Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 562 The Supreme Gathering

Chapter 562 The Supreme Gathering
569. Supreme Gathering
And Shihuang didn't intend to let Daoist Xiaoshan go, just when he planned to attack again.

Shihuang's palm had just hit, but Tang Ming waved his hand, and Shihuang's terrifying palm disappeared without a trace.

Tang Ming naturally wanted to test the strength of these supreme beings, so he just removed the others that were covered by Shi Huang's palm.

As for Daoist Xiaoshan, he also wanted to see what abilities he had. After all, Tang Ming didn't believe that he would die so easily as the No. 1 formation ability in the entire exchange.

As expected by Tang Ming, Daoist Xiaoshan was unscathed, but this method was a bit too cheap, and it was just a pain for the sweeping monk.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean? This person has already admitted that he is the murderer who robbed my son. Could it be that he still wants to protect him?" Shi Huang was also very surprised, Tang Ming easily broke his palm, so His strength also didn't dare to let him act rashly.

Tang Ming smiled slightly: "I don't care about your grievances with him for now, but you interrupted my auction."

Tang Ming turned cold in an instant: "This attack is a warning, if you dare to attack again, don't blame me for killing you!"

The voice of this sentence is very soft, but it contains an unquestionable taste, and the killing intent contained in it makes even the former emperors like Shihuang feel threatened.

Shihuang and the others were also shocked, feeling a huge threat, but they couldn't help but said: "Your Excellency, aren't you too confident?"

"You can try." Go ahead, Tang Ming cast a cold glance at Emperor Shi, then turned around and landed on the ground.

Facing Tang Ming's threat, Shi Huang's face was also uncertain.

"Stone Emperor, what shall I do?" Another Supreme Qilin Ancient Emperor also asked with an ugly expression.

Qilin Ancient Emperor and other ancient supreme beings, in order to survive until now, hid in the restricted area of ​​life like the stone emperor, but their strength was not as good as these supreme beings who lived for an unknown number of years.

And this time I also got the news of the immortal energy. In order to become an immortal, he and the stone emperor broke out of the restricted area of ​​life in an attempt to obtain the immortal energy in order to live forever.

"Has Emperor Zun come?" Stone Emperor asked through gritted teeth.

"It has been notified, and it must be coming soon." Qilin Ancient Emperor also nodded in response.

Shi Huang waved his hand: "Okay, then let them be arrogant for a while, wait for the people from my seven restricted areas to arrive, and see if you dare to be so arrogant."

Looking at the thick immortal energy in the sky that covered the sky and the sun, Shi Huang and the others also turned their heads unwillingly, and hid in the void on the side.

Facing Tang Ming's formidable strength, they were really not sure that they would be able to grab the immortal energy and retreat unscathed.

Afterwards, the exchange of immortal energy continued, and the local monks who were still terrified were also extremely nervous.

These people turned out to be in the restricted area of ​​life. They were characters that the ancient emperors dared not provoke easily. Today, they were dismissed by Tang Ming's understatement. Such strength is simply shocking.

Hearing that he could continue to exchange for immortal energy, a certain kind of monk was also terrified, but he was also dissatisfied with the movements in his hands, and hurriedly began to exchange for immortal energy.

But each of them is extremely cautious, this fairy energy is something that all the taboos in the forbidden area of ​​life want to get, if it makes oneself fall into a murder, it is not worth it.

I don't know who came up with an idea, actually tore off a piece of cloth from his body and covered his face, and even tried his best to restrain his aura, and secretly exchanged for immortal energy.

Although I don't know if this can avoid the divine consciousness of these supreme beings, although such a deception is of no effect at all, but at least it has given these monks a psychological comfort, and they all followed suit.

And the monks who had completed the exchange, seeing the immortal energy integrated into their bodies, were overjoyed, but they didn't dare to reveal it, and then they shrank their heads and ran desperately, opened the teleportation array, and teleported several times in an attempt to avoid these supreme inspectors. Explore, secretly digest the immortal energy.

However, many monks did not leave. They also understood that today's auction is being targeted. If the auction cannot solve these supreme beings, no matter where they hide, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of these supreme beings.

It's better to stay here with peace of mind and wait for the final result. Since this auction can be so courageous and fearless of these ancient supreme beings, there is naturally a proper solution.

All the monks were looking at the sky nervously, discussing quietly from time to time, and waiting nervously.

Suddenly, the sky darkened again.

I saw clusters of black mist gathered from all directions.

"That's the existence of the ancient mine in the early days! I can feel the breath of the early days." An old man who had mines in the restricted area in the early days also said in shock.

"That's the Undead Mountain"

"That's the sea of ​​reincarnation"

. . .

Immediately, the monks looked at the sky in shock, and the existence of the seven life forbidden zones in the entire Big Dipper Starfield came.

Looking at the dozens of figures in the sky, each and every monk trembled in fright. Even the Void Emperor, who was unparalleled in combat power back then, only killed one Supreme.

This is because the Supremes are fighting on their own, unwilling to waste their lifespan for nothing.

Now, the existence of the seven forbidden areas of life is all there, even if Emperor Void is resurrected, facing so many opponents, it must be futile.

"This is really immortal energy, such a strong breath of life, hahaha, I hope to become an immortal in my generation." Emperor Zun looked at the endless immortal energy in the sky, and laughed happily.

Said, Emperor Zun couldn't wait to make a move, and directly grabbed the immortal energy in the sky.

Carrying the immortal energy in the sky, as if he had his own spiritual wisdom, he immediately shrank back, avoiding the emperor's grasp.

"Hey, it's interesting." Emperor Zun missed the blow, instead of being angry, he laughed sinisterly.

Immediately, without waiting for the emperor to open his mouth, all the supreme beings couldn't wait to act one by one, rushing towards the immortal energy one by one, wanting to obtain the immortal energy.

But the immortal energy is dodging left and right, even though these supreme beings make repeated attacks, they have not obtained any immortal energy.

Several supreme beings looked at Kongyou Baoshan, but they couldn't do anything, and they were also a little angry. Immediately, without waiting for a few people to discuss, they joined forces and prepared to set up a formation to capture these immortal qi in one fell swoop.

But Immortal Qi also saw the horror of these Supreme Beings. There was a hole in the sky, and Immortal Qi went straight into it. Just when the Supreme Beings were about to chase after them, the hole disappeared.

Immediately, it appeared on the ground and merged into Tang Ming's body.

(End of this chapter)

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