Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 547 Crystal Booth

Chapter 547 Crystal Booth
554. Crystal Booth
in the next few days.

More and more people came to the auction venue. It can be said that the big forces of the entire Big Dipper Star Field have arrived.

Originally, all of them were arrogant, but just after entering Tianxuan Stone Workshop, they were instantly stunned by the items sold by the small stalls.

The potion of God, after use, can actually transform the human body, greatly strengthen the physical body, and even develop skills similar to innate talents.You know, this innate skill is only the ability of the monster race or other special races.

And even if it is a monster race, there are very few people who can possess innate skills.

There are also blood successors like Limit Boundary, each of which can not only allow oneself to have various magical talents, but also can be passed on to the next generation, it is simply the lifeblood that can make a family rise.

The more powerful ones are not limited to this one. There are also magic and cultivation techniques, each of which is unheard of and unseen, and opens up a brand new path of cultivation for them.

But what excites them the most is the various miraculous medicines.

Ming Yuan Dan, after taking it, can actually increase the life span of a thousand years.It is simply the most precious thing for a monk with a short lifespan.

The barrier-breaking pill, taken at the moment of breakthrough, can greatly increase the probability of a monk's breakthrough.It also excited countless monks. You have to know how many Tianjiao are stuck under the bottleneck, unable to break through for a long time, and finally die sadly.

The Body Tempering Pill can even remove all kinds of impurities in the human body and rejuvenate a person. It is simply a necessary magic medicine for the birth of a genius.

A variety of elixir, a variety of different effects, dazzled the people of the entire Big Dipper Starfield.

The monks did not hesitate to spend their money to buy these miraculous treasures. After all, after passing this village, there is no next shop. This is the capital for the rise of a great power.

Even the old monks came up with secret books that they were reluctant to pass on to their disciples, and the young people who were not talented even spent all their money for a Body Tempering Pill. Even some small sects , Even the ancestral cheats of his own sect were sold out.

And the traders who set up small stalls were drooling with excitement. Although they had to pay a large amount of high transaction tax, the huge sales volume was enough for them to make a fortune.

Even the floor-sweeping monk who lost a fine of [-] value points became beaming and laughed when he saw people, which showed how much he had earned.

However, after a few days, it was time for the auction, and the business of these small stalls was relatively less.

Although there are still many people rushing to buy them, they are still some small sects who know they are not qualified. Anyway, they will definitely not be able to compete with those big factions and big forces, so it is better to buy more pills and cheats to prepare for the future rise of their sect. .

On the other hand, these big forces, during this period of time, are constantly moving. Batch after batch of goods are also continuously transported to the holy city, and then they are exchanged for value points, and then continue to be transported, with a continuous stream of convoys.

This also made the leaders of a group of small forces envious. This is enough to prove the strength of these big forces, and only these big forces can have such huge resources for them to squander.

On the day before the auction started, there was another change in Tianxuan Stone Workshop.

In Kaitianxuan Stone Workshop, a new area has been opened.

And this area is nothing but crystal booths, and all kinds of treasures are placed on these booths, which are part of the goods that will be auctioned in tomorrow's auction. They are displayed in advance to let everyone watch.

In this way, many forces can also determine their goals, so as to attack decisively and maximize the value of them.

After all, most of the items in this auction are secret exercises, and it is also clearly stated that the items in this auction are only for this one time in the Shading Plane. If you miss it, it will never appear again.

In this way, people on the Shading Plane felt a sense of urgency. If they failed to take the treasure, they would be taken by other forces.

Then the opponent's power will inevitably increase greatly, and if one goes up and down, then how can there be a way out for one's own power in the future.

That must be to prepare enough treasures, exchange them for value points, take the treasures, and finally rise to power, kill powerful enemies, and become the overlord of one side.

After the opening of the booth area, a group of monks couldn't wait to run out to see what precious things would be put up for auction in such a solemn manner.

At the moment, the venue is already overcrowded.

An extremely majestic emperor in a dragon robe, a holy son and a holy daughter of a great religion, and a gangster full of evil. . .

In this booth area, almost the most powerful and most respected people in the entire Big Dipper Star Region gathered, as well as demons.

"Tiangang's 36 changes, the method of changing the plane of the immortal hero, if you practice this method, you can avoid the calamity of sky thunder, sky fire, and sky wind, and all dharmas will not invade."

"Earth Sha 72 changes, both are the law of change, and the change is unpredictable."

And these two methods of transformation seem to have the same effect, and the number of transformations of Disha 72 transformations is twice that of Tiangang 36 transformations, which should be stronger.

Earth Sha 72 changes, it is easy to learn, but the things that change are common things. (It can be seen that Monkey King and Erlang are fighting.)
But the method of Tiangang is more profound and mysterious, but it is extremely difficult to learn, and the things that change are also more powerful. Therefore, in theory, the 36 changes of Tiangang are stronger than the 72 changes of Earth Sha.

The booths where these two cheat books are placed are also close to each other, and a lot of masters have gathered under these two booths.

Everyone looked greedily at the secret books on the booth. Such a method of good fortune is probably not much better than the uncommon knowledge among those big forces. One party overlord.

"Why is there no one guarding here?" the head of a small sect also muttered in a low voice.

Could it be that this auction is so confident, isn't it afraid that someone will snatch these auction items?
Many people also looked around suspiciously, there was no one guarding the auction, and the peddlers who set up stalls, although they were all amazing in strength, were still looking at their small stalls, and didn't want to pay attention to this place at all.

There are thousands of people here, and there are hundreds of booths here. If the crowd suddenly explodes, even a master of the Saint King level may not be able to manage it.

Immediately, many people secretly had a lot of small thoughts in their hearts.

 At the end of the month today, the fifth watch breaks out~!

(End of this chapter)

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