Sweet Wife Sad President Guan

Chapter 245 The construction site is on fire!

Chapter 245 The construction site is on fire!

The eyes are invisible, but the ears are more sensitive. The footsteps of the approaching person are a bit heavy, and she can tell that it is not Murphy.

Her heart sank completely.

The man's footsteps stopped in front of her, and she even wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound at all.

The great fear is about to overwhelm her. She is a girl who loves to cry, but now she tells herself to be strong, and someone will come to save her...

But, will there really be someone?
She also realized now that the phone call was weird, and it wasn't what Murphy meant at all.

He's angry, he's at the club, probably with other women tonight.

He won't come to save her...

The cloth in front of her eyes was suddenly taken off, she squinted her eyes, she couldn't adapt to the sudden brightness for a while, but she heard a lewd laughter sounded in front of her.

"It's really you. It seems that even God will give you to me to play with."

The voice sounded familiar, Ke Zi finally got used to the light in front of him, squinted his eyes and saw a fat man squatting in front of him, and the tape was removed from his mouth.

Fatty Liu!
"You kidnapped me!" Could it be that she guessed wrong before, not Ke Yuan?
"If I kidnap you, will I bring you to such a rotten place? But rotten to rotten, but there is something special about it. I haven't worked in this kind of place yet. When it is built in another day, I can still take you with me." Come and savor the aftertaste, don't you think?"

He touched Ke Zi's face with a fat hand, she almost threw up, and she tried her best to tilt her head back.

"You dare to touch me, Murphy will not let you go!"

Her voice trembled a little, but she still yelled loudly, hoping that there were still people nearby who could come and save her.

"Damn! That kid Murphy is a bird, let me tell you, even if he is here today, I dare to tease you in front of him!"

Fatty Liu spat and cursed. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he reached out to take off her clothes. He had been thinking about this woman for a long time, and today he finally got her!

"Go away! You disgusting man, don't touch me!"

Ke Zi screamed and kicked him with her feet, but her feet were still tied, she couldn't balance her body, and fell to the side.

Fatty Liu immediately jumped on her, grabbed her by the hair and slapped her across the face, "Dare to scold me! If I don't kill you today, I won't be named Liu!"

Ke Zi was almost knocked out by him, and her ears were buzzing from the slap of the big fat palm, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

Fatty Liu bent her body and tore her clothes and trousers with his big hands.

He was excited when he suddenly heard a person rushing in from outside shouting: "Mr. Liu is not well, someone is setting fire, let's go!"

"What did you say?" Fatty Liu was taken aback. When he came to this construction site, he already knew it belonged to the Meng Group. Who would dare to set fire here?

"The back is on fire. It seems that someone has already poured gasoline on it. The fire is fast and fierce. Let's go!"

"Damn it! Is that woman trying to burn me to death?"

Ke Zi was drowsy and heard him scolding, a woman...

Fatty Liu was so depressed that he was so depressed every time. They were on the first floor, which was soon illuminated by fire, and it seemed that it would be difficult to go out any later.

I had no choice but to take this woman back first.

He was about to pick up Ke Zi——

(End of this chapter)

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