Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1239 Grandmother

Chapter 1239 Grandmother

In the sky above Fengdu City, a huge formation suddenly emerged.

Above the formation, immortal light pervades, and streams of sword energy seem to emerge.

This is a peerless sword formation, arranged in the sky of Fengdu City under the magic formula of the middle-aged man in white.

Every sword qi exudes a light like cold jade, very dazzling, there are tens of thousands of them, densely covering the entire sky of Fengdu City.

In Fengdu City, thousands of ghosts were howling, and the howling was shocking.

In the huge Fengdu, there is no one in the Ten Palaces of Yama, who can stop this middle-aged man.

A sword formation crushed all the ghosts and gods in Fengdu.

This middle-aged man started on the road, he walked to the rear of Fengdu City, the ninth pass of the underworld, the eighteenth floor of hell.

Where is covered with lava, red fog filled the sky.

As the distance grew further, everything became blurred.

It can be vaguely seen that at the end of the dark road, there are sword lights flickering from time to time.


Seeing this scene, Jian Fengyun turned around abruptly, and wanted to ask Wan Buyi beside him.

The words stopped abruptly as soon as they fell.

I saw that Wan Buyi had fainted at some point.

He saw that the middle-aged man in white was so engrossed that he didn't know when Wan Buyi passed out.

"Suzerain. Suzerain"

Jian Fengyun bent down and called Wan Buyi a few times, but there was no response.

Presumably, he had fallen into a deep coma.

The aura on Wan Buyi's body was unobstructed, Jian Fengyun wasn't worried anymore, he looked towards the long road.

At this moment, the only way is to wait and see if the middle-aged man in white can come out from the end of the Styx River before making a choice.

He came down from the stone hall in the Patriarch's Hall of the Bright Eyes Sect, and entered this world through the formation of Jinghua Shuiyue. If there is no answer for a while, he will start looking for the connection point of Jinghuashuiyue in this world.

Through the connection point, they can return to His Royal Highness Stone's cave.

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is still not advisable to go back directly, after all, they came down with nothing.

As the sun sets, the light of battle in the depths of the Styx never ceases.

For three days in a row, the water of the Styx River was choppy, as if it had been impacted by some terrifying fluctuation.

Jian Fengyun was not in a hurry, and began to familiarize himself with the inheritance of immortal alchemy that he had obtained.

The methods contained in the Immortal Alchemy are too powerful, and there are a large number of them. Before that, he had only roughly comprehended them, and it would take a long time to master them in order to truly master them.

The more he comprehended the immortal alchemy, the more surprised Jian Fengyun was.

Because, among the many secret techniques of the Immortal Alchemy, he saw the shadow of the middle-aged man in white who had entered the depths of the Styx.

Most of the mountains and rivers robe he wears and the methods he uses are similar to the records of immortal alchemy.

Could it be that he is the master of Immortal Alchemy and the founder of Ming Yang Shenzong?

A bold guess emerged in Jian Fengyun's heart.

Once this idea is born, it is out of control.

After a long time, a figure covered in blood came out from the gate of Fengdu.

Behind him was the soul of a woman in Tsing Yi.

It can be seen that the middle-aged man loves her very much, and takes every step very carefully behind her back.

Walk through Fengdu, cross the Styx River, and go to the world.

"He snatched that woman's soul back from the ruler of the underworld!"

Jian Fengyun was shocked, watching the figure in white go away, speechless
After an unknown amount of time, an old woman's voice sounded.

"Son, are you his heir?"

This voice sounded like the call of a goddess, and it actually made this world slowly fade away.

The dark red land, as well as the Styx River, all disappeared.

The scenery in front of me turned into an ancient temple, which was cast in bronze. In the center of the temple, there was a bronze coffin exuding an ancient atmosphere.

"Who is speaking?"

Jian Fengyun's eyes wrinkled, he didn't even notice that there were people around.

"Son, don't be nervous. I haven't really recovered yet. Back then, Ming Yang stepped into the underworld and brought me back to the human world. After that, I was put in this coffin, waiting for the day when my soul truly merged with my body."

The voice sounded again.

Jian Fengyun was very surprised, and looked at the position of the coffin.

He stepped forward cautiously.

Unexpectedly, before he took three steps, a white light curtain appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Son, you won't be able to get through. In order to prevent outsiders from disturbing me, Ming Yang has set up a restriction here, which cannot be broken by non-God Emperors."

The owner of the voice should be a woman, with a neutral tone, not vicious.

"Who are you, how can you recognize my patriarch?"

Jian Fengyun moved his eyes and asked.

Ming Yang is the patriarch who is enshrined in the center of the Patriarch Hall.

"I'm his wife, how is he doing now?"

The woman spoke again.


Jian Fengyun was even more surprised, then he frowned and said: "What evidence do you have, the patriarch has disappeared for millions of years, probably passed away long ago, and the times have changed many times now."

If there is no mistake in guessing, Patriarch Mingyang should be a powerful person from ancient times.

It was hard for him to imagine that the peerless figures of that era still lived in this world.

"What, Ming Yang disappeared?"

The woman's tone was horrified, she sighed after a long time, and said: "He must have been delayed by something, with his cultivation level, even the underworld can't trap him, so nothing will happen."

"Are you really the grandmother?"

Jian Fengyun asked again.

"I haven't fully recovered yet. You have touched the memory restriction left by Ming Yang. Presumably you have also seen the scene of him entering the underworld to save me. He walked thousands of miles, walked out of the Styx, and brought me here. Here, pass on my way to teach others, accumulate luck for me, and change my fate against the sky."

The woman spoke again.

"I don't know the name of the patriarch and mother?" Jian Fengyun asked again.

Although he had seen the memory just now, he couldn't just believe the woman's words casually.

"My name is Xuan Yi, you can call me Patriarch Shimu, I can feel the breath of immortal alchemy in you." The woman said.

"You actually know the alchemy of immortality!"

Jian Fengyun was startled, and said in amazement.

"Naturally, I know that Immortal Alchemy is Ming Yang's greatest inheritance in his life. If you practice hard, you will be able to help you stand alone in the galaxy in the future." The woman was silent for a moment, and said.

Jian Fengyun was stunned for a moment, no wonder he felt that in that memory world just now, the middle-aged man in white clothes performed the technique that was very similar to the secret technique recorded in the Immortal Alchemy, but he did not expect it to be derived from the Immortal Alchemy.

If he cultivates this immortal alchemy to the extreme, he can look down on the world like that middle-aged man in white, not afraid of the underworld.

"Is Mingyang Shenzong okay?"

After a while, the woman spoke slowly again.

Jian Fengyun hesitated for a moment, then bowed and saluted.
(End of this chapter)

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