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Chapter 429 Do You Still Like Me?

Chapter 429 Do You Still Like Me?

In the process of eating, if you ignore Tang Xi's handsome face that has been darkened all the time, it is still enjoyable.

After Xia Weinan swallowed all the rice noodles in the bowl, she miraculously discovered that this spicy food is indeed a good thing.Even though her memory of this place was really bad, after eating it, she felt comfortable and her mood improved a lot.

No wonder some people advise sad people, if they don't want to shed tears, just convert it into sweat and get rid of it directly.But now, she truly experienced the feeling of turning sadness into sweat.Overall, it's pretty good.

"Have you finished eating? If we finish eating, let's go." Xia Weinan didn't notice Tang Xi who had been staring at him for a long time until the aftertaste was over.Glancing at the clean rice bowl, he suggested very comfortably.Even if he is as picky as Tang Xi, he still falls under the pomegranate skirt of delicious food.

"Nan Nan, there is something I've always wanted to tell you, but I haven't figured out how to say it." Tang Xi didn't answer her question, but looked at her seriously, and said inexplicably.

Xia Weinan couldn't understand what was going on now, didn't he just treat himself to dinner?There is something to be said, in such a sensitive place.She really didn't dare to expect to hear anything good here.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Xia Weinan smiled brightly.Taking the pocket from the seat next to him, putting it on the table, and pushing it to Tang Xi, Fang said, "Thank you for the gift, but I can't accept it. Otherwise, you know what I mean, and I will think about it."

She didn't know what Tang Xi would say to herself, but she still acted instinctively and made the safest move for herself.She had no intention of accepting these two clothes.Not only because she doesn't like to take other people's things for nothing, but also because she dare not speculate on what they represent.

Of course, she wouldn't naively think that Tang Xi was confessing to herself.It is more likely that he refused again, slapped him and gave him a sweet date, isn't that what everyone said.

Naturally, Tang Xi would not take back the gift he gave.Pushing the pocket back to her side again, cut off her unspoken excuse, and said frankly: "I know I hurt you before, Nannan, I'm sorry." Her direct reaction undoubtedly made him feel angry again. Regret the decisions you have made.

Today, though, he's here to make amends.Moreover, he will never make the same mistake again in the days to come.

Sorry, these three words again.Xia Weinan doesn't know if Tang Xi understands that these three words hurt people the most in this world.But she heard it from Tang Xi again and again, which is really ironic.

Lowering his eyelids to cover up the fragility in his eyes that was unintentionally revealed, Xia Weinan said in a nonchalant manner: "Emotional matters can never be forced. So, you have nothing to be sorry for me." You just don't like me, but This, however, is not your fault.

"Nan Nan, do you still like me?" Tang Xi's clear voice sounded.

Xia Weinan was taken aback when he heard the words, raised his head in disbelief, and looked at the solemn Tang Xi in surprise.What does he mean and why is he asking this question?Is it to confirm whether she has given up?Tang Xi, would you be a little cruel like this?

(End of this chapter)

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