The school grass is online

Chapter 455 Excellent Ye Chen

Chapter 455 Excellent Ye Chen

Wang Yingxue finally grasped the ambiguity in his words, and stared at her grape-like eyes. Although her tone was threatening, the corners of her slightly curved lips revealed her good mood.

"How could it be?" Ye Chen raised his hands in a gesture of surrender very tactfully, and explained nervously: "You are a priceless treasure in my heart."

Wang Yingxue was amused by his appearance as if offering a treasure, her white arms wrapped around his neck, and her rosy lips quickly left a kiss like a dragonfly on his lips.

How could Ye Chen be satisfied with this one-touch kiss, before she left, he quickly clasped the back of her head with his palm, leaned slightly and kissed her deeply.

Wang Yingxue's surprised cry disappeared between their lips and teeth.The sun is shining outside the window, and the house is full of love
When the two came down from upstairs, Father Wang, who was originally very calm, was on the verge of collapse.Just as he was about to go upstairs to pull his sister down, he saw two figures walking down together.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Father Wang had to admit that Ye Chen was not inferior in the slightest in front of his all-powerful girl.Of course, it wasn't his looks that stood out.It's the convincing temperament that exudes from the bones.

Looking at such an outstanding young man, he deeply felt how correct his previous actions were.If the girl had been abducted by those brats who didn't know how to live or die a few years ago, how could she still meet such an outstanding partner today.

Therefore, he once again decided to use the same method to manage Wang Jing from today.In this way, the daughter should also be able to bring back an excellent son-in-law for herself in the future.However, this feeling is really not good.

No matter how satisfied he was with Ye Chen, Father Wang didn't want to see the girl he had raised since childhood being abducted like this.So, when Liang Nuan came to the front, Father Wang coughed a few times, and said solemnly: "I have already called the old man just now, and you will come back to the old house with me in the afternoon." Suddenly remembered something, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shot sharply at the humble Ye Chen, "Of course, if you are just dating and have no plans to get married, you don't have to go."

Before Ye Chen could react, both Wang Jing and Xia Weinan, who were sitting in the distance, felt a cold aura, which instantly swept over everyone present.

Wang Jing trembled her hands, looked worriedly at the teacher who had been so steady all this time, and nervously asked Xia Weinan next to her, "Tell me, if the teacher's answer is unsatisfactory, will my father beat you up on the spot?" .”

Xia Weinan, who was also nervous, felt as if a ball of cotton had been stuffed into his throat, and he couldn't make any sound at all.In order to show that he agreed with her statement, he could only nod his head quickly.

There is no way, Wang Jing's father's aura is too strong.What kind of professor or scholar does this look like? Clearly, clearly...Xia Weinan continued secretly in his heart, clearly looking like the leader of the underworld.

No wonder those who pursued my aunt in the past were so afraid of Wang Jing's father.This is really not an ordinary person who can hold it.

Wang Yingxue also felt the same, although she knew that her brother was doing it for her own good.

(End of this chapter)

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