Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 588 Online Game Strategy Set 2

Chapter 588 Online Game Strategy Second Set

595. The Second Set of Online Game Strategy

"Where is the multi-eyed king?" The Chaos King looked at Chen Nan who had gone and returned, and couldn't help being shocked.

Seeing that there is not even a single scar on Chen Nan's body, but he still looks like he needs to be beaten, and he even grits his teeth.

Although being the strongest of the Twelve Kings of Chaos, the Chaos King has always looked down on King Domu, but in any case, King Domu belongs to them, and it depends on the owner to beat a dog.

"Where did King Duomu go?" the other princes and kings asked angrily.

However, Chen Nan looked confused: "What multi-eyed king? You are waiting for the tiger, fellow Taoists, don't worry, I'm here to save you."

Immediately, Chen Nan once again slashed at the princes and kings with a sharp sword in his hand.

Then, without looking back, he turned and left.

"Boy, where are you running?" The princes and kings were furious, and then chased after him again.

But this time they were on guard, and the two teamed up to chase and kill them together.

"Don't go!" the Chaos King yelled.

But it was too late, the princes and kings were greatly angered by Chen Nan, seeing him provoking again at this moment, how could they bear it.

The same taste, the same formula, after Chen Nan led the "devil" into the encirclement, Chen Zhan shot again, killing one person fiercely.

The other person was suppressed by the ruffian dragon and the dragon baby together, and was beaten into ashes.

"Chen Nan, carry out the second set of plans." At this time, Wang Lu's voice came from Chen Nan's ear.

Chen Nan nodded, then tore off his clothes, took out a bottle of blood from his bosom, and sprinkled it on himself.

He made a look of embarrassment after the great war, and his appearance was extremely miserable.

Chen Zhan also took out the things sent by the traders, and when he opened it, he found three human skin masks. After the Zijin Shenlong and the baby dragon transformed into human bodies, Chen Zhan and Chen Zhan put them on respectively.

Immediately, he took out the sky-shielding stone refined by Taoist Xiaoshan and put it on his body.

It was the three princes and princes who had just chased and killed Chen Nan's Duo Mu Wang.

Seeing Zijin Shenlong with a mean smile on his face, he brought up Chennan, and the three of them returned to the place where they had just fought.

The three of them pretended to be the king of multi-eyed and others and returned to the location of the battle. Although their faces were a little ugly, there was a hint of refreshment in their eyes.

Seeing the return of the three princes and kings, the Chaos King felt relieved at the moment.

The momentum of the three of them is exactly the same as that of King Duomu and the others, and their appearance is even more the same, and there is no flaw at all.

Moreover, the expressions of the three of them were very good, fully interpreting the anger of several masters being provoked by a low-strength kid, and the refreshing feeling after taking him down.

A vassal king played by Zijin Shenlong picked up Chen Nan in his hand, and said to the Chaos King with a smile: "This kid actually led the Duomu King into a formation, and he can trap the heavenly masters, and he can't help it." It’s a good idea to trap me together.”

The Chaos King nodded clearly, hearing what Zijin Shenlong said.

Looking at Duomu Wang's disheveled eyes, he wished to crush Chen Nan to ashes.

The Chaos King automatically made up his mind, Chen Nan arranged a formation that could trap the masters of Heavenly Tribulation, so he wanted to attract one or two princes and kings to rescue these people in front of him.

But he didn't want to play Dafa anymore, and went to two princes at a time, and the three princes worked together to directly break his formation.

"How to deal with these people?" Zijin Shenlong threw Chen Nan's "corpse" aside, and stared at Lao Tzu and others in the field.

The King of Chaos is even more convinced at this moment, turning his gaze to Lao Tzu, with a murderous intent: "Kill them together."

"Okay." All the kings shouted in unison.

Then he suddenly killed everyone.

But Lao Tzu and the others in the field were ashen-faced. This group of princes and kings were astonishingly powerful, and none of them were weaker than them. Among them, the leader of the Chaos King was even more powerful, and even Lao Tzu was no match for him.

If it weren't for the sneak attack at the beginning, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to hurt him at all.

But it is a pity that he failed to kill him directly at the beginning, but now he has recovered.

At this moment, the five saints will face seven or eight strong men who are not weaker or even stronger than them, and they feel even more regretful in their hearts.

Why are you so cheap, you have to come here.

But at this moment, in order not to allow them to think too much, only seven or eight princes and kings have joined hands to kill them.

Lao Tzu and others had no choice but to sacrifice their innate spiritual treasures and resisted with all their might.

The King of Chaos, on the other hand, directly targeted Lao Tzu, the man who beat himself seriously and almost killed him in the first place.

For Lao Tzu, the Chaos King secretly hated him for being seriously injured by someone who was not as powerful as himself, and almost lost his life.

This also made the arrogant Chaos King angry.

As soon as the war started, the Chaos King tried again and again, vowing to take Lao Tzu's head to vent his hatred.

But even though Lao Tzu is facing the Chaos King who is stronger than himself, he is still able to handle it with ease. He wears a Tai Chi diagram and has a black and yellow pagoda on his head.

Although the King of Chaos is amazing in strength, he can't help me at all. It's like the most ferocious poisonous snake staring at a bastard. Although a mouthful of venom can kill me, you can't break the defense at all.

This makes people very sad.

The battle went on for a long time, although there were many princes and kings, and although the strength of the Five Sages was not in a hurry, the innate spirit treasure in their hands was an excellent treasure, which temporarily withstood the joint attack of the princes and kings.

But after a long time, it is a bit powerless, and the recruitment has become full of loopholes.

The princes and kings were overjoyed, and they tried their best to take them down in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the multi-eyed kings played by Chen Zhan and others looked at each other.

There was a sudden change, and when several other princes and kings were about to give Yuanshi Tianzun another ruthless blow, Chen Zhan and others quietly fell half a step behind them.

The princes and kings were only focused on attacking, but they didn't care about what was behind them at all, but they didn't want Chen Zhan. They suddenly jumped up, and directly hit themselves with a killing move.

The princes and kings were caught off guard and were directly hit by the move, and Chen Zhan and the others did not stop, with a continuous stream of killing moves.

But Yuanshi Tianzun and others were dumbfounded.

What is the situation, why did they suddenly kill each other?
What is the situation in these two worlds, why are they becoming more and more incomprehensible?
Just when Yuanshi Tianzun and others were stunned, Chen Zhan and the others did not stop at all.

Taking advantage of their illness and killing them, under the sneak attack, the princes and kings didn't react at all, and lost their "young" and precious life without knowing it.

So this story tells us, don’t go out and wander around if you have nothing to do, if you stay at home honestly and build a ten thousand year house, you will have nothing to do!
 There is no manuscript saved, the author is struggling to code, and it will be posted before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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