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Chapter 222 Already Satisfied

Chapter 222 Already Satisfied
Xia Weinan nodded obediently, expressing that he remembered it.

After returning the test paper to her, Tang Xi stood up from his seat, looked at her and said, "Let's go here first, I have an appointment with Yang Xiao, and I need to go back early."

Xia Weinan didn't want to keep anything anymore when he heard the words, and got up to send him out.

Tang Xi wanted to say hello to the class teacher before leaving, but was stopped by Wang Jing who was sitting alone in the living room watching TV. In front of the gate of "Star Movement", Yang Xiao appeared in front of everyone at the right time.

Xia Weinan, who came out to see Tang Xi off, still had lingering fears about his question that day.Seeing him suddenly, I was a little overwhelmed, so I simply greeted him and went back.

When the car drove out of this street and turned into the avenue, Yang Xiaocai said to Tang Xi in a teasing tone: "The little girl seems to have been frightened by me, what a pity."

Tang Xi was in a bad mood and didn't bother to answer his nonsensical words.He rubbed his painful forehead hard, leaned back in the chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind.Seeing him like this, Yang Xiao gave up the idea of ​​continuing to tease him, and drove the car quietly.

In the living room on the second floor of "Star Motion", Wang Jing was telling Xia Weinan what happened after she and Tang Xi disappeared.

No matter how careful Ye Chen's movements were, Wang Yingxue, who was only in a light sleep, woke up at the corner of the third floor.Seeing Ye Chen as soon as she opened her eyes, this to Wang Yingxue was no different from the perception of a horror movie - it was completely frightening.

However, she was still aware of the fact that she was held in someone's arms, so there was no scene of yelling.Gently poking Ye Chen's chest, Wang Yingxue reminded in a low voice: "Master Ye, I'm already awake, can you let me down?"

The person who was poked didn't expect that Wang Yingxue would suddenly wake up. Hearing her request, he wanted to be a gentleman and put her down.Unexpectedly, they met Wang Jing who was trying to wink at him halfway.

Thinking of what the girl had just said to him in the car, Ye Chen instantly understood what Wang Jing meant.Instead of putting her down, he tightened his arms even more, bringing Wang Yingxue closer to him.

Such a decent move was secretly praised by Wang Jing.

Wang Yingxue didn't expect this guy to hug her even tighter, ignoring her words at all.Feeling the fabric of the shirt against her cheek, Wang Yingxue felt that the scene at this time was a bit strange.

I was resting downstairs just now, but I didn't even notice that I was hugged by this guy for such a long time.Was it because she slept too soundly, or did she subconsciously have no resistance to this embrace?

Princess hug or something, she was only hugged by her brother when she was a child.After growing up, no one has ever hugged her so lovingly.Of course, there are her own reasons for this. Although her suitors have never stopped, those people made her unable to feel that warm feeling.That's why she didn't object, and my brother disposed of those peach blossoms for her.

But Ye Chen's embrace miraculously made her feel comfortable after her impulsive actions that day.Maybe it's because he was his first kiss, maybe it's because of the stable atmosphere in him.

Ye Chen, who had been walking up slowly, was surprised to find that Wang Yingxue was not dissatisfied with her actions.Looking down at the little woman who was quietly nestling in his arms, Ye Chen saw a hot current called satisfaction rising from his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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