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Chapter 345 I Think I Like You

Chapter 345 I Think I Like You ([-])

Hearing this, Wang Yingxue paused the steps she had just taken, and then looked back in surprise.

Seeing the puzzled look on my niece's face, I patiently stepped forward and put my finger on her forehead, then put it back on my own forehead, and asked full of doubts: "You don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?" gone?"

Wang Jing deeply felt that Auntie was obviously doubting her IQ.

She raised her hand and drank all the water in the glass, then turned around and didn't bother to talk to her aunt.

Seeing this, Wang Yingxue lost the smile on her lips, turned around and took her original seat, half helpless and half amused, and asked: "Tang Xi's change is obviously because of Nan Nan, don't you see it? "

"Nan Nan, what does this have to do with Nan Nan?" Wang Jing really couldn't understand her aunt's words.

In fact, she certainly didn't feel that Tang Xi's change was due to her relationship.

However, Xia Weinan has always existed.

He lightly rubbed her head a few times, then looked at her lovingly, and explained gently: "Perhaps what happened today made him see his heart clearly."

A person's sincerity, sometimes even he himself can't understand.

But it is possible that when you are hit or you can no longer grasp it, you just realize that you already have the shadow of that person in your heart.

Just like herself, or Tang Xi may be the same.

Today's business?Was it stimulated?

After thinking about it, Wang Jing felt that this hypothesis was very possible.

However, if this is the case, it should not be because of today's events.

In terms of excitement, it is obvious that the one a few days ago was more influential.

However, my aunt didn't know about that, because...
Thinking of this, Wang Jing suddenly remembered that her aunt hadn't come back before they went to bed that night.

But in the past few days, because of the tension of studying, I completely forgot about it.

Thinking about the events of the past few days, Wang Jing was surprised to find that their beloved head teacher seemed to have never appeared in "Star Motion" since that day.

Is it...
Wang Jing met her aunt's gentle gaze suspiciously, and asked tentatively, "Aunt, are you and the teacher... having a conflict?"

Although these two people didn't behave strangely, if adults even quarreled, it would be reasonable.

Wang Yingxue was taken aback by her niece's sudden question.

These days, the children came and went in a hurry every day because of the final exam, and she thought they couldn't see any difference at all.

But she didn't expect that just her own words made Jing Jing think of this aspect.

However, conflicts?It should not count.

After all, everyone got along pretty well that day.

Putting away the contemplation in her heart, Wang Yingxue asked softly, "Why do you ask such a question? What conflicts do we have?" Ye Chen has always indulged himself like that.

"Then why haven't you seen the teacher come to the house recently?" Of course, Wang Jing would not believe her aunt's words. The people who used to report here almost every day suddenly disappeared as if out of thin air.

She is not stupid, how could she not see the problem.

"Maybe, you've been very busy recently. Aren't you guys about to take exams? As the head teacher, he must have a lot of things to do." Wang Yingxue didn't know the answer to her niece's question, so she could only guess.

(End of this chapter)

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