Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 585 Are we blocking guns for others?

Chapter 585 Are we blocking guns for others?
592. Are we blocking guns for others?
And after Lao Tzu, Yuan Shi and others passed through the alien passage, they really arrived in another alien plane.

But the sight in front of them made them a little terrified.

At this moment, they are on a vast land, and they can't see the border at a glance.

And above this vast wilderness, there is a huge building.

This building is a bit weird, I saw that this huge building is actually a huge staircase, leading to the sky layer by layer.

It's like a ladder with no end in sight.

And this level of ladder, as if the world had been created long ago, is full of ancient atmosphere, as if it exists together with the world.

But above the ladder, there are pools of black and brown spots all over the place. If others can't see anything, but Lao Tzu and others are amazingly powerful, so they can naturally tell them apart.

These dark brown things are nothing but marks left by layers of blood sprinkled on them.

Looking around from layer to layer, the stairs on each floor are covered with the same blood stains. This road to heaven, like a road of blood, does not know where it leads.

If it is a normal bloodstain, it is nothing, but what frightens Lao Tzu and others is that the bloodstain on it reveals a terrifying aura.

Even some bloodstains can make them feel great pressure, which shows how powerful the owner of this bloodstain is.

Even such a powerful expert fell here, which made Lao Tzu and others a little panicked.

Looking at this road to heaven, Lao Tzu and others couldn't help but feel a little nervous. This is not a road to heaven, it is simply a road to hell.

Looking at the blood stains that had become ladder dyes, they had already dried up and turned dark brown.

You must know that to become a saint, you have long been immortal. It can be said that you are reborn with a drop of blood. Even a drop of blood will not dry up even if it takes hundreds of millions of years, let alone dry up.

But who would have thought that the blood of these strong men who are stronger than them still decomposes and turns into the dye of this bloody road.

Then how long has this bloody road existed, and what kind of tragic battle happened that year.

"Eldest brother, why don't we go." Nuwa's voice trembled.

Although there is no breath of life here, a gust of wind blows, but the wind is mixed with a strong smell of blood, as if in a great war that year, the blood completely transformed everything here, turning it into a bloody continent.

The whistling wind sounded like ghosts and gods crying, telling the world the tragedy of the First World War.

"Eldest brother, let's get out of here first, I always feel a little weird here." Yuan Shi was also a little flustered.

Not only Yuan Shi, but everyone present was hairy. Looking at the dry blood on the stairs, he was afraid that he would also become a layer of fuel on the bloody road.

I was also a little scared, and even regretted coming here: "Okay, then let's..."

Before I could finish speaking, I saw that the gust of wind was getting fiercer. The wind was like powerful sharp knives. If ordinary mortals were here, they would be cut into pieces in an instant.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Suddenly, there was a violent sound of drums in the sky.

Like the sound of heaven and earth, every sound of the drum firmly shook the hearts of Lao Tzu and others, and even felt that my heart was beating with the sudden sound of the drum.

"What happened? What's going on? Did we trigger some kind of restriction?" Zhunti yelled even more frightened.

Immediately afterwards, Lao Tzu and others felt that the ground under their feet was completely boiling, as if there was a terrifying existence in the ground, and they wanted to crawl out of the ground.

Lao Tzu and others hurriedly flew into the air, only to see a piece of land under their feet, like a quilt, completely turned upside down.

The ground cracked bottomless cracks, and in the darkness, deep fear was revealed.

Suddenly, a pair of dark green eyes appeared from the crack in the darkness. In those eyes, there was no reason or humanity that could not be seen.

In those eyes, there is only killing, and bloodthirsty desire.

"Roar" Suddenly, the cry of a beast came from the abyss.

I saw that in the abyss, not only that pair of eyes, but countless pairs of eyes lit up at the same time, as if every wild animal was awakened by the sound.

Pairs of eyes emitting a faint green light stared at Lao Tzu and the others, as if a wild beast had found its prey.


In the abyss, there was another roaring sound that shook the sky.

In an instant, black shadows flew out of the abyss, and rushed towards Lao Tzu and the others fiercely.

Although Lao Tzu and the others were a little panicked, they were still quite calm, and they quickly fought back. One after another rainbow light shot out from their hands, and without a single rainbow light, they knocked down a black shadow.

This group of black shadows landed on the ground. At this moment, Lao Tzu and others saw the true appearance of these shadows clearly.

This group of black shadows is a group of monsters they have never seen before, each of them looks like a beast, and they are covered in black and gray, like carved monsters.

The strength is average, but it has also reached the level of the immortal level.

However, there are dozens of unknown beasts that have reached the level of the holy way. Although their strength is far inferior to Lao Tzu and others, it is enough to surprise Lao Tzu and others.

A streak of rainbow light swept down a large group of beasts and landed on the ground, but not long after, they shook their heads, got up again, and rushed towards them again.

"What kind of monster is this?" Zhunti roared angrily.

There are as many as [-] of these monsters. Looking around, the entire continent is a paradise for these monsters.

And this group of monsters, although their strength is not strong, their vitality is extremely tenacious. If they can't be crushed into powder, they may be able to get up and charge again.

"Everyone, don't hold back, let's kill them together." Although Lao Tzu is a good man, he is also angry at the moment. He is besieged by a group of wild beasts for no reason. No matter how good-tempered he is, he can't stand it anymore.

"Okay." Everyone didn't hold back their hands anymore, and took out their spirit treasures directly.

Using the supreme mana to activate the Lingbao, each blow caused huge damage to the heavenly beasts. With one blow, a piece of heavenly beasts were directly turned into meat paste, destroying both body and spirit.

Lao Tzu focused on the dozens of heavenly beasts at the level of the holy way, with the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda on his head, and wearing a Taiji diagram, he rushed directly to the group of heavenly beasts.

A slap on the forehead of a heavenly beast at the level of the Holy Dao, and immediately the blood and flesh of this heavenly beast flew flying and turned into flesh foam.

Seeing this scene, the other saints were encouraged. They were a little worried when they saw these dozens of saint-level monsters, but they didn't expect these celestial beasts to be nothing more than a show with nothing but strength.

The other saints rushed to the leader of the beast, intending to capture the thief first and the king first.

Just when Lao Tzu and others killed the leaders of this group of empty celestial beasts, a sudden change occurred, and a strong man came.

"Well, who are you? Could it be that Dugu Baitian sent you here?" The person who came was Yufeng King, one of the twelve princes and kings of chaos, and only Lao Tzu and the others said suspiciously.

Suddenly, I couldn't help but have a bad premonition in my heart.

Shouldn't we be blocking guns for others?
(End of this chapter)

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