Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 560 How can you be so shameless

Chapter 560 How can you be so shameless
567. How Can You Be So Shameless?
At this moment, in the sky, an evil little hand appeared, slowly approaching the infinite immortal energy,
Tang Ming also discovered this nasty little hand.

Immediately, I was very angry in my heart, but there was also a smirk on the corner of my mouth.

Tang Ming also transformed into a bigger hand, the little hand that approached quietly, just when the little hand was about to grab the immortal energy, Tang Ming's palm slapped the little hand fiercely.

"Oh." Immediately, a howling sound like a wolf came from the sky.

Suddenly several figures appeared in the sky, one of them was an old man who was still covering his little hand and looked at Tang Ming with resentment.

"Where is the thief, his hands and feet are not clean, he even dares to touch my things." Tang Ming also looked at the few people in the sky with a sneer.

"Hmph, come forward and make a big fuss in my ancient and forbidden land. I came here this time to settle accounts with you." The few people who came were also not to be outdone, and first took the title of righteousness.

Tang Ming was also slightly concerned: "Oh, I'm just waiting for a tour, and I didn't do anything. Maybe we can't do a tour."

At this time, a few young people stood up from behind the group of strong men in the sky: "It's them, they beat me up last time, and they even took my baby away."

And as soon as these young people came out, they pointed angrily at the four-eyed Taoist priest and Zhizunbao and the others, looking like they were gnashing their teeth, as if they had a deep hatred.

Supreme Treasure and the others who originally wanted to hide were suddenly identified, and there was no way to hide now.

But what kind of people are Zhizunbao and others, they are not usually thick-skinned.

I saw Supreme Treasure standing up: "Boy, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. When did we beat you up? Don't scold us."

"That's right, boy, if you dare to falsely accuse us, believe it or not, we will beat you." Taoist Xiaoshan raised his fist and threatened viciously.

And those young people were also taken aback, and quickly hid behind those strong men, it seemed that the shadow in their hearts was a little heavy.

After Tang Ming and others arrived at the Ancient Forbidden Land last time, since it was a tour group, they would naturally not miss the Forbidden Land, so they organized a group to visit.

The existence of the ancient forbidden land naturally sensed Tang Ming and others.

But they also discovered the power of Wutian Buddha, and also discovered Tang Ming, an existence they couldn't see through at all.

Because they rely on self-proclaimed to survive today, facing unpredictable opponents, naturally they dare not act rashly, they can only observe secretly, allowing them to visit the ancient forbidden land.

Although the barren and ancient forbidden land is one of the seven forbidden areas for life in the sky-shrouding plane, it is just a rather peculiar scenic spot in the face of Tang Ming's Ten Thousand Realms tour group, and there is nothing special about it.

With the powerful Wutian Buddha and the unfathomable power of the Lord of the World, everyone naturally walked around without fear.

But Daoist Xiaoshan, Zhizunbao and others are not people who keep their own place. Others pick up some good materials on the ground as receipts, but they are not satisfied with these.

So Daoist Xiaoshan and Zhizunbao, together with Daoist Simu, Wang Lu and others, decided to make a big one.

Relying on Wang Lu's plan, and with the help of Wutian Buddha and Tang Ming's tiger skin, everyone also resorted to a trick to deceive the sky.

With Taoist Xiaoshan's exquisite formation ability, he arranged a concealment formation, and the group quietly found a nest of supreme beings.

In the supreme lair, many treasures were also found, and at the same time, the precious sons and grandsons of these ancient supremes were also found.

Since they met, they naturally couldn't miss it. A group of people also bullied the small with the big ones, directly beat up this group of ancient children, even ransacked them directly, and then knocked them out and sealed them.

Then they quietly returned to the team. Due to Xiaoshan Daoist's exquisite formation and Wang Lu's perfect strategy, even this group of desolate ancient supreme beings did not notice their actions.

It wasn't until the Wanjie Tourist Group finished visiting the ancient forbidden land with food and food, and left.

Those unlucky second and third generations of Huanggu were discovered and rescued by their parents.

It's just that the looted Huanggu children even had their underwear pulled out, and there was not a single treasure left in the cave.

Looking at a group of crying children, this group of Supremes also had no choice but to beat their children severely.

For a strong man whose strength is unknown, he still dare not act rashly.

A strong man at the level of a great emperor, and a strong man who can't see through at all, as human beings who have lived for countless years, they also don't want to be enemies with them, so they had to give up, and then beat up their descendants again. To vent the fire.

And they thought it was okay, but they didn't want to, but they heard a shocking news not long after.

Someone actually wants to hold an auction, and the auction item is actually immortal energy, immortal energy that can extend life.

This completely stunned the group of supreme beings.

All of them were also moved, but they didn't dare to act rashly, and then they secretly inquired and observed to verify the news.

And the things sold at the auction shocked them one by one, the powerful immortals, the mysterious pills, and everything they had never heard of before.

Although it is unbearable, they have lived for an unknown number of years, and they have turned their experience into patience. Although these treasures are extremely powerful, this is the most important thing for becoming an immortal and gaining an infinite lifespan. Been waiting.

When Tang Ming took out the endless immortal energy, the crowd couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately popped up, wanting to snatch the immortal energy.

But he was discovered by Tang Ming in an instant.

Since the stealing failed, then simply jump out.

But in the face of Tang Ming who was able to produce so much immortal energy at will and whose strength was unpredictable, they did not dare to act rashly.

As a routine routine before fighting for thousands of years, it is natural to have a theory first, so a group of unlucky descendants of them were also pushed to the fore, as the argument before the fight.

But seeing their children and grandchildren being frightened back after being threatened by the other party, they were also angry and annoyed.

Since the children and grandchildren can't do it, then only oneself can come.

"You beat our descendants, and even robbed me of things in the ancient forbidden zone. We have to settle this account carefully." A Supreme with the body of a stone man also stood up.

But Stone Emperor far underestimated the shamelessness of this group of people.

Daoist Xiaoshan stood up and pointed at Emperor Shi and said solemnly: "You said that we beat your descendants and robbed your things. Do you have evidence?"

"That's right, we are kind and honest people. How can we bully innocent people? If you don't give evidence, you are making a false accusation. Believe it or not, I will sue you at the Yamen."

Faced with the scornful expressions of Xiao Shan Taoist priests, Shi Huang was also stunned: "How can you be so shameless."

(End of this chapter)

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