Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 591 The First Heaven

Chapter 591 Eighth Heaven
598. The eighth day
After some explanations from Chen Nan, Lao Tzu and others completely understood what kind of plane this is.

This is a powerful plane that is not weaker than Honghuang, and strong people emerge in large numbers.

More importantly, the way of heaven has manifested here, and it wants to destroy all living beings. This news is simply too explosive.

The world is not benevolent and treats everything as a straw dog, which is the embodiment of the righteousness of the world.

(ps The original meaning of this sentence is that heaven and earth regard all creatures as straw dogs, and treat everything the same. There is no one who is good or bad, and everything is treated the same, but the words are a bit ugly, but this But it is the most just embodiment of the justice of heaven.)
What's the matter here, Tiandao really wants to turn all things into dogs, and destroy them as soon as they want?

Lao Tzu and the others were stunned.

And that's not the only thing that shocked me, a group of powerful people from this plane even joined forces to destroy the evil heaven together.

This is simply to blow up the sky, okay, destroying the way of heaven, such a big event, I can't even think about it.

For Chen Nan's solicitation, Lao Tzu and others were also terrified.

Fortunately, Chen Nan also told them that a long time ago, their plane had organized many actions to kill the Heavenly Dao.

After killing Cang Tian, ​​Huang Tian waited for several days, even though he failed to kill the Heavenly Dao, at least he had some experience.

But this time, they are well prepared, and they can definitely kill Tiandao in one fell swoop.

After telling a lot of evil deeds of heaven, and a lot of righteous fudges, Lao Tzu and others had no choice but to join the army of destroying heaven and become one of the main forces.

As for all of this, it was calculated by Tongtian, Taoist Xiaoshan and others.

Tongtian applied for a short-term passage through the plane from the exchange, a connecting passage opened between the prehistoric plane and the tomb plane.

After some planned rhetoric, Wu Sheng was fooled.

Immediately Tongtian sealed the passage, and Lao Tzu and the others stayed completely in the plane of the tomb of gods, unable to come back at all.

And it was their plan to choose the area where the channel is opened on the road to the sky. Let Laozi and others fight with the army of heaven, not only let the Mietian alliance get five powerful combat forces, but also consume the strength of the army of heaven .

As for the Master Tongtian, he only spent a little value point to open a short-term plane channel.

Immediately after, he sold his five senior brothers to the Mietian Alliance, earning a large amount of value points without any effort.

As for Lao Tzu and others, after killing the lackeys of the Evil Heaven and Dao, they could not turn back, nor could they return to their original planes, so they had no choice but to join the Heaven Destroyer Alliance and become a righteous Heaven Destroyer.

Immediately, Wang Lu and others' Heaven Extinguishing Army appeared, joined Lao Tzu and the others, and instantly wiped out the remaining celestial beasts. Of course, the Extinguishing Heaven Alliance did not forget the corpses of these celestial beasts, and wiped them all out, not even a hair left Down.

After all, it's all about value.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed up the road to the sky and reached the second heaven.

In the second heaven, clouds and mists shroud the vast expanse of hundreds of thousands of miles.

The King of Humans stepped forward, waving a great banner of great desolation, and in an instant, strong winds blew away all the clouds and mists.

Under the waving of the prehistoric banner, it seemed as if the whole world was about to shatter.

The clouds and mist were blown away, and the earth shook suddenly.

In front of him was an endless army of giants, sweeping toward Mietian's army fiercely like a giant wave.

Just when Wang Yuxin was about to strike, a group of swordsmen with long swords on their backs walked out of the formation ahead of schedule.

The leaders are Dugu Qiubai, Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

I saw the three of them holding long swords, surrounded by sword energy, and rushed to kill them suddenly.

And the swordsmen behind them were also not to be outdone, and followed closely behind.

I saw this group of swordsmen rushing towards the giant army, piercing into the formation of giants as if forming a huge sharp sword.

And this sword array composed of countless swordsmen, like a tiger descending a mountain, wantonly interspersed among the giant's army.

Wherever the sword array went, sword energy flew across, and countless white lights shone like shooting stars. Every time a white light flashed, some giants fell down.

The piercing sword energy shone on the giant, splitting the giant in half, before even the blood flowed out.

The sword array formed by the Swordsman Alliance rampantly ran amok among the giant army, and within a short time, they wiped out the entire giant army in one fell swoop.

After killing all the giants, Lonely Qiubai led the swordsmen back to the coalition camp.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Wang Lu nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, but the upcoming battle may be more brutal. Except for the few of you, everyone else should go back first."

Dugu Qiubai understood: "I understand."

These large armies in the front may look magnificent, but they are actually a group of miscellaneous fish. Although the sword formation of the Swordsman Alliance is infinitely powerful, it is not bad for these ordinary miscellaneous armies.

Immediately afterwards, except for a few masters such as Dugu Qiubai, the swordsman alliance returned to the exchange.

And walking with the Swordsman Alliance, there are also the corpses of the general giant army they beheaded, which is also their reward for this battle.

After cleaning the battlefield, everyone jumped into the next sky again.

In this battle of destroying the heavens, in order to successfully destroy the heavens, masters from almost all the forces of the exchange were assembled.

As the leader, Tang Ming also planned the distribution of benefits early, so naturally there was no topic of uneven distribution of spoils.

In the third heaven, the Mohist Alliance took action, killing all the bone spirits and taking half of the spoils.

In the fourth heaven, the Han Dynasty Alliance took action. . .

In the fifth heaven, the Taoist Alliance took action. . .

Up to the eighth heaven, all the miscellaneous troops of the heaven and the law were killed in the Mietian alliance.

Although the number of Mietian Alliance is getting smaller and smaller, its strength has not been compromised in the slightest. Those who leave are all low-strength traders.

That would be a heavy loss. How to achieve the most perfect clearance evaluation in this way is also one of Wang Lu's plans.

The miscellaneous armies are assigned and eliminated by the big forces of the exchange, and the strong ones retain their fighting power to deal with the ultimate heaven.

After annihilating the Tiandao miscellaneous army of the eighth heaven, the Tiandao Alliance finally encountered a hard stubble.

On the first day under the Dao of Heaven, Qingtian finally appeared, followed by super masters such as Taishang and Black Hand Guangyuan.

Of course, there are still a group of princes and kings left to fill up the number of people, shouting and cheering.

(End of this chapter)

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