Chapter 458
Ye Chen, who acted quickly, really returned to "Star Action" before lunch started. Wang Yingxue asked him curiously about the gift he had prepared, but he refused with the excuse of keeping it secret.Seeing his mysterious appearance, Wang Yingxue's curiosity was completely aroused, and she kept chasing after him, but she made no progress at all.

When lunch started, Wang Jing, who had been scolded with a bloody forehead, moved with difficulty from upstairs to downstairs with heavy steps.Although Xia Weinan really wanted to comfort her, but due to the presence of Uncle Wang, he had no choice but to hide the guilt in his heart.

During the meal, everyone unexpectedly reached a consensus, and the principle of never talking when eating is run through.Although he is not used to such a dining atmosphere, Xia Weinan still understands the family rules of Wang Jing's family.On weekdays, when everyone is eating, they can gobble it up, but they are not allowed to make any noise in front of Uncle Wang.

In this regard, Xia Weinan was very fortunate that her aunt had taken her to some social occasions before, otherwise she would have lost her appetite because of the depressing dining atmosphere.

After lunch, Xia Weinan and Wang Jing were left at home like this, euphemistically called housekeepers.Hearing this reason, Wang Jing angrily complained to the smoking buttocks of the car, "You obviously don't want me to know the details, and you have found such a clumsy reason."

"Quiet, don't you really want to go back to the old house?" Xia Weinan was glad to be left at home by the adults. As for the complaints from his friends, he deeply disapproved, "Then your grandpa beat him from head to toe... Criticize me?"

"Hehe," Wang Jing, who had been punctured, rubbed her earlobe embarrassingly, "Although the fact is true, they should be polite anyway." Even if they don't want to go back to the old house, they can't Throw yourself down like this.

Xia Weinan felt that Wang Jing's behavior was purely an act of being obedient while taking advantage of it, so he shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked into the house.Instead of accompanying Wang Jing to make unnecessary sighs here, it is better to go back to the room and take a nap.

With no one around watching, Wang Jing lost her sense of joking, turned around and followed Xia Weinan's leaving footsteps.

The four of them arrived at the Wang family's old house in the east of the city smoothly all the way. It is not ambiguous at all to say that it is an old house, and the buildings here are indeed quite antique.An old-fashioned courtyard house, a big house with four courtyards.In order to facilitate modern life, a garage was specially built on the open space next to it.

Ye Chen had to sigh, the taste of the scholarly family is really extraordinary.Although the old man of his family is extremely traditional, he still moved away from the courtyard house of his ancestors.

The Wang family's old house does not have a strict security system. After the identity is confirmed, the car can enter unimpeded.Parking the car in the garage, Ye Chen took out the prepared gift box from the trunk, pulled the curious Wang Yingxue, and followed Wang Jing's parents to the hall.

The living room for greeting guests is in the middle of the front yard, and between the gate and the yard is a long corridor, carved with calm-colored murals.Ye Chen hadn't seen this kind of building for many years, and looked up curiously at the contents of the murals.

Seeing his curiosity, Wang Yingxue explained kindly: "All the characters depicted on it are models of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism in ancient times. When I was very young, the tutors told me their stories next to each other."

(End of this chapter)

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