Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1223 He's a Devil

Chapter 1223 He's a Devil

With a palm down, the sky and the earth change color.

Among the more than forty disciples of the Dao Sword Holy Land, more than ten of them were directly shaken, and blood spattered.

As for the other [-] or so people, they were all pushed back, bleeding from the corners of their mouths.

Sixteen dead! 31 injuries!
This scene fell into the eyes of countless warriors around, and their faces were shocked and horrified.

How powerful is this palm? It can injure so many disciples of the Dao Sword Holy Land, it is simply shocking.

"How terrifying is this combat power?"

All warriors who saw this scene had this thought in their hearts.

Not far away, Dao Qingfeng frowned slightly.

"What he cultivates is the way of the flesh body. No one has practiced it for many years. I didn't expect that there would still be people practicing it."

There was a trace of composure on Dongfang Yi's old face, and he also felt a turbulent and terrifying pressure from Jian Fengyun's gestures.

Based on his knowledge, he could judge that Jian Fengyun's power should come from the physical body, but he couldn't see through the specifics.


A disciple of Daojian Saint Emperor shouted loudly.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, which landed on the long sword that he had just taken out, and then a bright light burst out from his body, burning like a sun.

Although this kind of secret technique is not the kind of taboo secret technique that can instantly increase one's strength, it is also an untold secret of Dao Sword Holy Land.

Utilizing essence and blood to mobilize the artifacts and combining them with exercises can increase their overall strength by about [-]%.

His whole body was shining brightly, as if he was on fire, and he crushed his fingers with his right hand. The divine sword in his hand condensed countless sword auras, covering the sky and covering the earth, rushing away, a piece of white sword aura covered the sky, fiercely impacting on the light condensed by Jian Fengyun above the curtain.

"Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!"

The sound shook the sky, and the void shook the sky.

"Everyone, his strength is limited, it is difficult to deal with so many of us at the same time, let's take action together to suppress him."

The martial artist who took the lead shouted again.

Although he opened his mouth and shouted loudly, the other Dao Sword Holy Land disciples still hesitated. Just now, the scene of a dozen or so disciples being slapped to death by Jian Fengyun's slap is vivid, and they were also injured by that slap. They were afraid that Jian Fengyun would strike again. That injury must be more serious.

"The old man is coming too."

At this moment, Dongfang Yi, who was watching from the side, also made a formula in his hand.

The big black handprint was across the sky, and he struck out the Eastern Emperor's Palm, like a mighty dark cloud, constantly slapping the defensive light curtains around Fencing Fengyun, the sound was deafening.

However, it was obvious that he didn't attack with all his strength, and he still had six points of strength left to defend against Jian Fengyun's attack.

Jian Fengyun's palm just now made him feel a little bit of crisis.


"Everyone join forces to kill him. As long as his defense is broken, he will be a chopping board fish and can only be besieged by us."

There were more than a dozen disciples from the Dao Sword Holy Land seeing Dongfang Yi making a move, and couldn't help feeling flustered, so they started to make a move.

The dense sword energy swept towards Jian Fengyun.

The other [-] or so people also looked at each other and rushed over, and followed suit with all their might. Since they had already chosen to step forward, they could only strike hard.

"Keng" "Keng"...

In the sky above Mingyang Divine City, there was an ear-piercing sound, piercing gold and cracking rocks, more than thirty people besieged Jian Fengyun, and each of them was surrounded by divine light, and their strength was increased by nearly [-]%.

"Three-in-one sword formation, this is the unique battle formation secret method of the Dao Sword Holy Land. It can be combined with surrounding disciples to enter the formation and increase the overall strength by [-]%."

"Generally, the disciples of Dao Sword Holy Land will only use this formation together when facing a big enemy."

"Unexpectedly, Jian Fengyun forced Dao Sword Holy Land to use this formation with just one move per person. It's amazing."

The dense sword energy enveloped Jian Fengyun like a storm.

However, Jian Fengyun, who was in the center of the storm, did not change his expression.

"Clear wind and evil!"

Jian Fengyun's thoughts moved, his figure disappeared, and the targets of the sword energy in the sky disappeared, colliding with each other in the sky, in an incomparable chaos.

He gave these people a chance. The first time he shot, he only killed more than a dozen people. As long as they retreated, he didn't have to pursue them.

But they came up again, and intensified.

Explain that they should be prepared to pay the price.

"What about people?"

Everyone was stunned, and at the same moment when Jian Fengyun's figure disappeared, they noticed something strange.


Dongfang Yi at the back seemed to have sensed something, and immediately shouted at the disciple from the Dao Sword Holy Land who took the lead.


At the same instant, Jian Fengyun's figure appeared behind that person.

One point out!
The sky forbidden finger, the real dragon emerged, and the divine power diffused.


Ahead, the Dao Sword Holy Land disciple who took the lead turned into a blood mist and disappeared in ashes.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!".
In an instant, Jian Fengyun clenched his five fingers again, and five phantom shadows of real dragons emerged, and the billowing golden energy and blood filled the dragon shadows, causing waves of wind to roar.

The five dragons turned and rushed in all directions.

"ah one one"

The screams came, and the dozens of warriors nearby couldn't stop them at all. These five phantoms of real dragons, like a dragon descending into the world, are extremely terrifying.


The first figure became a powder.

"Puff" "Puff" one by one
The second, third... turned into fly ash one after another, and was crushed by the dragon shadow.

The void shook, and the dozens of warriors who were close to Jian Fengyun were all wiped out. No one could resist. No matter what kind of true method was displayed, they were all shattered.

Breaking through all spells with one finger, the terrifying power of Qi and blood condensed into a phantom of a real dragon, charging in all directions, destroying both body and soul, and nothing existed anymore.

The power of the Heavenly Taboo Finger was vividly displayed in Jian Fengyun's hands.

"I fought with you!"

There was another disciple in Daojian Holy Land shouting. He was the closest to the dozen or so disciples who died tragically. He witnessed this terrifying scene with his own eyes.

His body was burning with divine power, as if he was about to explode, dense sword energy spewed out from behind him, and the sword screamed, but it was like a mantis arm blocking a car, Jian Fengyun fell with a finger, and the real dragon crushed him, and he was instantly smashed to pieces.

"The devil, he is a devil!"

The remaining [-] or so Daojian Holy Land disciples who hadn't been killed immediately lost their faith and fled.

"I want to leave now, isn't it a bit late!"

Jian Fengyun's tone was cold, and Qingfeng Huasha was urged to move again.

To deal with these people who no longer have the heart to resist, he does not need to use the Eastern Emperor's Palm and the Heavenly Forbidden Finger at all. The figure emerges, the golden meridians on the arm light up, and he punches out with only physical strength. One by one, they fought into blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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