Chapter 191
Phantom is also one of the best entertainment venues in Tiandu. Although it is not as selective as Qingyuan, it is not everyone can enter.

The doorman at the door is very winky. Even if you have never been here, he can tell whether you are their guest or not based on your clothes and behavior.

Therefore, Ye Chen and Wang Yingxue, who came for the first time, were not ruthlessly turned away.

Some of the people who can enter the bar are at least some people with small achievements.

What this kind of person values ​​most is identity, and what they least want to be looked down upon by everyone is also identity.

Therefore, even if they stared straight at Wang Yingxue the moment she appeared.

However, due to the presence of the unknown Ye Chen beside her, she didn't show anything.

And the other part is the children of rich families who don't care what others think.

Like Ye Chen, who came from a wealthy family, their natural sense of superiority made them not pay attention to other people's eyes at all. After all, they grew up surrounded by all kinds of eyes.

What they care about this kind of person is much simpler, that is, whether you are worth it or not.

And Wang Yingxue was simply too valuable to them.

Of course, they would never have imagined that this sexy and pure beauty was the reclusive young lady of the Wang family——Wang Yingxue, who was said to be a beauty who could overwhelm a country and a city.

Less than 10 minutes after the two sat quietly, someone came in front of Wang Yingxue.

And in the next half an hour, there were nearly ten waves of romantic men who tried to strike up a conversation with her.

This situation is not uncommon for Wang Yingxue.

That's why her brother didn't allow her to go out casually.

So without Ye Chen's help, she can easily deal with it.

She knew how to make a difference, not to offend them, but to refuse their warm invitation.

Possessing a ladylike posture, her words and actions made these people in the upper circle feel at ease, and they couldn't find a trace of inappropriateness.

When she rejected another wave of people, Ye Chen couldn't help but whispered admiration: "Your ability to protect yourself is pretty good."

"As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor. I have seen too much of it, and I have no way to practice what I am today." Wang Yingxue moved the business card that everyone handed over to Ye Chen, pointed to a name on it and said with a smile: " I've seen this person before, and what I said to him back then was exactly the same as today. But judging by his expression just now, it seems like he's never heard of it before."

Ye Chen also found it interesting to hear this, took a look at the business card, and said, "I've seen quite a few of them before, but I didn't expect them to be so ignorant. If their eldest brother knows , I would probably vomit blood in anger."

Ye Chen's words made Wang Yingxue feel strange. After carefully examining her, she asked puzzledly: "From what you said, you don't look like a simple high school teacher. But I haven't seen you before. How strange."

"I'm not simple. Didn't you have a big fight with me last time because I majored in law?" Thinking of the scene when the two met for the first time, Ye Chen still didn't quite understand. Why would you be angry with yourself at that time.

Moreover, he only realized his identity now, should he say she is innocent or stupid?
(End of this chapter)

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