Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1236 Dark Red World

Chapter 1236 Dark Red World
Crawl down from above the cave.

With Jian Fengyun's divine power and body speed, the speed of descending is very fast, Wan Buyi is also a three-star God Emperor Realm existence, so the speed is naturally not weak.

However, even though the two of them descended at a rapid speed, it took half a day to barely see the bottom of the cave.

It seems that there is a pool of running water, which is so clear that you can't see what is superfluous.

Finally, after descending for about half a day, they finally appeared above the pool of water.

In the clear water, the waves are rippling, which actually reflects a round moon, and the full moon is glowing with bright blue brilliance, which is very surprising.

"Flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, there is another universe!"

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved. This kind of situation is recorded in the Immortal Alchemy Art. Mirror Flower Water Moon is a secret art that can only be learned when the soul power reaches the platinum level. This secret art is classified as Kanyu Art. Xuan, it is amazing.

If you want to fully use this secret technique, at least your soul power must reach the purple diamond level above the platinum level.

A power whose soul power can reach the purple diamond level is enough to become a famous giant in any era of Galaxy.

It seems that the soul power of the ancestor of the Mingyang Shenzong had at least reached the purple diamond level, otherwise it would not be possible to arrange a mirror image here.

"Go, go down!"

Jian Fengyun's figure moved and jumped into the water.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lan Yue's phantom was shattered, and the well water turned into a vortex, containing a mysterious atmosphere.

Wan Buyi also followed behind Jian Fengyun.

They only felt darkness in front of their eyes, and then the surrounding scenes blurred for a while.

When they opened their eyes again, they had already appeared on a piece of dark red land.

This land is very dark and gloomy, as if it has been shrouded in darkness for a long time.

Not long after they had just stood still, suddenly, the sun rose in the east, and a terrifying stream of red flames appeared in the east of this land.

Looking along the light, they saw a flaming warship with long chains shining on the sky and the earth.

In front of the warship, there was a huge fireball tightly bound by chains.


Jian Fengyun showed shock.

Regarding the solar ship, there are also records in Xianfangshu. The world was first opened, and everything was prehistoric. There is a mysterious solar ship that controls the sun and brings sunshine to the prehistoric world every day.

This huge solar ship illuminated the sky and the earth. On the dark red land, many terrifying creatures were sizzled by the sunlight, emitting puffs of black smoke.

Wan Buyi at the side, seeing this scene, couldn't help being shocked, he stared blankly at the huge solar ship slowly flying over the sky, the dazzling sun shining on his body did not cause any discomfort, but was very warm, however Zombies and rotting skeletons of dead creatures emerged from the dark red ground, but they were fleeing in panic.

According to the records of Immortal Alchemy, since the ancient times, this kind of scene has been rarely seen.

It is rumored that in ancient times, the darkness from the end of the Styx River spread, and the gods of the human race prayed, asking the legendary true immortals to drive the solar boat to dispel the darkness and bring light to people.

However, after the ancient times, all the solar ships disappeared at the end of the Styx River, the gods of the human race dusk, and the legendary true immortals disappeared, burying the entire era.

Jian Fengyun originally thought that the records of immortal alchemy were nothing more than legends, but he never thought that it was true, at least he saw it now.

This solar ship, which shocked the world, illuminated the dark red apprentice with the scorching sun, and the place it passed was bright.

"What is this, those creatures that have lost their huge skeletons, what kind of creatures are they?"

Wan Buyi was shocked, he had never heard of the scene in front of him, let alone seen it.

According to the normal situation, unless the dead corpse is used by someone, it will basically not be alive, but these are all corpses that have been dead for an unknown number of years, and those skeletons are dead monsters and horrors. creatures.

There is no way to know the time of their death, and there is no flesh and blood. There are still flowers and moss growing on the bones, and some bones are rotten.

After such a long time, how could they still be alive, run, and scream.

The sunship illuminates the dark red land.

After a while, a huge blue river in the distance was also exposed.

On the bank of the great river stands an ancient stone that has gone through the vicissitudes of time.

Two ancient characters written in bright red blood were engraved on that ancient stone.

I don't know what kind of blood it was written in. After such a long time, those two words are as if they have just been soaked in blood, extremely bloody and dazzling red.

"What are those two words?"

Wan Buyi also saw that ancient stone and those two characters, so he asked immediately.


Jian Fengyun's face was heavy, and his tone was slow and authentic.

Sure enough, Styx is towned under the Kunwu Sacred Tree. The word Styx is rumored to be an ancient character used by the people at the end of the Styx.

Wan Buyi didn't recognize it, and Jian Fengyun didn't recognize it at first, but these two words were recorded in the immortal alchemy.

"What kind of blood is that written with scarlet red?" Wan Buyi asked again.

He didn't know Styx, but he could feel those two words, and the terrifying aura emanating from that long blue river.

Strangers see the Styx River, and look at ghosts and gods across the bank.

The word Styx is written in the blood of the ruler in the depths of the legendary Styx River. With this as the boundary, Yin and Yang can be distinguished, and life and death are separated. Ghosts and gods can be seen.

"It's the blood of a supremely terrifying existence. Don't get close to that river, just wait and see what happens."

Jian Fengyun replied, and the gloomy expression on his face did not decrease at all.

The solar ship above the sky soon drove to the sky above the Stone of the Styx, and then drove on the Styx.

However, what is shocking is that the scorching sun can't penetrate the mist above the Styx River, and even the darkness of that area is still dark and gloomy.

According to legend, the solar ship driven by the immortal seems to have lost its energy efficiency.

Jian Fengyun and Wan Buyi stood on the ground, looking at everything in front of them.

The solar boat sailed to the depths of the Styx, that dark and gloomy place where the sky could not be seen clearly.

When the fireball-like solar ship drove to the depths, a terrifying throb came from the deeper darkness, causing all the corpses on the four sides of the Styx to kneel down, as if worshiping the king again.

At this moment, chains shot out from the solar ship, like pillars of flame light, trying to tear apart the darkness ahead.

The darkness rolled, and after a while, a little light appeared.

The chains of the solar ship that shot into the darkness were all cut off, and the fog surged in the torn darkness
(End of this chapter)

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