The school grass is online

Chapter 446 2 Days Vacation

Chapter 446 Two Days Vacation

On the way home from school, Xia Weinan whispered about Yu Xiangxiang to Tang Xi.

Tang Xi was quite surprised, not at all like he knew in advance.

Seeing his behavior like this, she was relieved, knowing that he didn't mean to hide it from her, and even he didn't know about it.

As for the truth of the matter, she didn't care.

Because, looking at Tang Xi's appearance, one can understand that even if things are as Yu Xiangxiang herself showed, it is probably just her own writing and directing.

Then for more than half a month, everyone's life seemed to suddenly go smoothly.Although the daily activities are very monotonous, in addition to studying in the tutoring class, I just squeeze out a little time to sleep at home.

Xia Weinan, who used to be known for his diligence, did not escape this curse, and lived a pig-like life on rare rest days, just like Wang Jing.However, because she was really nervous about her homework, Wang Yingxue didn't have much reaction to the extremely lazy behavior of the two of them.This also caused the two people to make progress on the next several rest days.

When the remedial class was halfway through, I specially gave everyone a two-day vacation.To everyone, this news was like a huge red envelope that fell from the sky. They were so excited that they didn't know what kind of attitude they should take to accept this red envelope.

It was only when the teacher walked out of the classroom and the students around were packing their schoolbags that Xia Weinan recovered from the shock just now, with a clear and trembling voice, "Quiet, did I hear you right?" Two days off, hey, How unbelievable.

Wang Jing patted her on the shoulder understandingly, but her bright eyes were full of cunning, "Nan Nan, congratulations on getting the opportunity to go out for two days. Congratulations."

During the past half month, Xia Weinan lived in dire straits, how could Wang Jing not understand the meaning of this short-term liberation to her.It's just that, seeing her in such a dazed state, she couldn't help but tease her a little bit.

When this kind of happy, the ridicule of friends will not have any effect at all.After Xia Weinan confirmed that he wasn't hallucinating just now, he excitedly started packing his schoolbag.Although it was only two days, it was still enough for her to sleep well.Maybe, tomorrow she should sleep until the afternoon, just thinking about it makes her life full of hope.

It's just, isn't there such a saying, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.Early the next morning, when Xia Weinan was awakened by the sound of quarreling downstairs, he deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

Rubbing short hair that was as good as a chicken coop, Xia Weinan, who got up full of anger, didn't even have time to think about who it would be. If he had the guts to make a scene in "Star Motion", he rushed downstairs.Then, under everyone's surprised gaze, he finally woke up.

Right now, he was standing in the living room with his arms akimbo in the shape of a teapot. The man with a refined appearance was Wang Jing's father whom she had met a few times.

It is conceivable that the thick voice just now came from this uncle.It's just that she couldn't imagine that Papa Wang, who is a scholar, would have such, uh... fierce side.It was completely different from the gentle and polite appearance she had seen before.

Moreover, plus Mama Wang who is sitting on the sofa, has read poetry and books, and has an outstanding temperament.If it weren't for the bad expressions on everyone's faces, she might have thought that some academic discussion was going on here.

(End of this chapter)

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