Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 569 Emperor's Hope

Chapter 569 Emperor's Hope

576. Regal's Hope

First of all, there are supreme beings such as the Wanlong Emperor and the Qilin Emperor. They are relatively young and have not had time to participate in the dark turmoil in the future, and their karma is relatively small.

Looking at the bloody 620 million points of karma on the screen, Wanlonghuang was also very frightened. Although he didn't know how the karma was calculated, he hurriedly exchanged it.

I saw that in order to survive and survive, the Wanlong Emperor directly exchanged all the imperial scriptures he had cultivated, including all the exercises he had learned.

Immediately, an invisible black hole appeared above the machine, like a huge vacuum cleaner, continuously absorbing Wanlonghuang's body.

Immediately, streaks of terrifying black air emerged from Wanlonghuang's body and were swallowed by the black hole. With the effort of a cup of tea, the black energy on Wanlonghuang's body was swallowed up, and the black hole disappeared immediately.

Looking at the screen in front of him again, the original bright red number disappeared, replaced by a big zero.

Then, streams of immortal energy were fed back from the machine and injected into Wanlonghuang's body. Immediately, Wanlonghuang's aura rose steadily, and then climbed to the peak.

There was a loud bang, and the Wanlong Emperor unexpectedly rose to the level of a great emperor again.

"What's going on." Wanlonghuang was also about to cry in fright, obviously I didn't fully sublimate, why did I sublimate again inexplicably.

But after a while, Wanlonghuang discovered that his current state was not as if he had been sublimated to the utmost, and remained in the state of a great emperor at the cost of consuming his lifespan.

And his current state is clearly the state of the real emperor back then, and he has completely recovered to the state of the emperor, and the life energy in his body is sufficient, without any sign of decay.

I saw that the chains of rules that originally restrained Wanlonghuang disappeared without a trace. Wanlonghuang was freed, and he completely recovered his cultivation at the level of a great emperor, and he had a long lifespan.

Seeing the excited expression of Wanlonghuang, Tang Ming also said lightly: "Wanlonghuang has less karma, and the value of exchanging items far exceeds karma, so the excess is transformed into immortal energy Feedback to Wanlonghuang, my exchange is fair and just, and I will not take advantage of you."

"Your karma is clear. From now on, you will become a member of the exchange and work for the exchange for thousands of years. However, you don't have to worry about longevity, and it will be your reward."

Hearing Tang Ming's words, Wanlonghuang was even more grateful, and then knelt down in front of Tang Ming, respectful: "My subordinate Wanlonghuang will definitely die for the world master and the exchange from now on."

Tang Ming also nodded: "From now on, I'll do it myself."

Seeing the situation of Wanlonghuang, all the supreme beings were even more envious. They thought that Tang Ming was deceiving them in order to deceive them about their secret books and treasures.

But he didn't want this to be true. Seeing Wanlonghuang was full of blood and energy, his aura was astonishing. Not only had he recovered his cultivation at the level of a great emperor, but he was also in extremely good condition.

The Wanlong Emperor also made a good start for the supreme beings, and the other supreme beings were even more excited, and began to frantically exchange treasures and cheats to eliminate karma.

Immediately, more supreme beings also began to exchange treasures frantically to eliminate karma. With the beginning of Wanlonghuang, other supreme beings also regarded him as a role model.

Immediately afterwards, the Qilin ancient emperor also successfully eliminated the karma, so that there was no restraint, and it further stimulated many supreme beings.

With the passage of time, the supreme beings continued to break free from the shackles and successfully eliminated karma.

But there are advantages and there are disadvantages. Compared with Wanlonghuang, Qilinhuang and other people with less karma, it is easy to understand.

Some supreme beings who have participated in the dark turmoil, even more than once, are completely jealous.

A Supreme who had participated once was completely desperate when he saw the tens of millions of karma on his panel. He had traded all his skills and hadn't eliminated the karma.

It wasn't until he traded all the treasures he owned, everything he could think of, including his extreme weapons, that he barely eliminated his karma.

Although he had nothing left, he let out a long sigh of relief seeing his bondage lifted and his karma cleared.

Compared with the Supreme who had only participated in the dark turmoil once, Emperor Zun and Stone Emperor were completely miserable.

And on the panel in front of them, there is a long string of numbers, if the monitor is not big enough, it can't even be displayed.

Looking at the long string of numbers, Emperor Zun was also completely desperate.

Emperor Zun is the oldest generation of Supreme Beings who lived before the ancient times, and no one even knows how long they have lived.

I don't know how many times he has participated in the dark turmoil, even this dark turmoil was initiated by him first, such an old antique, how serious the murder must have been caused by his hands.

If it weren't for the fact that the Dao of Heaven is not revealed in this direction, he might not be completely eliminated even if he was destroyed a hundred times by the Calamity of Dao of Heaven.

And Shihuang, although slightly better than Emperor Zun, is also guilty of serious crimes. Rao has exchanged all his treasures and cheats, even sold the extreme weapons, and there is still a long string of numbers .

Seeing this scene, Emperor Zun and Shihuang were completely desperate.

At this time, a supreme being with the same karma begged a familiar supreme being. After making various requests and promises, the supreme also agreed and handed over his ultimate weapon.

Helped the Supreme Being with heavy karma to eliminate karma.

At this time, some sinful supreme beings also responded one after another, and turned to the supreme being who had eliminated their karma for help.

"Fellow Daoist, for the sake of being in the same place in the past, please give me a hand." Shihuang also asked for help from some other supreme beings who had already eliminated their karma.

Emperor Zun looked at the actions of these people and immediately found a way out.

It is also asking for help from other supreme beings: "If all fellow daoists help, if I can survive today, I will do my best to help you if you ask for help from fellow daoists in the future."

Faced with the request of the two, these supreme beings stared at each other, but did not move a step.

Just kidding, I don't know how long these two people have lived, and their karma is too heavy to imagine. It's not that they don't want to save them, even if they sell them all and give them all the treasures, I'm afraid it's not enough to eliminate half of their karma.

In this way, it is useless and futile. Who would pay a price to help a person who is impossible to save.

"Emperor, Emperor Shi, it's not that we don't want to help, but forgive me for being powerless." A supreme also spoke the truth bluntly.

Listening to their words, Emperor Zun and Shihuang also understood this truth, but who would give up lightly if there was a glimmer of life?
Successively, with the help of this group of supreme beings, most of them have also eliminated their karma. Only a small number of supreme beings have too deep karma and are really powerless to help.

Just when these supreme beings were desperate, Tang Ming's words gave them a glimmer of hope.

(End of this chapter)

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