Chapter 24 You won't understand

But you don't know that I guard the world every night, you don't need comfort, you don't need to care about who hurts
Surprisingly, just when Gu Yingning and a group of people were about to give it a go, SR suddenly sent a message.The content is actually very simple, the general manager of the overseas marketing department of the other party hopes to have a meeting with Gu Yingning.

Sheng Xia has been by Gu Yingning's side these days, so she was naturally there when she received this news.She looked at him with some concern, only to see that his face was sullen, his cold eyes were staring straight ahead, as if he was thinking about something.Sheng Xia bit her lip, wanted to say something but hesitated to speak, she knew she shouldn't disturb his thoughts, but in her heart she really didn't want Gu Yingning to agree.After all, apart from being a Hongmen banquet, there is no other possibility.

After being silent for a long time, Gu Yingning finally raised her head, and said to Xiao Chen who was still waiting for her boss' reply, "Tell them, I will attend the appointment as scheduled."

After Xiao Chen went out, only him and her were left in the office, so empty that even the shadow on the ground was so complete.

"Yingning, I..." She wanted to say that she didn't agree with his decision at all, but she didn't continue.

Gu Yingning naturally understood that she was hesitating to speak, and pulled Sheng Xia to sit down in front of her, tightly protecting her with both arms, and a smile slowly appeared in those resolute and tenacious eyes.His voice was as deep as water: "Sheng Xia, I know what you are worried about. However, even if you can't trust other people in this world, don't you believe me?"

Her lips moved a few times, but in the end she could only let go: "Be careful."

He chuckled lightly, and kissed her on the lips, making her unable to think about anything else.

What Gu Yingning didn't tell Sheng Xia was that in fact, after so long, he had gradually understood what kind of opponent he was facing.At first, it was just a blurry shadow, slowly peeling off the cocoon, coupled with the news from the other party, finally made him [-]% sure of his guess.

Hi, dearrival.
He murmured silently in his heart, but there was a smile that was determined to win at the corner of his mouth.

At noon the next day, Gu Yingning came to Binjiang Hotel alone as promised.This place has always been his favorite and most relaxing place, and he has brought Shengxia here too many times, so he never imagined that one day he would welcome the Hongmen Banquet here.

Under the guidance of Miss Yingbin, he walked up to the second floor and turned a few turns before finally arriving at the door of the private room.Knocking on the door lightly, the welcoming lady left with a smile, and Gu Yingning pushed the door open and entered.

The person standing with his back to him inside was originally looking out of the window, but turned around slowly after hearing the movement.

The man was thin, wearing a dark suit, the first two buttons of the white shirt inside were slightly undone, and his slender hands rested on his waist.He smiled warmly and said, "Gu Yingning, you really came."

Because of the backlight, Gu Yingning couldn't see that person's expression very clearly.With her heroic eyebrows raised, Gu Yingning's thin lips curled slightly, but her eyes were as cold as ice, and her lips parted low: "Xu Yihui, it really is you."

He had vaguely guessed it earlier, so Gu Yingning wasn't surprised at all when the person he was facing was really Xu Yihui.

"The general manager of SR's overseas marketing department is you." Gu Yingning pulled out a chair and sat down casually, "I've always heard that the person in charge of SR is a charming woman. Now it seems that you must have promised her not to leave." Less good."

Xu Yihui was not annoyed by Gu Yingning's slightly provocative ridicule, but his smile deepened: "I have done a lot of homework, but whether it is useful or not is still open to question."

He also sat down while speaking, and looked at Gu Yingning, "I heard from Sheng Xia that you eat lightly, so I ordered some dishes first on my own initiative."

Tapping lightly on the table with her fingers, taking it easy every time, Gu Yingning smiled half-smile:
"Let's save these empty etiquette... I never like to do things inefficiently. What exactly do you want? Tell me."

As expected, Xu Yihui smiled sharply: "He is really a straightforward person. Well, what if my request is that you leave Midsummer?"

Almost without thinking, Gu Yingning rebuffed firmly: "Impossible!" He snorted softly, and continued, "Furthermore, if you have spent so much time and effort just for this request, do you think I am a three-year-old child? "

This time Xu Yihui was slightly stunned.After a while, his gaze finally changed from the previous hypocrisy and resignation to a firm and aggressive one, and he said: "In this case, I will tell the truth, it is not difficult to let Gu go, as long as Mr. Gu leaves Gu and never enters the business world again, I will definitely All the siege will be withdrawn immediately." He stared straight at Gu Yingning, "But I don't know Mr. Gu, what do you think?"

Unexpected but reasonable.

Gu Yingning's fingers were still tapping on the table, and after pondering for a moment, he asked, "Why?"

Xu Yihui smiled: "Do you still need a reason? I'm here for you. Is such a reason okay?"

However, Gu Yingning's eyes locked on him tightly, and she frowned slightly: "It's not just because of midsummer that you treat me like this, so I need a reason."

Xu Yihui's back stiffened slightly, and after a while, those vain smiles finally disappeared. He stared at Gu Yingning fiercely, and there was hatred in those usually gentle eyes:
"Gu Yingning, it seems that you don't know your mother well enough...that's all I can say,"

He stood up saying "huh", "One week, one week later I hope to see the results I want."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

The moment Gu Yingning heard him talk about her mother, Gu Yingning's heart was already tightened and painful.He has always known that his mother has an astonishing and depressing secret in her heart, and even when his stepfather has not appeared, he often weeps secretly.

However, what does all this have to do with Xu Yihui?

After sitting quietly in the private room for a while, Gu Yingning got up and drove towards his father's house.Although Gu Zongqi is still the president of the Gu Group in name, he has already become a hands-off shopkeeper, traveling around the world from time to time to rest and retire.Recently, because he wanted to organize his son's wedding, Gu Zongqi came to F city to stay for a while.

When Sheng Xia heard the news, Gu Zongqi opened the door and welcomed her in with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, my son has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Although Gu Zongqi is the boss of such a big company as Gu's, he has never put on airs, he always smiles when he sees everyone, and is extremely amiable.As for the daughter-in-law chosen by his son, Gu Zongqi was even more delighted, he really felt like his own daughter.Because Shengxia hasn't seen her father all year round, she is also very close to Gu Zongqi.

"Dad, I came here in a hurry and didn't prepare anything. You should try this bottle of good wine first." Sheng Xia said, and handed over a bottle of high-quality aged wine.

Gu Zongqi narrowed his eyes into a slit with a smile, took the wine box and patted her on the shoulder, saying: "Xiao Ning is in the innermost room, go quickly!"

Once, Gu Yingning's family of three lived in this house for several years, and the innermost room was once his mother's favorite place.In the past, every time he came in, he would not touch the contents inside, even a section of the drawer, because he wanted the books and cases inside to always look like his mother liked.

But this time, after hesitating for a moment, Gu Yingning opened the drawer of the wooden table.

When Sheng Xia came in, Gu Yingning was looking at a stack of hand-painted sketches.Hearing her footsteps, he raised his head, his eyebrows stretched and his smile was light: "Here we come."

She nodded and approached him, and naturally found the stack of sketches in his hand. Just as she was about to ask, he had already told her: "These are all drawn by my mother during her lifetime, and she likes to paint and draw."

She sat down on the floor next to him and looked through the drawing papers with him.Among so many sketches of characters, most of them are Gu Yingning when she was a child.There is the appearance of him being held in the arms of his mother, the appearance of him playing alone on the grass, and the cheerful smiling face when he plays ball with his father.

Feeling very moved, Sheng Xia said softly: "Your mother loves you very much."

Caressing her hand hooking her arm, Gu Yingning smiled: "When I was a child, I couldn't sleep at night, and my mother would pat me on the shoulder and hum her own nursery rhymes to coax me."

After so many years have passed, the childhood memories have long been yellowed, but they are frozen into eternity in the painting.

Quietly flipping through a few more sketches, Sheng Xia still couldn't help but ask: "Today at noon... How is it?"

Gu Yingning didn't speak at first, but said after a while: "'s Xu Yihui.

He is the general manager of SR's overseas marketing department. "

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and saw her unbelievably surprised face.She was almost dumbfounded, and it took a while for Sheng Xia to find her voice: "How could it be him?" But the next second, all the cells in her body tensed up, "Then what did he ask of you? Leave me, or leave me?" Gu's Group?" Since the other party was Xu Yihui, Sheng Xia subconsciously thought of these two possibilities.

Gu Yingning smiled a little shyly: "You are really sharp in the key points...he mentioned the latter."

The heart was suddenly lifted into the throat, and Sheng Xia only felt that his hands and feet were numb from the cold, difficult and dry:
"then you……"

"I won't." Smiling and pulling her into his arms, he kissed her lightly on the forehead, with a calm and firm tone, "Don't worry, his threats won't get into my eyes yet."

Since he said so, she believed it.

The two people who used to feel insecure with each other, time has run into all their hesitation and hesitation.

Perhaps because she was leaning halfway in his arms, his temperature slowly penetrated, making her cold hands and feet gradually warm up.They lowered their heads and continued to look at the few remaining drawings with him, when suddenly a strange face came into their eyes.

It was a man who didn't look more than 30 years old. He seemed to be bathed in sunlight, his eyes were bright and smiling.There are only a few strokes, but it seems that the painter's deep and depressed emotions are poured into it.

Sheng Xia turned to look at Gu Yingning: "He...he looks..." He looks so similar to Gu Yingning.

After pondering for a moment, Gu Yingning said in a low voice: "Before Xu Yihui left, let me know about my mother's past. Then the man in the portrait may be the key to everything."

After talking about it, it was getting late, so they naturally had dinner here.

When Gu Zongqi saw the sketch in Gu Yingning's hand, he heaved a long sigh, and said after a while: "Come, have a drink with me, an old man."

When the food and wine came to the table, Gu Zongqi filled a cup for himself and Gu Yingning, and said, "Xiao Ning, I know you have a bad stomach, just try a little bit." He said, he had already taken a big sip by himself.

Taking a sip of appetizers, Gu Zongqi glanced at Gu Yingning: "Why don't you drink?" Seeing what his father said, he took a shallow sip without making a sound, and waited quietly for Gu Zongqi to continue talking.

"You should have guessed it, Xiao Ning, he is your biological father and your mother's favorite person in the past. Your mother never told me his full name, I only know that she called him 'A Li'."

After a long time, Gu Zongqi finally regained his composure and said with a sigh, "I don't know exactly what happened back then. It's your mother's sad thing. I never asked much about it."

Filling himself another glass of wine, he continued: "Ruoyu actually came from a wealthy family, and she ran away with you back then. After she couldn't make it through in Switzerland, she brought you back to C It was also there that I met your mother." Taking a deep breath, Xu remembered the memories of the year, and Gu Zongqi had a faint and serene smile on his face, "She is quiet and beautiful, just like her name She is as pure as jade in the rough. At that time, she opened a flower shop, and I saw her when I passed by the door of the shop on a morning run, and I will never forget it.”

Sheng Xia listened quietly, her heart moved slightly: City C, her hometown is City C, it turned out that they had breathed the air of the same sky before.And Gu Yingning pinched the wine cup in her hand, and couldn't help asking: "Then... what happened next?"

"Later, Ruoyu finally agreed to me, and you changed your name to my surname." Gu Zongqi was a little emotional, "But your biological father never showed up until Ruoyu passed away, and I never saw him. But he should still In this world." Gu Zongqi doesn't know much, and he doesn't know more details, so he can only talk about it.

After hearing this, the three of them were silent.

Gu Yingning has always been very sensible. After asking his mother who his father was when he was very young, but his mother always cried and refused to answer, he never asked this question again.Or subconsciously, he himself is unwilling to mention it.Midsummer was both shocked and distressed.The experience of being dependent on his mother and being displaced must be the reason why he has always been cold and alienated from others.

However, this time, they might have to face the issue of Gu Yingning's biological father.

No matter how heavy the pages are, there is always time to turn them over.After drinking several glasses of white wine, Gu Zongqi's complexion became more rosy, and his voice became more and more clear.Facing Midsummer, he laughed loudly: "My dear daughter-in-law, you don't know that I just met their mother-in-law at that time, this brat guards me like a thief, it's so fierce!"

Gu Yingning is always very nervous about the people he cherishes. Sheng Xia can almost imagine how he was facing Gu Zongqi when he was young, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

It is impossible to say that it is not embarrassing at all, after all, these can be regarded as old events.Although Gu Yingning still had that faint expression on his face that seemed to be out of the way, his reddish ears and slightly stiff back still revealed a little discomfort in him.How could Gu Zongqi not be aware that it was his own son, but he became even more excited because of Gu Yingning's embarrassment.

After patting the table, Gu Zongqi spoke more and more vigorously: "When I saw this kid for the first time, do you know what I was thinking? At that time, I said 'thump' in my heart, it's bad, how can this son Ruoyu be a fool?" A fool who can't laugh or show his expression!"

Now, Sheng Xia finally couldn't straighten up from laughing, lying on the table while laughing, secretly glanced at Gu Yingning.Isn't that indifferent look exactly what Xiao Jingzi called "facial paralysis"!

Gu Yingning couldn't take it anymore.Putting down the chopsticks, he glanced at his father, and said lightly:
"How was the blood pressure check last time? Do you want me to take all the wine away for you?"

The old man is actually half a child. Hearing what Gu Yingning said, Gu Zongqi seemed to be a child named by the teacher, Nuonuo said: "It's's okay." Seeing that Gu Yingning seemed to have something to say, he quickly said Sheng Xia said, "Daughter-in-law, my son is actually very nice. At that time, I met their mother and son. My self-made company has just made some progress. He has never disliked my poor family."

Trying to hold back her laughter, Sheng Xia nodded vigorously in response.

As Gu Zongqi was talking, his eyes gradually turned to Gu Yingning, full of approval:

"After he took over, Gu's Group grew bigger and bigger. Its headquarters moved from City C to City F, and its subsidiaries have even opened up a lot..." Patting him on the shoulder, Gu Zongqi said, "Look for it." Just persevere to the end, never compromise, and do everything with a clear conscience, this is like a father."

How could he not hear what his father meant.Picking up the wine cup, Gu Yingning's expression was still calm, but a smile slowly filled his eyes: "One last toast to you."

"Okay!" After touching his son's wine cup crisply, Gu Zongqi drank it down in one gulp.Sheng Xia sat aside and looked at the happy father and son with a bright and stable smile.

Because of drinking, Gu Yingning naturally couldn't drive.Sitting in the taxi, the scenery outside the window began to reverse rapidly. After a moment of silence, Gu Yingjing suddenly spoke in a very low voice: "Shengxia, when I first met you, I investigated the 'Yihui' you mentioned. If I didn't If I remember correctly, Xu Yihui's mother's name is Sui Xiang, and his father's name is Xu Ruili."

Surprised, Sheng Xia suddenly raised her head.

In the night, Gu Yingning's eyes seemed to be too thick to melt ink, deep and full of star-points.

(End of this chapter)

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