Chapter 3

If there is no you, where am I, what is the pity

Sheng Xia was still wearing the clothes she wore when she was in the bath in the afternoon, but the expression on her face was the anger and arrogance that Gu Yingning had never seen before.She walked straight up to Gu Yingning, only a foot away from him, raised her face, and said stubbornly: "Gu Yingning, have you always wanted to buy Pudi?"

The unexpected question made Gu Yingning stunned for a second, and then he asked in a cold tone: "Sheng Xia, are you questioning me?"

With a stubborn face, she stared at him intently: "Yes, I'm just questioning you."

Gu Yingning smiled instead of anger, the content of the photos he saw just now has been circling in his mind, making him, who has always been calm, show a sneer at this moment.He took advantage of his height and said condescendingly: "Very well, you have the courage to talk to me like this."

Bisheng Shengxia has never been a soft persimmon who is afraid of toughness. For a long time, she has been submissive and graceful just because she loves him and doesn't want to hurt the harmony between the two for some trivial matters, but this does not mean that she has no temper.Even Gu Yingning knew that, deep down, Sheng Xia was an extremely stubborn and stubborn person.

Finally, getting annoyed, Sheng Xia took out a stack of paper-like things from her handbag, "pop"

He threw it on the coffee table with a bang: "Gu Yingning, you must give me a reasonable explanation now."

Quickly glanced at the words on the paper, and in an instant he understood the reason for Sheng Xia's menacing attack at this moment.Gu Yingning sneered: "Before questioning me, you actually already have a preconceived answer in your heart, don't you, why do you need to ask again?"

His gaze was too cold, and his smile was too ironic, which made Sheng Xia's heart thump suddenly, as if if he continued to ask, the lush green tree that had been waiting for her would turn into a dead tree in an instant.

However, there were too many impacts in the past two days, and what Xu Yihui said tonight really touched the pain that she had always wanted to pretend to be invisible, so Sheng Xia didn't want to stop there.

"Changing the subject, does it mean that you have ghosts in your heart?" She was aggressive.

"So what about you?" Gu Yingning opened her lips, and the words finally became sharp, "Reminiscing with your old lover all night, no one is there, and as soon as he appears, he throws this stack of documents in front of me to preemptive strikes, can it represent your heart? Ghost?"

As smart as he is, if he calms down, he will definitely find something strange, but at this moment, he can no longer think calmly.He threw over the envelope on the right side of the coffee table, his eyes were cold: "Midsummer, you are actually looking forward to reunion with Xu Yihui, why are you so small?"

Sheng Xia frowned, picked up the envelope with some confusion, and after looking at a few photos, his anger finally reached its peak: "Gu Yingning, you actually hired someone to follow me?"

He proudly looked down at her, smiled sarcastically, and said in a cold voice, "Following you? I can't afford to waste this money."

Her chest was blocked, as if a big palm grabbed her heart, Sheng Xia took a deep breath and raised a smile without any warmth: "Gu Yingning, what exactly do you want?"

The corners of his mouth curled up mockingly, and Gu Yingning folded his hands on his chest: "Did you ask the wrong question? It seems that you, not me, are the one who came to Xingshi with a stack of documents to ask the crime."

Sheng Xia has always known that Gu Yingning has excellent eloquence, no matter how strong the enemy is, he has the ability to make the opponent speechless.It's just that he never thought that one day such sharpness would be placed on himself.A burst of chills poured down from head to toe, and Sheng Xia suddenly felt extremely tired: "I just want to know, did you approach me to buy Pudi?"

Before tonight, Sheng Xia thought that Gu Yingning had at least some feelings for her.In the past few years together, although he has never expressed anything, he is not bad to her.Mingming was so excitedly looking forward to the day after tomorrow's wedding, but after hearing something from Xu Yihui, she suddenly became unsure.At first she didn't believe Xu Yihui's words at all, and even wanted to leave in a hurry.However, Xu Yihui grabbed her and spread the stack of documents in front of her—the evidence was overwhelming, and she was in a state of confusion.She had brought home too many company papers in the two years since they had lived together.For her, it was because she trusted him, but for Gu Yingning, who is so good at strategizing, did she also regard her as one of the pawns?
Looking at Sheng Xia coldly, Gu Yingning pursed her lips tightly.

Ever since she took out the stack of documents, he has been waiting for her straightforward question.Now, when these words hovered over the living room, Gu Yingning only felt a biting north wind howling.It turned out that this was the trust between them, as fragile as a glamorous hollow castle, solid on the outside, but in fact it would be broken at the first blow, unable to withstand the wind and rain from the outside at all.

He raised an unruly eyebrow, a flame was clearly burning in his eyes, but he smiled angrily:

"It's only now that I know that my fiancée thinks of me that way." She tried her best to suppress her temper, but her heavy breathing still exposed Gu Yingning's agitation.

His voice was so icy, and every word was unhurried, but his voice broke the heartstrings: "You said so much is the prologue, the main text is just an excuse to get rid of me and reconnect with my old lover? Last night Whether you forgot to post a wedding post or just stared in a daze today, do you think I didn’t notice? I, Gu Yingning, am not a sloppy person, so just do what you think, treat me as a lesson I spent money on in the past few years!”

Such acquiescence is nothing more than a very loud slap to Shengxia.What I thought was joy, turned out to be just wishful thinking; what I thought was pure love between men and women turned out to be a purposeful long-term fishing for big fish.

Midsummer was angry, the blood all over her body was coagulated, and she was numb from the cold: "Whatever I think is what I think? That's a good answer, Gu Yingning, now I just think I've missed it!"

Still crossing her arms, she took a step back slightly, her eyes dangerously narrowed into a line, and Gu Yingning looked down in agitation, as if talking to her at this moment was condescension.

"Of course you missed it. Now, see clearly that I'm not Xu Yihui!" His chest heaved violently, and the flames in his eyes had spread to every vein in his body.The eyebrows that were originally open were twisted into a knot, Gu Yingning sullenly said, "Sheng Xia, why do you think I want to marry you?
Don't think so ridiculously that I love you, if there is no you, maybe there are Li Xia and Zhang Xia who can marry, but it's because you have the lowest cost! "

He finished all the words in one breath, and then slammed the door away without hesitation, leaving Shengxia alone in the living room, squatting down very slowly.

Sheng Xia remembered that she had a sprained waist and went to acupuncture for a while, and she closed her eyes tightly every time the doctor gave her an acupuncture.The moment the doctor dropped the needle, there would always be a sudden pain, and then the pain and numbness of the needle's twists and turns in the muscle made her jaw clenched, and she could hardly speak.

But at this moment, Gu Yingning is like the doctor from before, and his words are the biggest acupuncture needles in the world, covering her whole body and mind.Therefore, after a sudden pain, Sheng Xia's whole body was numb from the pain.

Sure enough, it was always her wishful thinking, and he didn't love her at all.He didn't love her, so he was willing to be ambiguous; he didn't love her, so he was stingy to promise her; he didn't love her, so he would rather be free so easily.

When trying on the wedding dress that day, looking at Gu Yingning's reflection in her black pupils, Qiao Xiaoqian was happy and well.At that time, he still believed that deep in his heart she was special, and believed that one day he would say he loved her.But in only two or three days, it was already heaven and earth.

She was completely wrong.

In the afternoon of the next day, the entire land hadn't woken up from its nap.In early summer, the bright and clean breath of spring has not completely faded away, but the unique haze and fog in summer can't wait.The roses are bursting with a charming light red, while the vetch flowers on the roadside are bursting with fiery red.

It's just the mood of midsummer, but it's completely opposite to such a bright weather.It seems that since the day before, when she sat in this cafe with the mentality of explaining clearly to Xu Yihui, but in the end it became him talking and she listening, her mood could never return to the brightness before.

Just like when he was studying, Xu Yihui still likes to wear white cotton shirts, and he still looks clean and fresh when he smiles.The waiter brought two iced lattes.Gently putting one of the cups in Sheng Xia's hand, Xu Yihui smiled quietly: "Seeing that your lips are a little puffy, drink something to moisturize."

Taking a deep breath, Sheng Xia stared blankly at the table without saying a word.Xu Yihui was not in a hurry, he just sat quietly with her.After a long time, she finally raised her head slightly, paused for two seconds, her voice was hoarse: "Yihui, I asked him last night...he didn't deny it."

Seeing Xu Yihui's unsurprised expression, Sheng Xia smiled wryly: "That's right, you must have guessed it a long time ago looking at my downcast appearance today."

He smiled between his brows: "Who said you are down and out? Get a good night's sleep after you go back tonight, and you will become a little girl tomorrow morning."

It had been too long since anyone had said that to her.Sheng Xia remembered that her favorite sentence in the past was "I'm still a little girl", and she used this sentence to block Xu Yihui every time she played a petty temper.After a long time, Xu Yihui was no longer helpless, but he would always comfort her when she felt frustrated: "Little girl, you are only so young, take your time."

When the eye sockets became hot, some liquid almost flowed out.

Sheng Xia hurriedly covered her face first, desperately trying to force back her tears, and said shyly:

"It's too much to pretend now."

Xu Yihui didn't hand her a tissue, and when Sheng Xia wiped his face away and put it back in his hand, he said nonchalantly, "I'm boasting that you are still frowning, so greedy!"

Sheng Xia knew what Xu Yihui was thinking, he was trying his best to make her happy, but there seemed to be a big stone stuck in her chest, and she really couldn't laugh at this moment.

"Yihui," she said, "how on earth did you know these things?" She asked yesterday, but he just laughed and said nothing.

Sure enough, Xu Yihui didn't answer her immediately.It seemed that he was thinking about it. After a little silence, he finally spoke: "Even in the United States, I have never given up on hearing about you since I woke up. Knowing that you are with Gu Yingning, I thought about giving up at first, but when I saw After his photo, I was stunned for a moment—Axia, can you imagine my mood at that time?"

He slowly became agitated, and couldn't help stretching out his hands to cover the midsummer catkins:
"That face that looked almost the same as mine at first made me understand that you didn't let me go at all.

So I told myself that I must get better as soon as possible and return to you as soon as possible. "At this moment, Xu Yihui's eyes were as deep as the sea, and the sparkling stars were so bright that Midsummer couldn't even turn his eyes away. He continued, "So, I have done enough homework.His identity and background, why and when did you know each other, I have searched all the information - in the end, it is not surprising to find his motivation and purpose for approaching you. "

Listening to Xu Yihui's words, Sheng Xia suddenly felt like a book from heaven, she couldn't believe it at all:
"You... how did you do it to such an extent..."

But he felt that the answer couldn't be simpler, so he suddenly smiled: "Because I love you, because I can't forget you, because there is no day when I don't want to come back to you in the United States. A Xia, breaking Gu Yingning's lies is too cruel for you —But I said, I want to get you back, so I will admit it no matter how despicable it is."

Such earnest and single-minded eyes, warm and warm with the ardor that Midsummer couldn't ignore, made her nervous and at a loss: "But..."

"It's okay." As if knowing what she was going to say, Xu Yihui said first, "After all, I have been with Gu Yingning for four years, and I will have some feelings for him more or less... But it doesn't matter, I will wait until you all body and mind come back to me."

Holding Sheng Xia's hand, Xu Yihui's gaze was so firm for the first time: "A Xia, in the end you will definitely find that the only person who really treats you well is me, and the person you really love is only me."

In an instant, she was stunned and speechless.

There is one less person around, as if a big piece of heart is lost.The chest was like cotton wool, which was originally a tight mass, but now a big hole was torn, and the bitter wind roared, blowing the big hole more and more embarrassingly.

But in any case, life will go on as usual, and classes will go on as usual.

At around nine o'clock on Monday morning, Sheng Xia was at his desk among the documents just sent by various departments. Gu Zitang walked out of the president's office, put on a suit jacket, and said to Sheng Xia: "Xiao Xia, I'll go out for a while."

Since she was not asked to accompany her, Sheng Xia knew it was a private matter, so she nodded: "Okay."

After taking a few steps outside, Gu Zitang suddenly stopped, turned around, paused, and said lightly:

"If you don't feel well, please take a few days off and go back to rest and recharge your spirits. Look at your face these days, don't be exhausted." After he finished speaking, he didn't seem to wait for Sheng Xia's reply, and turned around and walked again.

Looking at Gu Zitang's tall and straight back although he is over half a hundred years old, the thick hair has been mixed with a lot of silver strands, Midsummer is a little moved.Since he was admitted to Pudi Industrial four years ago and became Gu Zitang's secretary, in Sheng Xia's heart, he has always been a teacher and a friend.But now, it is not only the concern of the boss for the subordinates, but also the concern of the elders for the younger generation.

Slightly turned to look at the small mirror on the right side, inside was a haggard face.With pale skin and slightly swollen eyelids, she really looks like she has no energy at all.Sheng Xia patted his face lightly and told himself to cheer up.

About an hour later, when Sheng Xia was reviewing a draft contract with the Sifang Group, he suddenly heard a few footsteps and shouts outside.Hearing the sound, he looked up and stood up, only to see a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard and old clothes walking towards the president's office, followed by his assistant Linda and the young security guard who had just entered the company.

Seeing Midsummer, Linda cringed a little, looking like she was about to cry: "Sister Celia, we have tried our best to stop him, but..."

The man had already walked up to Sheng Xia, and there was a long scar on the left side of his face that stretched all the way to his ears.His skin is exceptionally dark, his back is a bit hunched, and he has a loud voice directed at Midsummer:
"Ask Gu Zitang to come out for me!"

Sheng Xia walked to the door, blocking the man's way while raising a professional smile: "Sir, I don't think you have an appointment..."

"What a fart to make an appointment!" The man uttered a swear word, and interrupted Shengxia viciously, "Back then, I was framed and imprisoned after taking advantage of me, but now he can sit back and relax, hum, I'm going to see him now!" After finishing speaking, he turned to the CEO The door of the office yelled loudly, "Gu Zitang, you bum! Get out of here!"

Seeing the man swearing louder and harder, Sheng Xia gradually struggled to guard the office door, and his smile gradually froze: "Sir, our president is not here now, can you please come back after the next appointment?"

When the man heard it, he cursed more and more, and even had the tendency to push away Midsummer:
"Stop pretending, don't block the way for me! No matter how bad you are, I won't care if you are a woman, I will hit you anyway!"

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, luckily Sheng Xia pressed the red button of the security system when he stood up before, taking advantage of other people's inattention. Dozens of strong security guards finally rushed over and blocked the A man dragged him out.The man was furious, and while struggling and writhing, he yelled, "You surnamed Gu, you're going to die! Crossing the river and demolishing bridges, wronging and framing you, looking around, Lao Tzu Pei Jin will never let you go like this! "

Although the man had been forcibly dragged away, his high-decibel roar was clear and persistent on the floor.Hearing his words, both Sheng Xia and Linda's expressions froze. After all, what Pei Jin said about being framed and imprisoned is not a trivial matter if it is true.After a while, Sheng Xia suddenly smiled:

"It's all right, Linda, you can go back to work."

Being so disturbed by Pei Jin's matter, Sheng Xia, who was already feeling uncomfortable, had a splitting headache at this moment.Pressing his temples hard with both hands, Sheng Xia forced himself to drink a large glass of boiled water, only then did he feel a little better.Just as I was about to continue reviewing the contract I had read before, I suddenly received a text message. I took it over and saw that it was from Xu Yihui.

"Axia, I have ordered your favorite seafood restaurant tonight. I will wait for you downstairs at six o'clock."

(End of this chapter)

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