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Chapter 471 Wedding Discussion

Chapter 471 Wedding Discussion

What he meant was that Yingxia would not only treat her well, but also take good care of and protect her like a little girl in need of protection.

Mr. Wang finally felt relieved, and his frown that had been frowning all this time was finally relaxed.Thinking about the time issue he mentioned just now, he tentatively asked: "Then your marriage..."

In fact, from his selfish point of view, he hopes to keep his daughter for a few more years.In this way, he can also take the opportunity to make amends to her.However, also for the sake of his daughter, he still hopes that the two of them can complete their marriage within this year.After all, at least when she gets married, she will face less pressure.

As for Ye Chen's restoration of identity in the future, their status will be certain at that time, and everyone will only talk about it for a few days at most, and there will be no big disturbances.

This was right in Ye Chen's arms. I was too excited to scare him, so I took a few deep breaths secretly, and after my breath stabilized, Fang replied: "I hope to hold the wedding within this year. But , if you want the wedding to be grand enough, we can register first and hold the wedding a year later."

In fact, Ye Chen hopes to make the wedding easier, not because he cares about money, or because he doesn't want everyone to know that he is married.In fact, he really wanted everyone to know that Wang Yingxue was Ye Chen's wife from now on, and no one could covet her.

However, he has always felt that marriage is just a matter between two families, as long as it is warm and romantic enough.However, on this point, of course, we should listen to the opinions of the woman's parents, after all, they are going to marry their daughter.Of course, I still hope that it will be lively and lively, and everyone will know it well.

However, this time, Ye Chen obviously didn't guess what Mr. Wang meant. "Since you have already made plans, I can rest assured." If this kid dared to tell him that he hadn't thought about getting married at all, even if he risked falling out with his daughter again, he must persuade her Think it over.

Ye Chen subconsciously felt that if he had said something wrong just now, his daughter-in-law would probably fly away.Thanks to his thick-skinned features, he settled his name first.

"However," following a turning point made by the foreign father-in-law, Ye Chen raised his heart again, and asked with some worry: "But, what?" Don't go back on your word.

"However, the wedding doesn't need to be too lively." The old man thought for a while, met Ye Chen's surprised gaze, and continued: "As long as the relatives of both parties are together and have a lot of fun, it doesn't need to be known to everyone. "Ye Chen felt that he had heard some important information, and he confirmed it with patience and excitement: "You mean, you agree to hold our wedding within a year?" Will happiness come sooner?
"Why, do you think it's fast?" The old man raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and his eyes sparkled with fire, "You didn't say that yourself just now, why do you want to go back on your word?"

Ye Chen deeply felt that if he dared to nod his head now, he would die a terrible death today.Of course, he couldn't wish for such a good thing, so why would he push it out.

Swallowing his saliva, he asked hesitantly: "Then what do you think of the National Day? I plan to get the certificate with Yingxue that day." Since everyone had a good conversation, it is natural to take the opportunity to seek more benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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