Chapter 8 Masked Confessions

I want to leave, but I still look forward to confession in a mask, not confessing to myself
Pei Jin handed out a ten-yuan note, but the delivery boy didn't take it, but wanted to walk through the door.Pei Jin immediately became alert at this moment, reaching into his pocket with one hand to take out the knife, and trying to close the door with the other, but it was too late—Gu Yingning stepped into the room quickly, raising his elbow to restrain Pei Jin The hand that was about to draw the knife suddenly forced Pei Jin to the corner by the door.Of course Pei Jin was not reconciled, he stood up and wanted to fight back with his eyes wide open, but Gu Yingning dodged away as expected.Pei Jin wasted no time, and was naturally furious, yelling: "Who the hell are you? Chen Zijian doesn't have anyone under his command, I'll send you one!"

Gu Yingning's whole body was tense, like a beast whose territory had been invaded and rebellious, and might stretch out its sharp claws to attack at any time.He smiled coldly and snorted, "Chen Zijian is not qualified to invite me."

Realizing that he was an opponent not to be underestimated, Pei Jin also became cautious, his hands still near his pockets, and he glared at Gu Yingning: "Then what are you going to do!"

Turning his head slightly, and seeing Midsummer shivering and curling up in the corner, Gu Yingning had a faint flame in his eyes, but it disappeared when he turned his head.Gently raising her chin, Gu Yingning paused every word, her voice was clear and cold: "It's very simple, let her go."

Pei Jin lost his voice: "Impossible! If I let her go, who will let me go!"

Gu Yingning exuded a natural prestige of not being angry, and he emphasized his tone: "I said, let her go."

Under this low pressure, Pei Jin only felt that the irresistible deterrence made him almost want to flee in a hurry.But it was only a few seconds of trance, and soon Pei Jin came back to his senses, rolled his eyes slightly, and quickly figured out the relationship here.He smiled, his lips crooked into a strange arc, and said: "I see... I see, you are this girl's concubine, right?"

As he spoke, he walked slowly and cautiously in front of Sheng Xia, seeing Gu Yingning getting closer and closer, and drew out his knife quickly, pointing the blade at Sheng Xia's neck: "Don't come again!" Pei Jin's smile was already a little distorted , "What a beautiful neck, it's white and tender, tell me, if it's cut with a knife, will it look better?"

The blue veins on his forehead finally burst out uncontrollably, Gu Yingning clenched his fists tightly but forced them to loosen.He took a deep breath, and when he closed his eyes and opened them again, it was dark: "Pei Jin, I think you are a smart person, and you won't do things that you regret."

Pei Jin snorted: "Your boy is good at talking about psychology. Unfortunately, I, Pei Jin, are not easy to fool. You want me to tell you that you are still young!"

From entering the door to now, every move has never been dominant, but Sheng Xia has fallen into danger again because of herself, Gu Yingning can't calm down anymore.The hostility was completely released, and he was single-handed, but he had no fear: "If you lose your way and find your way back, you still have a way to survive, otherwise, come and compete with someone else!"

As soon as Gu Yingning's words fell, Pei Jin rushed over and swung his knife to chop Gu Yingning.Sheng Xia's hands and feet were bound and his eyes were blindfolded, so he couldn't see their fight at all, only the sound of fighting and collisions could be heard endlessly.In a state of desperation, Sheng Xia could only distinguish Gu Yingning's panting sound with her breath held, every time she heard his muffled snort, her heart would also be pulled up and hurt.

I don't know how long it has passed, time seems to be slow enough to hear the sound of every drop of water falling into the valley, and it seems to fall directly into nothingness, making Midsummer's heart hang for a century-finally, when Gu Yingning was almost When Pei Jin was forced to retreat without any consideration, he snatched the knife angrily, and punched Pei Jin so that he staggered to the ground, and even broke two of his teeth.

His voice was terrifying: "Pei Jin, you want to die, but I don't want to accompany you!"

With this anger, Gu Yingning strode to the side of Sheng Xia, squatted down and quickly removed the blindfold for her, and cut the hemp rope on her hands and feet with a knife.Finally seeing the light and seeing him again, Sheng Xia's tears couldn't help gushing out again.The fear was still there, but he gradually felt relieved because he was by his side.

The fingerprints on her face and the bruises on her skin were so clear, Gu Yingning looked at these extremely dazzling colors, and the rage in his blood made him wish he could end that bastard with a single knife!

He yelled at Sheng Xia: "You can eat like this after lunch, don't you have a brain?"

He was angry, angry at himself for not seeing her for so many days because of anger, angry at him for coming so late and making her suffer so much, angry at himself for taking so long to rescue her.

But Sheng Xia completely understood his anger.

Feeling pain all over, Sheng Xia hissed lightly: "Let's leave quickly, okay..."

As soon as he picked her up, Gu Yingning was about to leave, but when they were talking just now, Pei Jin stood up again, even blocking the gate.He laughed very ferociously:

"It's not so easy to leave!"

Gu Yingning couldn't help being startled by his unusual expression, if someone as lonely as Pei Jin went crazy, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.Sure enough, Pei Jin raised his right hand, holding a lighter in his palm.

Slowly stepping back with Sheng Xia in his arms, Gu Yingning stared at him vigilantly, holding his breath: "What do you want to do!"

Pei Jin opened his mouth and puffed through his nostrils: "Boy, I don't believe you will leave me alive.

That being the case, it's better for everyone to shoot two parts and die together! "

The heart skipped a beat and suddenly sank, Gu Yingning's back stiffened suddenly, and the body in the crook of the arms also stiffened suddenly.As he continued to back away slowly, he glanced around quickly from the corner of his eye, and at the same time, he watched Pei Jin's every move vigilantly.

Probably because he had already fallen into a state of madness and recklessness, Pei Jin didn't seem to notice Gu Yingning's retreat, his eyes were already bloodshot and scarlet, his whole face was distorted and distorted, and the scar became more and more terrifying.He grinned grinningly: "I have turned on the gas just now, now, as long as I lightly wipe the lighter, '嗙'!" He deliberately exaggerated, "The three of us will be blown to pieces in an instant !"

Sheng Xia was so shocked that she could barely move. She never thought that one day the words "at stake" would happen to her, not even just now.But now, Pei Jin's hand holding the lighter has touched all of her and Gu Yingning's nerves - life or death, it's just a matter of one night.

This is the case in midsummer, so why not Gu Yingning.The president of the Gu family, who has always been aloof and does not need to worry about safety, has never been in such a situation. The stiffness of his arms is his most real reaction—but he can't show the slightest panic, because he is shouldering not only his own safety at this moment, but also his own. Midsummer's full trust.

Tightening the midsummer in her arms tightly, Gu Yingning couldn't help but take a deep breath, trying her best not to tremble a bit.Attached to Sheng Xia's ear, his voice was soft but firm: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Knowing that both of them had no way out and could only throw all their eggs in one basket, but since he said nothing would happen, her flustered and cold heart was much calmed down.As long as you are with him, even if something happens, you will have no regrets.

At this moment, Pei Jin finally noticed Gu Yingning's movement. He stared at Gu Yingning and walked over quickly, shouting loudly: "Don't move! If you move one more step, I will immediately light the fire!"

Stopping in her tracks, Gu Yingning pretended to agree: "Okay, I won't move. But Pei Jin, are you going to waste time like this with us? After finally getting out of prison, is it meaningful for you to make mistakes again and again?"

"Don't give me hypocrisy!" Pei Jin didn't fall into the trap, "Did anyone listen to me when I repeatedly appealed for my grievances? It's obvious that a bastard like Gu Zitang should go to jail, but he has framed me for so many years. How can I swallow this tone?" go down!"

No matter what the process is, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, Gu Yingning will never give up: "Since I can't swallow it, then how can we talk about the end today?"

Pei Jin sneered: "If you can find this place, how can the police not find it? The date of death is only a matter of time. If you can't avenge yourself, it's not bad to hold you two back!"

Hearing this, Gu Yingning knew in her heart that she could no longer procrastinate, and there would be no result if she and Pei Jin went on like this.Glancing at the window behind him, he gently and slowly put Sheng Xia down.

Holding Gu Yingning with one hand, Sheng Xia only felt that his legs were weak, and he would have been unable to stand without his support.With weak hands and feet, Sheng Xia trembled: "Pei Jin... Let's make a deal, shall we? If you let us let you go, we will invite the best lawyer in F City to reverse the case for you from tomorrow on."

"Reverse the case?" Pei Jin snorted, "Speaking lightly, is Gu Zitang the day when I can reverse the case? Well, it's useless to talk more, and if you waste time, your rescuers will arrive!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yingning had already strode to the window, picked up the stool next to him, and smashed it against the glass window with all his strength.Sheng Xia guessed what he was thinking in an instant, and covered her mouth with both hands in disbelief.Just when the window finally smashed a huge gap, Pei Jin obviously also guessed Gu Yingning's intentions, his face suddenly turned grim, and he rushed over to punch Gu Yingning.

In the chaos, Shengxia caught a glimpse of a few abandoned iron pipes behind Pei Jin, taking advantage of his full attention on Gu Yingning, she rushed forward, grabbed one of the iron pipes and used a milk-feeding trick. Hit him hard on the back of the head!Immediately, Pei Jin's head was bleeding profusely.Pei Jin's eyes were shattered in dizziness, and he knew that he would not be able to catch the midsummer. Before he fell, Pei Jin tried his best to press the lighter with his thumb.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Yingning stretched out her arms and hugged Sheng Xia tightly in her arms, and then jumped from the smashed window without hesitation, just like that, she jumped through the broken window with her!

The sound of explosions behind him was like thunder, and the flames soared into the sky like a lotus, but they didn't know anything about these midsummers.The fall obviously only lasted a dozen seconds, but it seemed so long to her, like plunging into a dark seabed where you can't see your fingers, without sunlight and air.The wind whizzed by the ears at the speed of light, and the acceleration of losing the center of gravity made it difficult to suffocate. In the panic and panic, the only thing Sheng Xia could do was to hug Gu Yingning back tightly. This was really the only thing a drowning person saw in the vast ocean. straw.


It should be said that it was a blessing in disguise for Gu Yingning and Sheng Xia. A family downstairs installed an extremely wide awning, so they fell heavily on the awning when they were three floors above the ground.The loud noise at that moment made Sheng Xia wake up a little in a daze. She opened her eyes in bewilderment, and found that Gu Yingning was under her, with her eyes closed and her lips tightly pursed.

After being dazed for two or three seconds, Zhong Shengxia came back to his senses, hastily moved his legs away carefully, raised himself up on a half-kneeling, and softly called Gu Yingning: "Yingning, Yingning."

However, the familiar face under him did not respond at all.The deep eye sockets are still there, but the eyes that were always sharp in the past can't be found at this moment.Sheng Xia hesitantly stretched out his right hand, obviously he was about to touch Gu Yingning's cheek but he quickly retracted it.

After a moment of sluggishness, she seemed to really wake up, and patted his cheek with both hands: "Yingning, Yingning, wake up." Clearly still trembling, Sheng Xia tried her best to slap Gu Yingning's face while hoarsely saying: "Gu Yingning, open your eyes! You brought me here with such a jump, you must be responsible for bringing me to the ground!"

The eyes became more and more blurred, and Sheng Xia suddenly felt that his hands were wet.At first she thought it was her own tears, but when she looked at it, she felt something was wrong. Why is the color so scarlet?
She held her breath, her hands were already shaking like dead leaves rustling in the autumn wind, as if they were the sharpest shards of glass in the world, when Midsummer touched Gu Yingning's head lightly, she quickly withdrew her hand—bright red blood, overwhelming Rendered all her eyes.

Sheng Xia wanted to scream and cry, but in this situation, she suddenly couldn't make a sound, and the tears miraculously ebbed slowly.There is only one belief in her heart, that he uses himself as a cushion to protect her under her body so that she will suffer the least harm, so now, it is her who should protect him.

I don't know how heavy this awning is, Sheng Xia didn't dare to act rashly, but she tore off the cleanest part of her T-shirt with trembling hands, and then bit her lips tightly to bandage the wound on Gu Yingning's head.Touching the inner pocket of his coat, he really touched something hard and metallic.Sheng Xia took out Gu Yingning's cell phone and was about to dial 110 when he suddenly heard the siren sound from downstairs.Wei Wei leaned forward and took a look, sure enough, several police cars arrived all at once.

Sheng Xia opened his mouth to call Chen Zijian who had just got out of the car, but when he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was so fragmented that he could hardly make a sound.Seeing that Chen Zijian was about to enter the building with other running colleagues, she looked down at the phone in her hand in desperation, and then threw it forcefully, just in front of Chen Zijian's footsteps.

Finally, Chen Zijian looked up and saw Sheng Xia and Gu Yingning on the awning.

"Hurry up! The man is on the awning, hurry up and save him!"

These were the last words that Sheng Xia heard, her eyes went dark, and she couldn't hold on any longer.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were pale.After a long time, Sheng Xia finally realized that she was lying in the hospital.Slowly turning her head and looking around, she was the only one in the empty ward.The coolness came slowly from her left hand, and she realized that she was on an IV.

At this moment, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, before Sheng Xia raised his eyes to look over, a familiar voice sounded first: "Xiao Xia, you finally woke up!"

Tan Jing stepped forward in ecstasy, and sat down on the stool next to the hospital bed:

"You've been in a coma for a whole day, I'm so anxious to death, sister!" She brushed the hair on Sheng Xia's cheek as she spoke, "Do you want to drink water?"

She nodded lightly, and the next second Tan Jing had brought the water glass to Sheng Xia's mouth.

Sitting up and taking several sips of water, the burning sensation in his throat finally got better.

Without waiting for Sheng Xia to speak, Tan Jing started chattering again and again: "Xiao Xia, you scared me to death, sister, I am too old, how can I stand up to your torture!

You don't know, I almost dropped my phone last night when I got a call from the police station! "

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, but she stared desperately, "Xu Yihui was also very frightened by you, and took care of you here all night, and just left this morning."

With hot eyes, Sheng Xia pursed her lips and smiled slightly.

Tan Jing glared at her: "You are heartless, you still laugh at me!" Sheng Xia took Tan Jing's hand and shook it gently.Tan Jing muttered: "Okay, okay, I don't blame you."

She put the water glass back on the table, intending to shake the bed flat, but Sheng Xia stopped her.

Opening his mouth, the tearing sensation in his throat was extremely strong, Sheng Xia slowly asked each word, "Where's Gu Yingning?"

Tan Jing paused for a second, and then yelled: "Let's say you have no heart. My mother has been taking care of you and has been worried all day. The first sentence you opened your mouth was to ask that flirtatious man who has broken off the engagement with you!"

Sheng Xia didn't speak, but just opened her eyes wide and looked at her steadily.After all, Tan Jing had no choice but to curl her lips: "He doesn't seem to be awake yet, lying in the intensive care unit." The next second, Tan Jing's eyes widened, her mouth could hardly close, "Don't tell me you're going to see him... Are you crazy?"

But no matter how surprised she was, it couldn't change Sheng Xia's determination to see Gu Yingning.

In the VIP intensive care unit of the private hospital, Gu Yingning was the only one in the huge space.

The nurse on duty was paying close attention to his condition. Seeing Sheng Xia being slowly pushed over in a wheelchair, she was a little confused: "Miss, you can't visit patients yet."

Across the transparent glass, from a distance, Gu Yingning's face with closed eyes was as pale as the wall.Sheng Xia took a deep look and then turned around: "Miss Nurse... Please let me go in and see him, okay?"

In a dilemma, the attending doctor Zhou Jia'an happened to make a ward round and checked here. Seeing that it was Midsummer, he pondered for a moment, and then said to the nurse on duty, "Let her in."

Putting on sterile clothes, Sheng Xia sat in a wheelchair and slowly pushed towards Gu Yingning.

Finally, that familiar face was in sight.

His head was wrapped in gauze, his face had several scratches, and there was even a long scratch on the bridge of his nose, which was even more striking on such a pale and bloodless face.He didn't move at all, just laying there, the weak ups and downs of his chest made Sheng Xia feel a little real.

Reaching out his hand hesitantly, Sheng Xia gently touched his cheek.

Probably because I was wearing sterile gloves, the only feeling I felt was the cold without temperature, so cold that the tears in midsummer fell down all at once.Her shoulders kept shrugging, and she just sat there quietly, weeping quietly, and looking at him lying on the hospital bed quietly.

Time has never been so peaceful.Time ticks into the river, splashing silent water, like clear water lilies, waiting for someone to pick them.

(End of this chapter)

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