Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 542 Golden Invitation

Chapter 542 Golden Invitation
549. Golden invitation
However, although these weird skills are powerful, there are also many normal skills.

And in the other glass, there are all kinds of exercises.

A series of miraculous exercises and various miraculous effects made Wei Yi unable to stop.

What immortality, magic, and Buddhism should have.

The art of calling the wind and calling the rain can actually summon the black dragon giant, breathe out the dark wind, blow out the fire of all spirits, and even call the rain of heaven and earth, and extinguish all spirits.

There is also Scattering Beans into Soldiers, who can extract the person he personally slaughtered from nothingness, imprison him in the space of Xuanbing, and summon him by himself, and the summoned dead still have the strength of his life. Terrible.

And there are more fairy arts of this kind, such as landslides, ground cracks, grass and trees becoming soldiers, and shrinking the ground to inches. Looking at it, it is simply the supreme fairy art.

And all these fairy arts that only exist in legends actually exist in front of his eyes, Wei Yi simply can't believe it.

"What's the matter, my heart is moving." At this moment, a voice came from Wei Yi's side.

Wei Yi was also shocked, and hurriedly turned his head, but Tang Ming appeared next to him, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for the generous gift from the Lord of the World. Wei Yi will definitely have a generous reward in the future." Wei Yi also said hastily cupping his hands. Wei Yi also heard others addressing Tang Ming, so naturally he also shouted.

Tang Ming also waved his hand: "You rent the venue, and we will pay the rent. This is a transaction. If you love me, I would like it. How can you give us a generous gift?"

"That being said, the World Lord bestowed on me something, and I have the kindness of recreating my subordinates. If I don't repay this kindness, Wei Yi should be ashamed of it." Wei Yi bowed his head again and said.

Seeing Wei Yi's serious and serious expression, Tang Ming had no choice but to let him go.

"I don't know what Wei Yi can do to help, just let the world master order." Wei Yi also said solemnly, although Tang Ming repeatedly said that this is a deal, but Wei Yi felt that he had made a lot of money, so he wanted to pay back to Tang Ming .

Tang Ming looked at Wei Yi like this, and felt a little helpless. To Wei Yi, these immortal energies were probably equivalent to the immortal medicine. What a kindness it was to make people live thousands of years longer, but for Tang Ming , It's just a matter of grabbing a handful of immortal energy and kneading it into a ball, it's not a big deal at all.

"Okay, as I said before, if you feel ashamed, then help me maintain the order of the auction." Tang Ming also pointed to the similarly prepared auction venue.

During this period of time, Tang Ming was not only setting up the auction venue.

And other traders also took action one after another. In order to have a small booth in the auction venue, each trader worked tirelessly and rushed to the various sects.

It's not that Tang Ming didn't want to use his mana to directly notify the entire Shrouding Plane, but the Shrouding Plane was too huge, so it would consume too much mana and take too much effort.

Secondly, Tang Ming didn't want to push forward the plot of the Shading Plane too early. After all, Ye Fan hadn't had time to rise up yet. If the Wanzu woke up early at this moment, I'm afraid it would also disrupt his protagonist training plan.

Therefore, the object of Tang Ming's auction this time is only the human race and the monster race in the Big Dipper Starfield. Although there are only two parties, the value points earned by the auction may be less, but it doesn't matter. As for Tang Ming, money is hard to buy and I am happy.

In the Holy Land of Shaking Light in the Southern Region of the Big Dipper Star Region.

"You mean that group of mysterious people came out of the tomb of the demon emperor." The Holy Master Yaoguang was covered with golden light, exuding a powerful majesty, and asked the few people below solemnly.

"That's right, Holy Master, I saw with my own eyes that those people flew out of the tomb of the Demon Emperor, and each of them was of extraordinary strength." The few people below also replied honestly, and they were the ones who participated in the battle. The next demon emperor's tomb incident was reported to Holy Master Yaoguang as soon as he came back.

Lord Yaoguang frowned when he heard the answers from the people below. He also felt that the time this time was not easy, and the group of people who flew out of the tomb of the Demon Emperor was even more difficult. .

Through the reports of his subordinates, the group of people who came out of the demon emperor's tomb were not only amazing in strength.

The most surprising thing is that the head of the Yaozu actually knelt down towards the pot of lotus in their hands and called him the Great Emperor.

In this way, the matter will not be simple. If other people say so, I am afraid that the Lord of the Light will laugh it off and listen to it as a joke.

But the instigator of this matter turned out to be Yan Ruyu, but the authenticity of the matter needs to be deliberated. Who is Yan Ruyu, but the head of the Yaozu.

Although his strength is not high, his status in the Yaozu is there.

Can the words that come out of her mouth be false?

But recently, the Yaozu has been weak, and Yan Ruyu, a woman, is also extremely shrewd. It cannot be ruled out that all this is a play directed and performed by the Yaozu.

As for Wanqing, the great emperor of the monster race, the Holy Master Yaoguang also knew about it. He died many years ago, how could he still be alive in this world? Although everything is in line with the truth, the Holy Master Yaoguang still couldn’t believe it .

It was precisely because of this that Holy Master Yaoguang called this group of subordinates who had participated in the event for the first time who did not know how many times, just to ask carefully and get a definite answer from it.

Just as Holy Master Yaoguang was thinking, suddenly, Holy Master Yaoguang felt the shaking of the mountain guard formation at the mountain gate.

Just when Holy Master Yaoguang wanted to fly out to see what happened, a golden light flashed across and appeared in front of Holy Lord Yaoguang.

The Holy Lord of Shaking Light also changed his expression, and grabbed the golden light.

Suddenly that golden light also turned into powder, and a few large golden characters appeared in the main hall of the Shaking Light Holy Land.

"Ten days later, the Ten Thousand Worlds Auction will be held in Tianxuan Stone Square, the holy city of Zhongzhou. All kinds of rare treasures will be auctioned at this time..."

And these words, put together, are one sentence, ten days later, there will be an auction.

Of course, there is another most important reminder, which is to let them bring all kinds of treasures and cheats.

After the Holy Master Yaoguang finished reading it, the golden light floating in the sky suddenly merged together again, turning into a golden invitation and falling into the hands of the Holy Master Yaoguang.

And following the golden invitation, there was also a jade box made of jade.

Holy Master Fluctuating Light also opened it curiously, but after opening it, he closed it immediately.

Immediately, the Holy Lord of the Fluctuating Light summoned all the powers of the Holy Land of the Fluctuating Light to discuss matters in secret.

And this scene did not only appear in the Holy Land of Waving Light, but in every corner of the Big Dipper Starfield, all the sects received such notifications, and the same scene was staged in all the sects of the Big Dipper Starfield.

And at the periphery of the Waving Light Holy Land, Lu Xiaofeng looked at the scrolls thrown into the Waking Light Holy Land by himself, and nodded in satisfaction. Although this job is a bit far away, it is still easy, as long as you get to the various sects, throw it in directly That's it, save time and effort, and avoid the trouble of being asked.

(End of this chapter)

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