Chapter 553
560. Sky price
The eyes of everyone looking at the book "Tai Shang Alchemy" on the booth became a little crazy.

Being able to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir can turn ordinary people into saints, the alchemy experience of such a mysterious elixir refiner is so valuable.

If there is any sect who obtains this alchemy technique and inherits the alchemy technique of the Taishang Laojun, it is no exaggeration to say that this sect will definitely be the strongest sect in the Big Dipper Star Field after thousands of years one.

But Yuan Tiangang's words were not finished yet, "This "Taishang Alchemy Technique" can't help but contain the method of alchemy, and it even includes a unique method of elixir - the refining method of the nine-turn golden elixir."

"Moreover, this supreme alchemy technique is not only a method of alchemy, but also a method of cultivation. The monks who practice this method can absorb the energy of alchemy through continuous alchemy, and continuously improve As far as self-cultivation is concerned, the higher the quality of the elixirs refined, the stronger the elixirs will be, and vice versa, the stronger the elixirs, the stronger the elixirs can be refined."

Everyone was also completely excited. This supreme alchemy technique is really a unique skill. If you practice this method, from now on, you will open up a brand new profession for the Big Dipper Starfield - alchemist.

And more importantly, if you have thoroughly mastered the alchemy of Taishang, it is tantamount to mastering the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. There are infinite nine-turn golden elixirs, which is equivalent to countless saint-level masters.

Everyone couldn't help but fall into their own fantasies.

And if Yuan Tiangang and the others knew what they were thinking, they would probably laugh outright.

Indeed, this book on alchemy is true, and the method of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is also true, but it is so easy to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir.

The Taishang Laojun is a peerless power who has lived for who knows how long. He has spent his whole life on alchemy, and his alchemy skills are probably unmatched by anyone in the three realms.

The one who can be compared with it is probably the Taishang Laojun from other planes.

If one wants to refine the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, no matter how talented a person is, if they rely on secret books to practice, they may only be able to comprehend it thoroughly after studying for thousands of years, and this is only a theoretical understanding.

For refining the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, although the medicinal materials are not fixed, and similar medicinal materials can be found on the Shading Plane, the refining time is extremely long.

It takes a hundred years for one turn, but it takes a full 900 years to practice the nine-turn golden elixir, and someone must always watch over the alchemy furnace without interruption, observe the properties of the medicine at any time, and constantly adjust the firepower.

Only the Taishang Laojun, who has an infinite lifespan and is usually idle, would spend such a long time refining such a batch of magic pills.

Moreover, the Taishang Laojun is a master of alchemy, and his magic power is profound, so that refining the nine-turn golden elixir is as easy as eating and drinking water. If it were someone else, I am afraid that I would have to guard the alchemy furnace all the time, lest something might go wrong .

In the plane of covering the sky, if these local people want to refine a batch of Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, I am afraid it will take a long time, and they may not be able to succeed. But in fact, it is just a tasteless rib, and it is a pity to discard it if it is tasteless.

And although the medicinal power of this Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is amazing, in Laojun's plane, after mortals take one pill, coupled with the power of the laws of heaven and earth, it can definitely make mortals ascend to immortality and live forever.

But in the Shrouding Plane, due to the different laws of the heaven and the earth, the life essence in the aura of the Shrouding Plane is scarce, but the powerful power of the law also allows the user to go a step further and break through to the level of a saint.

But taking this elixir has a sequelae that cannot be ignored. Because mortals have taken the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, they can become a great sage relying on the powerful medicinal properties of the elixir.

But it was also because of the forced promotion, which also caused the monks to lose the opportunity to go further.

Although the young man who took the elixir on the spot, Laojun told him that he could get closer in a hundred years, it was because Laojun was very familiar with the medicinal properties of the Jiuzhuan Golden Pill and helped him refine it.

This makes the pill more comprehensive, and there is a lot of medicinal power left. After a hundred years, it will be possible to get closer by relying on the medicinal power. If he reaches the level of a saint king in a hundred years, if he wants to make progress, it will be very difficult. .

However, this has nothing to do with the exchange. Yuan Tiangang also made it clear that the refining of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is extremely difficult, and the price required is also extremely high. There is no exaggeration at all. Everything is just the whims of these local monks.

However, this supreme alchemy technique is true. After it is completed, it is extremely easy to refine some ordinary pills with such a profound alchemy technique, and it is enough to bear the title of peerless alchemy method.

"The second auction item - "Alchemy of the Supreme Master", the reserve price is 300 million value points, and each bid must not be lower than [-] value points. The auction starts now."

As soon as Yuan Tiangang knocked the auction hammer, the auction of "Tai Shang Alchemy" started.

But at this moment, the authenticity of Taishang alchemy has been completely questioned by no one. After all, such mysterious pills have appeared in front of them. Their young saint is sealed.

Now, there is not only the method of refining alchemy, but also the method of refining the nine-turn golden elixir. Such a precious thing is in front of you, how can you give it up lightly.

And the price of Taishang's alchemy, like riding a rocket, rose in a straight line.

"I bid 350 million value points for a holy place."

"My Huangguji family bids 400 million value points."

"I bid 500 million yuan for the Holy Land of Yaochi, and I hope you will give me a face for the Holy Land of Yaochi. If my Yaochi masters the method of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir in the future, if you have any requests, my Yaochi will do its best to help."

Many big powers are also fighting with red faces, and they even don't hesitate to offer additional value, hoping to get the cheat book in their hands.

But being able to refine the cheats that make ordinary people become saints, how can people give up easily.

"Great Xia Dynasty offered 600 million yuan. Fellow Daoists help me, Daxia Dynasty, to get the cheat book. After getting the cheat book, I must first help Daoist friends refine a furnace of Nine-Turn Golden Pill."

"Your Majesty was joking. Since the Great Xia Dynasty can do it, my West Desert Buddhism can certainly do it. Why don't your Majesty help me get alchemy from Buddhism, so how about my Buddhism helping Your Majesty refine a furnace?"

And the other small powers were very excited when they saw the big powers that kept popping up. Not only did ancient families hidden in the world appear one by one, even the most mysterious Buddhism was attracted by this alchemy method. .

It is even more rare to see such a once-in-a-thousand-year scene such as big forces vying for bids, and big figures shouting and cursing like rogues.

Compared with the Ninth Turn Golden Elixir, everyone remained skeptical and gradually increased the price. As soon as Taishang Alchemy came out, the price skyrocketed, reaching an astronomical figure of 800 million in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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