Emperor Wanjian

Chapter 1250

Chapter 1250

Fragrant Flower Pavilion, filled with deer fragrance.

"Master Jian came to see me when he is free, I am really honored."

Mei Yu'er was sitting on the main seat, she was wearing a thin snow dress, which set off her plump chest and her alluring body, which made her very hot.

If an ordinary warrior saw this scene, he would either be drooling or rush forward.

"I promised you that I will go to the Holy Court with you, and I will leave tonight."

Jian Fengyun's expression was calm, his soul power had already reached the silver level, and Mei Yu'er's charm could no longer affect him.

"Leave tonight, are you so anxious?"

Mei Yuer's winking eyes were like silk, and she asked softly.

"Well, I want to see how the Holy Court in the upper realm is doing, and the Holy Court still owes me an Emperor's Token, so I can get it as soon as I go." Jian Fengyun said lightly.

It has been quite a long time since he came to the Upper Realm, and I don't know if the people of the Holy Court still remember to owe him an Emperor's Order.

He intends to give the order of the emperor to Xue'er. Although she has top-level resources in the Dongfang family, the Dongfang family is a god emperor family after all, and the competition is fierce. It is impossible to devote all resources to one person.

Therefore, if Xue'er has the order of the emperor and the resources of the Holy League, she will surely improve her cultivation by leaps and bounds.

"Young Master Jian, you can actually stay overnight before leaving. Yesterday, the Fragrant Flower Treasure Pavilion brought up another jar of fragrant flower wine. You can taste the wine and talk about love and moon with me."

Mei Yu'er got up, moved her long snow-white legs, walked to Jian Fengyun's side, and sat down.

Those winking eyes raised his head stupidly, looking at Jian Fengyun's sharp-edged face.


Jian Fengyun pondered for a while, and said after a while: "Then let's stay overnight, I won't drink the fragrant flower wine, and arrange a room for me."


Mei Yuer's winking eyes are very alluring.

"Young master, come with me."

Mei Yuer swayed, walking in front, a man would probably commit a crime.

Her pretty face was also a little flushed. Although she said she had seen romantic stories since she was a child, she was not a human being. Tonight, she might be about to hand over her most precious to the man behind her for the first time. That feeling of uneasiness still surfaced in her heart.

However, she didn't regret it, she didn't see Jian Fengyun for long, but she was already impressed by his temperament.

If there is one man in this world who can make her fall in love, it is the man behind her.

"Sir, please."

Mei Yuer pushed open the central door of the treasure pavilion, the blush on her face had spread to her ears.

The first time was always so nervous, she comforted herself in her heart and forced herself to calm down.

With a soft bang, the door was pushed open.

A faint fragrance blows over the face, a silk quilt, and the room is a bit feminine.

Jian Fengyun frowned slightly, but he didn't care, he wanted a loft just to enter the third floor of the Devouring Tower and take a good look.

During this period of time, things were in a hurry, and there was no time to go to the Sky Devouring Tower to see what was so special about the newly opened third floor.

"What are you doing in here?"

Jian Fengyun walked towards the edge of the bed, seeing Jian Mei Yuer walking in with him slowly, he couldn't help frowning and asking.

"I..." Mei Yuer blushed pretty.

"Go out, I'm going to practice."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Jian Fengyun waved his hand, and a surge of divine power pushed her out.

With a soft bang, the door closed,

Looking at the tightly closed door, Mei Yuer was taken aback, and stretched out her jade hand to try to push it, but a layer of forbidden light appeared above the door.

As if, when the door was closed, Jian Fengyun also conveniently arranged a layer of restriction.

"Damn it, this dull wooden man"

Mei Yu'er gritted her teeth, furious.

In front of him, such a beautiful woman like himself is not as important as cultivation, and in order to prevent him from entering the door, a ban was placed on the door.

Is he a woman or is she a woman?

After stomping her feet, Mei Yuer angrily walked down the attic.

There is only one bedroom above the Xianghua Pavilion, which was originally used for her to rest on weekdays, but now it is occupied by Jian Fengyun, so she can only find a place below to rest.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. How can there be a cat in this world that doesn't steal.

Is he not good at that?

It's not right, if not, how could he have a wife, the saint of the Dongfang family.

Or am I not beautiful enough?

For the first time in my life, I doubted my own appearance.

Mei Yu'er was disturbed and found it difficult to calm down.

However, in her boudoir, Jian Fengyun had already settled down with his legs crossed, and the scents around him couldn't affect his mood at all.

His consciousness and soul power poured into the Heaven Devouring Immortal Sword in the spiritual sea.

The vast galaxy comes into view, in the center of the galaxy, a nine-story tower stands, and strands of golden light flow on the tower.

In the galaxy, countless golden souls scattered in fear when they encountered Jian Fengyun's soul body.

"You still know how to come back?"

Watching Jian Fengyun's figure stepping into the Sky Devouring Tower, Tianling snorted coldly.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied that Jian Fengyun hadn't entered the Sky Devouring Tower for such a long time.

"Ever since you entered the treasure hall on the third floor of the Heaven Devouring Tower and learned the cultivation method of the Heaven Devouring Divine Body, you have never entered the Heaven Devouring Tower. According to your speed, when will we be able to leave here?" Devouring also sighed.

Jian Fengyun shook his head, very helpless, and said: "There is no way, you have also seen that there are too many facts about me recently, one after another, several times I am facing a desperate situation, I really don't have time to come in ah."

Tianling turned his face away and stopped talking.

What Jian Fengyun said was correct, during this period of time he had indeed had too many breakthroughs, and if he was not careful, he would die.

"Forget it, since you're free now, let's go to the test passage on the third floor. You haven't saved a soul-devouring stone during this period of time. If you want to exchange for the treasures in the treasure hall, you have to Work hard." Devouring shook his head and said immediately.

Jian Fengyun's eyes moved, and he said: "Wait, there is still one thing I don't understand. Recently, I practiced the true method and secret technique of Mingyang Shenzong's inheritance, but for some reason, I couldn't achieve the power I imagined. What is it? what reason?"

"Inheritances are different, and they cannot be used with each other at the ordinary level. Only when you have truly comprehended the true inheritance and secret techniques of Mingyang Shenzong and then integrated them can you use the Heaven-eating Immortal Sutra to mobilize it. However, there is no need to do so. It means that there are countless true methods and secret techniques in the treasure hall that are stronger than Mingyang Shenzong's inheritance, so if you have time, you might as well earn some Chaos Devouring Stones, which is enough for you to practice." Spirit Devourer said.

"I see."

Jian Fengyun suddenly realized, and felt at ease at the moment, all the depression accumulated in his heart in the past few days was gone.

Since the inheritance in the Heaven Devouring Pagoda is stronger, he doesn't need to worry about the inheritance of Mingyang Shenzong.

(End of this chapter)

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