Chapter 335
A man's handkerchief was stuffed into his pocket just like that.

If it wasn't for Xia Weinan to show off to him on purpose, it would be another stupid girl's stupidity.

Of course, he prefers the former.

Stuffing it intact into a small paper bag, Tang Xi decided that it would be better to take this handkerchief with him to school tomorrow.

Based on what he knew about Xia Weinan, she would definitely try to get the handkerchief back.

And he was full of expectations for the solution she could come up with.

In the early morning of the next day, Xia Weinan reluctantly walked to the school under Wang Jing's various pulls.

It's not that she hates school, hates studying.

It was purely because she woke up early in the morning and suddenly thought of what she had boasted about last night, and she just didn't want to face it.

On such a chaotic night, although Xia Weinan felt that he was insane, he could still be forgiven for doing some bold things.

But the problem is, she's awake now.

Therefore, she no longer regarded death as home as she did last night.

She really didn't think that after going through the scene last night, she and Tang Xi could still maintain the initial superficial calm.

She could interpret Tang Xi's behavior as a helpless act of being forced to the extreme by herself.

But she couldn't have the cheek to explain to Tang Xi, saying that her throwing herself into arms, kissing her and so on were all the result of her infatuation.

It is estimated that if she said so, even if Tang Xi didn't slap herself to death, she would be ashamed and ashamed.

So, how dare she mention the handkerchief to Tang Xi?

Wang Jing managed to pull the decadent Xia Weinan to the door of the classroom, but she desperately resisted entering the classroom.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Jing looked at her friend who was holding on to the corner of the wall in front of her, and finally sighed helplessly: "If you don't want to go in, I'll let Tang Xi come and invite you." Then she let go He took her hand, turned around and walked to the classroom.

Xia Weinan, who was left in place, was directly hit by Wang Jing's words.

Then, she immediately let go of the innocent wall, and at a speed of sprinting [-] meters, she passed Wang Jing and ran directly into the classroom.

With a bang, as Xia Weinan slammed the front door of the classroom open vigorously, the students who were whispering in the classroom fell silent instantly, staring blankly at Xia Weinan, whose face was flushed, and leaned against the poor door at a loss .

"Hehehe, everyone, go on, go on." With an extremely unnatural smile, Xia Weinan sat back in his seat dejectedly under everyone's gaze.

Stamping his feet resentfully, Xia Weinan secretly annoyed himself for being so impatient.

This time it was all right, she was ashamed early in the morning, she put her head in her hands, and silently lamented her ruined image.

Wang Jing, who followed, casually walked back to her seat.

Seeing her annoyed look, he couldn't help but secretly smiled.Sure enough, Tang Xi was Nan Nan's Achilles' heel.

"Okay, everyone didn't pay much attention," Wang Jing curled her fingers, tapped on the desk lightly, and comforted her in a helpless tone, "Just treat it as a comedy show for everyone."

When Xia Weinan heard this, he raised his head and gave her a sad look, and complained word by word: "Jingjing, you actually bullied your friend."

Wang Jing looked at her in surprise, spread her hands, and asked puzzledly: "What I said is obviously the truth. Besides, it is a great honor for our school grass to invite you in person."

(End of this chapter)

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