Chapter 301
"Can she be the same as Xia Weinan?" Tang Xi naturally knew that Yang Xiao was referring to Xia Weinan, so he continued with disgust: "Her scheming, Xia Weinan will probably not be her opponent even if she practices two more lifetimes."

Hearing him mention Xia Weinan, Yang Xiao said with regret in his tone: "It's really hard to find a simple and kind girl like Xia Weinan, but I don't know who will be cheaper in the future."

"You think too much." Tang Xi didn't like this topic, and interrupted him in a displeased tone, "If there is nothing else, I'm going to rest." After speaking, without waiting for Yang Xiao's answer, he went straight Hang up the phone.

Yang Xiao listened to the beeping sound from the mobile phone in surprise, just this one sentence, actually offended that kid?

Because of these things that happened suddenly, Yang Xiao was originally in a somewhat uncomfortable mood, but because of this discovery, it suddenly became much smoother.

Even though he cared so much, he didn't even know it, and he even rejected the girl. Yang Xiao felt that this was definitely the funniest thing this year.

Although he was a little sorry for his brother, he did look forward to the day when that guy understood what he wanted.

The next day, for Tang Xi, there was a battle that could only be won but not defeated.

And for Wang Yingxue, who boasted to Haikou, it was undoubtedly a critique meeting to prove her bad character.

Since last night, Wang Yingxue has been looking for a classmate she could talk to, but found nothing.

In fact, it can't be blamed for her bad popularity, it's because most of the students in the classical dance department are girls.

Among them, only a few boys, after pursuing Wang Yingxue to no avail, changed their targets one after another.

The girlfriends they dated later were naturally among those girls who didn't like Wang Yingxue, so now, of course, they couldn't keep in touch with her.

Therefore, the classmates that Wang Yingxue could contact all turned a blind eye to her help-seeking information.

Until the afternoon when all the students and teachers were sent away, Wang Yingxue still couldn't get in touch with that classmate whom she knew well.

Thinking that since I have promised my child, I must fulfill my promise no matter what.

Estimating the time, Wang Yingxue finally called the savior, Ye Chen.

At this time, Ye Chen just left the office.

He wasn't on duty on Monday night, so he planned to go to "Xingdong" to have dinner with Wang Yingxue, but he didn't expect to receive a call from her.

"At this point in time, does Yingxue want to invite me to dinner?" Ye Chen asked in a good mood.

"Eat dinner?" Come on, she still has the mood to care about eating now.

However, "if you can do me a favor, eating or something is a trivial matter."

Ye Chen paused when he opened the car door, and then leaned on the half-open door with great interest, and said with a smile: "If you have something to do, just ask, I will still bargain with you."

The deep and magnetic voice struck Wang Yingxue's eardrum through the electric waves.

Although it was the usual voice, she could hear a strong pampering from it.

The pink glow could not help but spread over her fair face, and Wang Yingxue's agitated mood eased instantly, "Then is it convenient for you now? Things are a little troublesome."

The voice is sweet and glutinous, and the tone is soft, which is actually much gentler than before.

Ye Chen felt that he could imagine Wang Yingxue's rare shy appearance, so he replied in a good mood: "I'm in the parking lot of the school now." Then he glanced at his watch and continued, "About 10 minutes later can come to you."

(End of this chapter)

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