The school grass is online

Chapter 337 I Think I May Like You

Chapter 337 I Think I May Like You (Part [-])

Of course Liu Ye's friends understood his character, and they also clearly understood the meaning of his words.

Interested people like them, no matter how curious they are, would not be someone else's light bulb.

He patted him on the shoulder encouragingly, then turned and left knowingly.

Xia Weinan knew that he had been spotted, so he couldn't pretend he hadn't seen him anymore.

After being a little disturbed for a while, she raised a soft smile and walked towards Liu Ye.

Looking at Xia Weinan who was standing in front of him, although he had faded from the beauty of last night, he had an eye-catching pure temperament.

Not wanting the two of them to feel embarrassed and alienated because of what happened last night, Liu Ye deliberately avoided the word "Tang Xi", and asked with a normal expression, "Did you go to the student union to return your clothes just now?"

Now at this time, walking from that direction, I think it must be going to the administrative building.

Xia Weinan saw that his expression was calm, so he stopped coddling, and replied with a light smile as usual: "I also want to thank you for your help last night. Otherwise, I'm probably wanted by the whole school by now."

Liu Ye knew that she was joking with him, but he didn't expose the exaggeration in her words. He just followed her words and said, "If that's the case, please invite me to lunch."

Xia Weinan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then returned to normal.We have known each other so far, although it is only a few days, but we still have some understanding.

Liu Ye's character is just like what he makes everyone feel, warm as water, and temperament like orchid.

However, there are also some nerdy brains.

Therefore, when he suddenly heard him joking with himself like this, Xia Weinan couldn't react for a while.

"That's good, anyway, Jing Jing abandoned me a long time ago." It was just a lunch, of course Xia Weinan would not refuse.

It's not really to thank him for his help, but to cherish this friend who is very comfortable to get along with.

Hearing her slightly resentful words, Liu Ye chuckled lightly.

For the first time, I felt that the girl in front of me had a strong heart under her delicate appearance.

The two chatted happily along the way, so I wasted some time.In the originally bustling restaurant, there were only a few people who hadn't left yet.

I simply ordered a few dishes in the small restaurant on the third floor, and swept away the dishes happily.

Because of the upcoming lunch break, the campus is no longer as noisy as before.

Occasionally, a few students who were in a hurry ran past, and saw them standing leisurely at the door of the restaurant, and sneaked a few suspicious glances at them.

Due to the different grades, the dormitory buildings for the lunch break are not in the same place.

So, the two parted ways in the restaurant.

Just as Xia Weinan was about to turn around and leave, Liu Ye seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and quickly reached out to grab her arm.

Seeing her looking at her movements with a strange expression, Liu Ye let go of her hand with reddened cheeks, coughed a few times and said, "I heard that you are going to skip a grade, is that so?"

Xia Weinan didn't expect him to know about this, and just wanted to ask back, but then he thought about it, the last time I heard what Yang Xiao said, Liu Ye was also from a wealthy family, so it's not surprising that he knew such a small thing up.

Thinking of this, she just nodded slightly, and then said with some embarrassment: "Although I am a bit overwhelmed, I will try my best."

Knowing that she misunderstood the reason why she mentioned this matter, Liu Ye frowned slightly, and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I just wondered if there is anything I can do to help you, and I didn't mean to belittle you .”

(End of this chapter)

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