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Chapter 473 Father's Love

Chapter 473 Father's Love
It's just that she got used to it and pretended to be very strong, looking like she was invulnerable.In fact, the heart is as soft as clam meat, and it can't stand a little bit of harm at all.

"The reason why I mentioned marriage to me was not because I was worried that I was a playboy. I was worried that my precious daughter would be abducted by other people's rhetoric. Therefore, I was anxious to confirm whether this is a man who can be trusted." This is His true feelings, of course, he also hopes that she can experience this fatherly love that may be a little late.

Will it be so?Wang Yingxue felt that this was not the father in her impression at all. "It's not like him at all. He should be trying to prevent us from being together." It's like preventing her from learning hip-hop, solving everything for her regardless of her own thoughts.

Ye Chen couldn't help sighing, how many misunderstandings were there between the father and daughter. "If you don't believe it, how about I repeat the content of our conversation to you one by one?" We are all relatives, so there is no need to embrace these unnecessary misunderstandings and miss precious things like this affection.

Wang Yingxue hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't resist the temptation inside, she nodded, indicating that he could continue talking.

Seeing that she agreed, Ye Chen felt relieved.What he worried about was not that she didn't want to listen to what he said, but what he worried about was that she didn't want to give him a chance to understand.However, anyhow, the result is still good.From this point of view, at least it shows that she can still forgive her father.

Based on Ye Chen's super memory, Wang Yingxue was able to know all the content of their conversation.When Marven Ye finished telling everything, she didn't say a word.Knowing that there are some things that she still needs to figure out by herself, she followed her into her own thoughts.

He tightly hugged her arms, lowered his head slightly, touched her smooth forehead with his chin, felt her temperature, and a warm current surged in his heart.

For Wang Yingxue, her father was just a synonym in her previous life.Not even as important as nephews and nieces in her heart.But that doesn't mean she doesn't expect her father's love.However, the incident a few years ago completely overturned his perception of his father.

From then on, she didn't want to think about the meaning behind these two words.But after all, she still cared about the person who gave her life.

But now, she could finally truly feel his love for her from other people's mouths.Except for a little unbelievable, the rest is full of nothingness.Perhaps, for her, this kind of feeling is really too strange.It's so strange that I don't know how to deal with its existence.

Until Ye Chen felt that she could no longer let her thoughts go, and used his soft kiss to bring her back to her thoughts.

Feeling the gentle kiss on her forehead, the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and a shallow smile overflowed with her cold voice, "You look like that little flower raised by Xia Wan." The little flower is Xia Wan's love. The pet name of my cat, the reason why I choose such a name is just because it is a tabby cat.

Although Ye Chen didn't know Xiao Hua's attributes, he could guess that she was definitely not a human.Therefore, he tightened his arms in retaliation, and his white teeth gnawed on her porcelain-like skin.

(End of this chapter)

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