The school grass is online

Chapter 413 See Tricks and Tricks

Chapter 413 See Tricks and Tricks
"Nan Nan, that boy named Tang Xi is waiting for you below, saying he has something to look for you." Under Ye Chen's strength, Wang Yingxue leaned on the back of the back, remembering her purpose of coming upstairs, and said to Xia Weinan.

Tang Xi?Xia Weinan, who was still sitting comfortably on the sofa, waiting to watch the play, was taken aback when he heard this, his widened eyes revealed tension and apprehension.

In fact, Xia Weinan felt a little lucky that he didn't call Tang Xi's cell phone just now.

However, now that he has come to the door, she doesn't know how to face him.

Seeing that she didn't move, Wang Jing pushed her arm in puzzlement, and reminded: "Nan Nan, why don't you hurry up." She tried to persuade her to call Tang Xi just now, but she didn't get through.

She was a little disappointed at first, but Tang Xi was quite a witty kid, and he came to the door by himself.

Xia Weinan was pushed out of the study by Wang Jing. When she heard the sound of the door closing, she had no choice but to look up at the sky, but unfortunately she only saw the delicate ceiling pattern.She felt Wang Jing's assist ability, but she really didn't know what to say.

Shaking his head, he walked downstairs.As the saying goes, if it comes, it will be safe, and she has no choice but to see the tricks.

Tang Xi hurried all the way from home to "Star Action", even though he was good at it, there were still beads of sweat on his forehead in such a midsummer season.When Xia Weinan came downstairs, what he saw was Tang Xi leaning over to the air conditioner, blowing the cool wind desperately.

Judging from his appearance, he should have come here in a hurry, Xia Weinan thought to himself, but couldn't figure out why he came.It's just, "You'll get sick if you blow like this." Regardless of his intentions, Xia Weinan was still worried about his health.At this time, the sun outside must not be as mild as in the morning. He ran here like this, but he was still blowing the cool breeze here.

Tang Xi had heard her footsteps going downstairs a long time ago, and the reason why he waited until she spoke first was because he didn't know how to start the conversation with her.It's just that he didn't expect that the first thing Xia Weinan said was concern for himself.

Feeling a sudden warmth in my heart, I was firm in the decision I made on the road just now.Turning around, he said indifferently: "I am in good health, so you don't have to worry about me."

Xia Weinan knew that he was good at martial arts, but if he didn't care so much, it would be easy to catch a cold or something.

"I'm not worried about you, I'm just afraid that you will get sick here and blame us."

The dining room still had the cups from the meal just now. Xia Weinan took out a bucket of self-squeezed juice from the refrigerator, filled a cup, walked to the living room and handed it to Tang Xi, then pointed to the wet wipes on the coffee table, "You There is sweat on it, wipe it off quickly." She was so hot and sweaty, and she still blows the wind like this, she really didn't know how he took care of herself on weekdays.

Tang Xi took the glass, drank it in one gulp, and handed it back to Xia Weinan, saying, "I want to drink more."

After Xia Weinan took the cup, he walked to the sofa and sat down, looking like a young master waiting to be served.

Xia Weinan was no stranger to his arrogant look.Reluctantly twitching the corners of his lips, he turned and walked towards the restaurant.This time, she didn't fill up the glass, but took out all the juice from the bucket and put it in front of Tang Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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