Thousands of world exchanges

Chapter 604 Opening the Plane

Chapter 604 Opening the Plane

611. Public plane

While complaining, Tong Tian scolded himself for being fooled by people because he didn't know people well.

"The disciple must have encountered a liar. The teacher once said that a sage does not touch karma, so how could the disciple have huge karma, but what the person said at the time was true, and the disciple thought of the matter of conferring gods and mistook it for the truth."

Tongtian wiped his tears and scolded that "liar," like a child who was cheated of a lollipop, crying to his elders.

When Hongjun heard Lai Tongtian's words, he was shocked.

But Hongjun completely believed that the person Tongtian met was not a liar, and Tongtian really had huge karma.

At the beginning of the Battle of Conferred Gods, Tongtian almost shattered the prehistoric world. How could heaven tolerate such a thing.

If Hongjun hadn't devoured part of the origin of the heavenly way and controlled some of the power of the heavenly way at that time, in order to prevent the heavenly general from robbing and punishing him, he accidentally injured Honghuang.

Such a catastrophe, I am afraid that it can completely shatter the prehistoric world.

If the prehistoric people are in trouble, I am afraid that the time for him to devour the way of heaven will be greatly extended, and the saints he said are not subject to karma, and the trust of the prehistoric creatures and his status will also be questioned.

For this reason, Hongjun intervened and blocked Tongtian's robbery and punishment.

Hongjun's move was extremely secretive, and no one knew about it.

However, although Hongjun blocked the robbery and punishment, the cause and effect still exists, and the karma of Tongtian almost smashing the flood is still there, but it was suppressed by Hongjun and he didn't find it.

No, as soon as Tongtian told about karma, Hongjun believed it directly.

Looking at Tongtian who was complaining, Hongjun didn't know how to explain it for a while. This matter must not be hidden, but this is not a good time to explain.

"This matter has another cause and effect, you don't have to care about it, these are for you, let's take the teacher to the exchange you mentioned first." Hongjun changed the subject and handed Tongtian several innate spirit treasures.

Although after Hongjun preached, Fenbaoya was set up to distribute the treasures.

But Hongjun also kept a few pieces for emergencies.

Now, with the magical place of the exchange, I'm afraid I can't hide my lies back then.

And Lao Tzu and the others are afraid that they won't believe it. Now they have only Tong Tian left, so they have to use treasures to win Tong Tian first, after all, there is only such a saint-level master on their side.

Tongtian was overjoyed when he saw the few innate treasures bestowed on him by Hongjun.

But thank you again and again.

"Okay, hurry up and exchange the value point you mentioned, and take it there as a teacher." Looking at Tongtian's performance, Hongjun nodded secretly in his heart, his bribe was worth it.

Under Hongjun's urging, Tongtian disappeared in an instant and went to the exchange.

After eating and drinking in the exchange, he returned to the primordial plane again.

Although it was only for a meal, at this moment Hongjun was already looking forward to it, and he couldn't wait to go to the exchange that Tongtian said.

Seeing Tongtian appearing, he hurriedly pulled Tongtian and took him there.

Seeing Hongjun's eagerness, Tongtian didn't talk nonsense, after sneaking off the oil from the corner of his mouth, he took out the invitation letter and used it on Hongjun.

Immediately, the two reached the exchange.

The two of Tongtian arrived at the square of the exchange.

I saw that the square of the exchange was extremely wide, but there were a lot of people, bustling and bustling, gathered on the square.

But these creatures are all strange and weird. Hongjun also saw many creatures he was familiar with, such as dragons and phoenixes, who looked at noble creatures in the eyes of others, but they were not worth mentioning in Hongjun's eyes.

But there are more creatures that Hongjun has never seen before, such as a centaur with a human head and a horse's body, and a mountain giant with a whole body of stones.

What is even more surprising is that there are even many ghosts without bodies, wandering around the square.

But no one was surprised, on the contrary, they turned a blind eye.

Looking at Hongjun's surprised eyes, Tongtian became Hongjun's tour guide.

"Teacher, the exchange is connected to thousands of planes. There are always some rare creatures in countless planes, but there must be no form of discrimination. Although their individual strength is not good, the power behind them is not small. If they are attacked by them I'm afraid it will be difficult to move an inch in the exchange, but with the strength of the teacher, I don't care about these."

By the way, Tongtian also flattered Hongjun.

Hongjun nodded knowingly. Thousands of planes are very different. They just look a little strange, but there is nothing to make a fuss about.

"What is that?" Hongjun asked, pointing to a black ball in the center of the exchange square.

Tongtian glanced at it: "Teacher, this thing is a teleportation ball. If you want to go to other planes, just insert your membership card on the stone platform below, and choose the plane you want to reach on it, and the teleportation ball will deduct a certain amount." value points, you can reach the plane you want to go to."

"You can go anywhere you want? Doesn't that mean that everyone can come to my prehistoric world!" Hongjun was shocked, and at the same time realized that the previous visitors from the other plane must be these traders.

Tong Tian shook his head: "It is possible in theory, but planes are also divided into public planes and unpublished planes. If the plane is the dynasty plane, it is the plane with managers. If there is an emperor , or the Jade Emperor, as long as he is the leader of the plane on the bright side, he has the authority to close the passage of the plane, and only people from his own plane can enter."

"If the plane is the plane of chaos, or if the leader of that plane is not qualified as a trader, then that plane is a public plane, and everyone can enter as long as they pay a certain value point." Tongtian replied seriously .

"So, I, Honghuang, am also a public plane?"

Tong Tian nodded: "That's why I invited the teacher here. My Primordial Plane is now a public plane. My disciple is worried that someone will plot against my Prehistoric Plane, but the qualifications of the disciple are not enough. The teacher's body is integrated with the Dao of Heaven, and the Dao of Heaven is a At the highest level of the plane, the teacher is naturally qualified to close the channel of my prehistoric plane."

"There used to be a lot of planes, because they failed to close their own plane channels, they were invaded by strong people from other planes, and they even forcibly occupied the planes, unless they were very confident in their own strength, or they were on the business plane. , Most of the planes with masters choose to close the plane channel."

If he hadn't gone to the God's Tomb plane, Hongjun probably didn't care whether to close the plane channel at all, but after seeing the piles of saint-level masters on the God's Tomb plane, Hongjun felt a huge sense of pressure.

"Where can we close the plane passage, we'd better close it quickly." Hongjun hurriedly urged.

Tongtian also nodded again and again: "However, before closing the channel, teacher, you have to apply for a membership card first, and you can close it only after you have obtained your identity certificate."

"Okay, let's go now."

(End of this chapter)

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