Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 566 Surrender

Chapter 566 Surrender
573. Surrender
I saw that many supreme beings also looked at each other, and they made up their minds.

His complexion also became decisive, compared to slowly waiting for the door of the legendary illusory fairyland to open.

The immortal energy in front of them is even more alluring, and there are so many immortal energy, if the owners of these immortal energy have no connection with the fairy world, they will definitely not believe it.

"Boom, boom, boom"

There were several violent noises one after another, and one after another astonishing momentum rose like fireworks.

The body of a group of supreme beings is shining with brilliance, which is extremely dazzling, like the most dazzling stars in the starry sky.

Numerous supreme beings were sublimated to the utmost at the same time, and at the same time restored to the cultivation level of the Great Emperor. It was possible for such a group of supreme beings to be sublimated to the extreme at the same time, even in the countless years of dark turmoil.

Streams of powerful imperial prestige gathered together, as if the heavens had destroyed the world, all living beings felt the threat of death.

After all the great emperors reached their peak, they took action quickly. After all, such means would cause huge damage to the supreme being who cut himself off. collapsed.

These supreme beings were originally Tier [-] Great Emperors, but in order to live forever, they cut off their status as Great Emperors and lost the blessings of the Heavenly Dao that the Great Emperors could control.

But now they have been sublimated to the extreme, allowing them to briefly re-control the strength of the emperor level, but in the end they cut off the fruit position themselves, and without the fruit position in their bodies, this kind of powerful power will continue to damage themselves. Cause indelible damage.

With such a method, if he hadn't been forced to a desperate situation, no Supreme would use him.

And this group of supreme beings, at this moment, has already been inspired by the infinite immortal energy and the news of the gate of the fairyland.

In order to live forever and ascend to immortality, this group of supreme beings also give it a go. If they win, they will have the hope of immortality and immortality.

A group of supreme beings no longer hesitated, and shot at the enemy in front of them at the same time. After all, the enemy in front of them is also a big obstacle for them. If they can't solve them quickly, it may be a big disaster.

The traders and others who were still occupying the upper part fell below after the Supremes reached their utmost sublimation.

Although these supreme beings have not recovered as real emperors, they have also recovered their fighting power at the emperor level.

It's okay if there are one or two, but it's a bit overwhelming to rush up at the same time.

Xiang Ji, on the other hand, was covered in blood, and was vomited blood after being beaten by Shi Huang. Although Xiang Ji's opponent was only Shi Huang, Shi Huang had recovered the cultivation level of the Great Emperor, and he was the best among the Supremes, let alone Xiang Ji. Ji and his strength gap is too large.

As a result, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows, and Xiang Ji can't hold on anymore.

However, Xiang Ji is still full of fighting spirit. Although he is covered in blood, his momentum remains undiminished.

The situation of Wutian Buddha is also a little bad. His opponents are the three Supreme Beings who have sublimated to the utmost.

The worst thing is Chen Zhan. Although his combat power is amazing and he can kill a real emperor alone, he is still not a real emperor after all, and his opponents are as many as five people.

All of a sudden, he was joined by the five supreme beings, his limbs were broken, and his flesh and blood flew everywhere. If it wasn't for his immortal demon body, he might have truly fallen.

In contrast, Martial Ancestor's strength is astonishing, and he has reached the level of the holy way. Although he faces more than ten supreme beings, he relies on his strong strength.

With a ruthless attack, the three Supreme Beings were quickly killed, but it also frightened the other Supreme Beings, and they didn't even dare to make another move.

Seeing that the scene had reached a stalemate, the Supreme Beings were a little anxious.

Emperor Zun looked at the Martial Ancestor who was still able to handle more than a dozen of them, his complexion became more and more ugly, but he did not expect that the strength of this Martial Ancestor was far beyond their imagination.

If you continue to entangle, I am afraid that you don't have to wait for the opponent to make a move. If you spend too long in your best sublimation, you will fall first.

Emperor Zun also acted decisively, directly summoning many Supreme Beings, directly abandoning his opponents, and killing Tang Ming on the ground together.

After all, the immortal energy is in his hands, as long as Tang Ming is taken down and the immortal energy is obtained, at least they are not at a loss.

Therefore, a group of supreme beings rushed towards Tang Ming frantically, vowing to capture him together.

And Dizun is worthy of being an old fritter that has lived for tens of thousands of years. In order to prevent other people from rescuing him, he even asked several Supremes to entangle Wu Zu and others with all their strength to buy time for themselves.

But what Emperor Zun didn't expect was that Wu Zu and others didn't care at all. Instead, they fought against the procrastinating Supreme with a smile, and didn't want to stop him at all.

As for Wutian Buddha and Chen Zhan, they didn't even look at them. Seeing that their opponents had decreased, they were very happy, and broke out with all their strength, taking the opportunity to kill their opponents as soon as possible.

Emperor Zun was also puzzled, could it be that they didn't care at all?Tang Ming, who has gathered his immortal energy, is even stronger, so don't care at all.

But at this moment, they are already on the verge of an arrow, and they have to send it out, and they are not allowed to think about it.

Many supreme beings also looked decisive. They exploded their twelfth level of skill and used their strongest killer move, vowing to kill Tang Ming and gain immortal energy.

And Tang Ming looked at the crowd of supreme beings rushing towards him, instead of showing any surprise, he started counting.

"One, two . . . eighteen. Yes, it seems nearly all there."

There was also a weird smile on the corner of Tang Ming's mouth.

"Since everyone is here, let's end it."

Immediately, Tang Ming raised his right hand, stretched it towards the sky, and held it gently with his palm.

Suddenly, a strange energy gushed out from Tang Ming's body and rushed to the sky.

With a sound of "cracking", suddenly there was a sound of chains in the sky, as if the chains were constantly intertwined.

"What is this?" Before the group of Supremes could react.

I saw that strange energy in Tang Ming's hand melted into the air, like a will linking the heaven and the earth.

A series of colorful chains appeared in the air, and these chains were all constructed by the power of laws, as if the will of heaven.

Tang Ming held it with one hand, and chains of chains appeared beside the group of supreme beings in an instant, wrapping around the bodies of the supreme beings, trapping them firmly.

The Supremes tried their best to break free, but these chains were extremely strong, and they were even tightened continuously, making them unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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