone Workshop, there is only one old widow and lonely guarding the few source stones, chatting to get by.

However, at this moment, a group of unexpected guests came to Tianxuan Stone Workshop.

"Lord, why did we come here? Could it be that we want to hold an auction here?" Yuan Tiangang also asked in a low voice.

Tang Ming nodded as well. The entire sky-shrouding plane is huge. If it weren't for the teleportation array, the time spent on the road would have taken a long time.

The entire Zhetian Plane is divided into five regions, Donghuang, Ximo, Nanling, Beiyuan, and Zhongzhou.

And Zhongzhou is located in the very center of the mainland. In order to allow more people to participate in this auction, the holy city of Zhongzhou is undoubtedly the most suitable location.

As for why he chose the long-destroyed Tianxuan Stone Workshop, the main reason was that he was too lazy to deal with those great teachers.

In contrast, the Tianxuan Holy Land has long since been shattered. At this moment, only Wei Yi, who is pretending to be the janitor, is left in Tianxuan. If the venue is rented, Wei Yi can completely call the shots.

If you want to use other sects of great religion, you have to spend a lot of eloquence. What kind of elders go out, and they can go out. In the end, the Holy Master is making a decision, so I don't know how troublesome it will be.

Moreover, that group of great teachers has always judged people with their nostrils. If these traders go, I am afraid that they will have to fight anyway. Tang Ming is too lazy to spend these efforts. It is better to choose Tianxuan Holy Land. For a person, it's much simpler.

In Tianxuan Holy Land, the old man who was sitting at the gate basking in the sun and dozing off seemed to be still dozing off, but his consciousness was fixed on Tang Ming and others who suddenly appeared.

Tang Ming looked at the old man, smiled slightly, and walked in front of the old man: "But Wei Yi, the three heroes of Tianxuan, is in front of you."

Hearing Tang Ming's words, the old man was startled, but his muddy eyes suddenly became clear, and his eyes became extremely sharp, like a sword.

Immediately, the old man's eyes also returned to cloudy, and he continued to lean on the stone, and replied weakly: "You have misunderstood the wrong person, Tianxuan has already been destroyed, so there is no Wei Yi."

Tang Ming was not surprised when he saw this, and nodded immediately: "In that case, I wonder if Your Excellency Shifang can make the decision."

The old man glanced at Tang Ming, then pointed to the stone workshop and said, "However, there are a few useless source stones left. If you are interested, you can take them away. As for the price, just give the old man whatever you want."

Seeing that Wei Yi didn't care so much, and his miserable appearance, no one would be able to connect this aging old man with a great sage.

"However, we are not here to open source stones. I don't know if this stone workshop can be leased to us. We hope to use this stone workshop to hold an auction." Tang Ming also continued.

"Auction?" Wei Yi also showed a hint of doubt, and then Wei Yi waved his hand: "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't destroy the stone workshop."

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Tang Ming's mouth, and with a wave of his hand, a colorful glow appeared, and then threw it towards Wei Yi.

"This is the rental fee for the venue."

Looking at the colorful light that suddenly appeared in Tang Ming's hands, Wei Yi's originally cloudy eyes became completely clear, and an unbelievable look appeared in his eyes.

"This is, this is..." Holding the colorful ray of light, Wei Yi trembled even more excitedly, even his voice trembled.

And Wei Yi is already a master at the level of a great sage. Although his strength is amazing, he is already more than 6000 years old and has a short lifespan. He has no chance to break through again.

But when that colorful ray of light fell into his hands, his body, which was already terribly old, surprisingly felt a surge of vitality.

"How is this possible?" Wei Yi was completely stunned, as he knew his body best.

If he couldn't break through, he would linger on for hundreds of years at most, but the rosy clouds in his hands made him feel the breath of life.

Relying on his cultivation at the level of a great sage, his intuition told him that if he refined this group of colorful clouds, he would definitely be able to live for thousands of years.

For such a miraculous thing, in his impression, only the Immortal Elixir has such power, but it is obviously not the Immortal Elixir, it could be something he does not know, or it is a legendary fairy treasure.

Seeing Wei Yi's surprised look, Tang Ming also smiled, and immediately walked into the stone workshop regardless of Wei Yi who was in a daze.

And Tang Ming took out this rosy cloud, which was nothing but a celestial energy that Tang Ming passed on from the plane after Journey to the West.

Among the thousands of planes, each plane has different laws and rules. In the Journey to the West plane, it is the plane of immortality. As long as ordinary monks have cultivated to the level of immortals, they can achieve theoretical immortality. .

But this is because the way of heaven is different, and all planes have different rules. In the Journey to the West plane, the immortal energy contains a lot of life energy.

This has led to some little demons who can easily live for hundreds of years or thousands of years. As for the legendary Jade Emperor, he has endured 750 kalpas, and each kalpa should be 12 years, which is even more alive I don't know how long.

Calculated in this way, the Jade Emperor's catastrophe alone is worth the lifespan of more than a dozen great emperors.

Not to mention those monster kings who occupy the mountains as kings. Although they can be slapped to death by the emperor who shrouds the sky with a single slap, there may be some little monsters who live longer than the emperor who shrouds the sky.

If these great emperors knew that they were not as long-lived as a little monster, they would be so angry that they would kick the coffin boards away.

But one drink and one peck is also the number of days, let's compare the plane of Journey to the West and the plane of covering the sky.

Although the life expectancy of normal people on the Journey to the West plane is much longer than that on the Sky-shrouding plane, but in comparison, the strength of the people on the Journey to the West plane is far inferior to the powerhouses on the Sky-shrouding plane.

Although the immortal energy of the Journey to the West plane contains a large amount of life essence, the life span of people in the Journey to the West plane is greatly enhanced.

But in the immortal energy, the content of laws is very little, which also leads to the strong people in the Journey to the West plane. Although their lifespan is unlimited, their strength is somewhat low.

This also led to the fact that in the Journey to the West plane, apart from some famous big shots, other monsters are basically the existence of soy sauce. After tens of thousands of years of cultivation, they are still the kind who receive box lunches as soon as they appear .

(End of this chapter)

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