Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 60 Fierce Battle!Fierce battle!

Chapter 60 Fierce Battle!Fierce battle!
60. Fierce battle!Fierce battle!
A massacre against the Xianbei army kicked off.

The people of Jinyiwei are especially good at assassination and sneak attacks. Soldiers of the Xianbei tribe are often thrust into their chests with a sharp knife without knowing it, or they are killed by a group of people flying from nowhere. Inserting a flying knife into the head, one by one, the tricks, it is estimated that even the masters in the world who specialize in assassination methods are naturally inferior.

After Qinglong entered the city gate, he led a small group of people straight to the residence of Yu Wenba, the guard of the city gate. Jin Yiwei assassinated Gao Jue, and shot a poisonous needle from the window straight to Yu Wenba's neck. Yu Wenba is also a person who has experienced many battles. In the past few days, he has heard that many rangers have assassinated various barbarian generals, but he did not sleep to death. After many years of fighting experience, he was awakened by a breath of death, and hurriedly turned over and hugged him. The woman who was plundered by the side stood in front of him.

Seeing that the woman in front of her was out of breath before she understood what happened, she was even more shocked. With one palm, she threw the woman's body to the Jin Yiwei who had rushed into the house, grabbed the big knife hanging by the bed, and stood up to meet the enemy.

Seeing that the assassination failed, Qinglong immediately broke into the door decisively. Seeing the corpse thrown by Yu Wenba, Qinglong stretched out his hand and slapped the Daming Fourteen Poses on his back. The mechanism turned, and a sharp knife came out, and Qinglong pulled out He picked up a sharp knife and slashed at the corpse, and the woman's corpse was immediately divided into two sections.Immediately afterwards, he slapped his hands back and another sharp knife appeared. Qinglong held the knife in both hands and killed Yu Wenba.

"Who are you guys? Who sent you to assassinate this general?" Yu Wenba was also furious, asking angrily.

Qinglong and the others didn't say a word, they just attacked forward with their sabers in their hands, every move they made was ruthless, without any fancy and superfluous moves, the sabers pressed against the vital points.Seeing that everyone didn't answer and came directly to attack and kill Yu Wenba, he was also furious and swung his sword to fight back. Yu Wenba was a Xianbei nobleman, a master in the later period of the day after tomorrow, with countless military exploits. As a gate official, it can be seen that Murong Jun trusts him.

The sound of fierce metal clashes and Yuwenba's loud roar also awakened the nearby defenders, and they took up weapons and rushed to the city gate. Seeing that Qinglong could not take down the enemy in a short time, everyone retreated to meet the incoming attack with a wave of his hand. Soldier, prepare to fight Yuwenba alone.

Qinglong is the commander of the Jinyiwei. Although his martial arts level is only first-class, his greatest ability lies in his ability to flexibly use the fourteen moves of the Ming Dynasty.

Yu Wenba couldn't help laughing when he saw the rest of the people retreating, and the first-class master in front of him who was carrying a strange wooden box wanted to fight alone against his own dignified master.But years of experience in the battlefield alone made him feel the danger and he couldn't help but become vigilant.

Qinglong held knives in both hands to kill Yuwenba, and Yuwenba also swung his knives to fight back. Although Yuwenba is an acquired master, he mostly fights on the battlefield, but he is not used to being in a small room, so he was vaguely suppressed by Qinglong for a while.

Yu Wenba fought back many times, but was resisted by layers of weapons emerging from the strange wooden box behind Qinglong, and was even almost hit by the hidden weapon issued from the wooden box, so he couldn't help being annoyed. "You have the ability to put down that box and fight me in an upright battle."

"Hum..." Qinglong just sneered and remained silent. What is assassination? If you fight with others in an upright manner, what is it called assassination? The palms keep sending back, and sharp knives keep appearing, and even combined into a knife. The hidden weapon assistance of the Fourteen Powers of the Ming Dynasty was even more devastating, and Yuwen Ba retreated steadily.

On the other side, the rest of Jin Yiwei and others continued to set fire to the city to create riots, while gathering to kill the guards at the city gate.And the awakened city gate guards were no match for these veteran assassins. All of them had their heads cut off before they even took up their weapons. Soldiers who reacted quickly were shot to death by flying knives when they wanted to report, and some were very skilled. The Hu soldiers were also hacked to death by the crowd.

"Xuanwu, go open the city gate and welcome the army to enter the city." Baihu slashed to death a resisting barbarian and shouted loudly at Xuanwu.

Xuanwu was also a soldier who was in a hurry to slash and kill. He hurriedly led a few Jin Yiwei to remove the huge bolt on the city gate. Everyone pushed open the gate together, and the rest of the Jin Yiwei also guarded the city gate to cover the city gate.

The piercing voice of "Zi Ya, Zi Ya" came with the opening of the city gate, and the Hu soldiers who understood it rushed towards the city gate one by one, preventing the city gate from opening.

"Bang" as the pull rope in Xuanwu's hand was pulled away, a flame went straight into the sky, sparks scattered in the sky, and a huge "kill" word formed in the sky. They had completed their mission, and the only thing they had to do now was to Guarding the city gate before the army arrived, Jin Yiwei's eyes were full of bloodthirsty light as he faced the pairs of soldiers gathered on the street.

************************************************** ************
"General Yue, there is a signal. Commander Qinglong made them succeed, and the city gate has been captured."

"Pass my order, the whole army will attack and take Sishui Pass."

Following Yue Fei's order, streams of metallic torrents rushed towards the Sishui Pass accompanied by shouts of killing.

"Your Majesty has an order. Killing ten people will reward you with a mysterious-level elementary cheat book, and killing a hundred people will reward you with a mysterious-level advanced cheat book. Follow me to kill." Accompanied by Zu Dashou's encouraging words, Guan Ning's iron cavalry rushed forward one by one with red eyes.

"Great Qin Cavalry Listening to Orders"

"Beiwei Army Listens to Orders"

"Xuanjia cavalry obey orders"

Since entering this world, they have seen all kinds of miraculous things. Many soldiers also understand the importance of mysterious-level cheats and earth-level cheats. Money can be earned no matter what, but cheats are different. After getting the cheats, one can become a human being. The master's opportunity can be passed on to future generations, and it is also an opportunity for Fukuzawa EMI. Everyone is killing everything in front of them with red eyes.

Murong Jun saw the flames and chaos in the city, so he knew what happened. He hurriedly led his bodyguards to gather the panicked soldiers all the way, and led the troops to kill the enemy.

Murong Jun was also in turmoil and anxious, but he didn't dare to show it in front of many of his subordinates. He just tried to calm down and appease the troops, and finally met on a street. Murong Jun in the general armor was scrambling to kill Murong Jun one by one.

Murong Jun saw these wolf-like soldiers, his eyes even glowed green in the firelight, each of them seemed to want to eat him, not only his scalp was numb.But Murong Jun is also a man who has experienced many battles, and he immediately commanded the Xianbei soldiers to fight back.

Murong Jun dared to swear that he had never seen such a crazy soldier, even the most elite soldier of his Xianbei tribe.A soldier of Guanning cavalry yelled and chopped off the Xianbei soldier who was resisting with a horizontal knife. Even the man and the knife were cut in half, covered in blood like a madman, and another soldier of Daqin was even more so. One person fought two Xianbei soldiers alone, and even if he didn't fall below, he was forced to kill them with a knife.And a Xuanjia cavalryman crazily rushed at the Xianbei general who was fighting him, biting the general Xianbei's neck, biting the general like a real beast.

Such crazy soldiers completely destroyed the last line of defense of the Xianbei soldiers, turning and running away without turning their heads, no matter how hard they drove them, they never dared to go forward again.

Murong Jun once captured Ran Min alive, but Ran Min was a congenital master, and he was able to be captured alive by Murong Jun, which shows how capable Murong Jun is.But at this moment, Murong Jun is also caught in the ranks of hard fighting, and it is even more embarrassing to face all the crazy soldiers. You slash at that soldier, but the other party does not hide, and directly slashes at your neck. Flying directly to you, directly biting you with his teeth, even though Murong Jun is an innate master, he was forced to be helpless.

Murong Jun, who was trying his best to resist the coalition soldiers, suddenly found that the enemy was gone, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet, only the sound of horseshoes gradually approaching from far away could be heard in his ears.

Thanks to the brothers of Furious Song for the 500 starting coins!Thank you for your endorsement!

(End of this chapter)

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